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                <div class="main container py-4 my-5 text-center">
  <h1 class="display-1">Pandit Ravi Shankar</h1>
  <h4 class=""><i>The man who brought Indian music to the world</i></h4>
  <img src="" alt="Ravi Shankar">
    <figcaption class="bg-white p-1">George Harrison with Ravi Shankar in 1967.</figcaption>
    <h3>Here's a brief time line of Pandit Ravi Shankar's life</h3>
    <div class="container w-75">
    <ul class="timeline text-left">
      <li>December 1934 - Ravi Shankar hears Allaudin Khan, the lead musician for the Maihar Court. He is invited by Khan to live with his family in a gurukul, or vedic school, and becomes his disciple. Shankar studies alongside Khan's children, Ali Akbar Khan and Annapurna Devi.</li>
      <li>February 1948 - Ravi Shankar is asked by All India Radio (AIR) to perform "mournful music without tabla accompaniment" following the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi.</li>
      <li>1952 - Shankar is invited to perform for the legendary violinist Yehudi Menuhin, who is on his first concert tour of India. Menuhin is so moved by the experience that he invites Shankar to perform at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.</li>
      <li>August 15, 1969 - Shankar's harrowing experience at Woodstock turns him off from American popular music.</li>
      <li>August 1, 1971 - Shankar hosts the prototypical benefit concert at Madison Square Garden before an audience of 40,000. </li>
      <li>November 1974 - At the invitation of John Gardner Ford, Shankar and Harrison visit the White House the following month but he does not perform.</li>
      <li>1999-  He is honored with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award</li>
      <li>February 26, 2002 - Blue Note Records releases an album by Norah Jones, Shankar's estranged daughter from an affair with New York concert promoter Sue Jones.</li>
      <li>December 11, 2012 - Pandit Ravi Shankar passes away in San Diego at 92, after undergoing heart-valve replacement surgery a few weeks earlier.</li>


          <div class="container w-75 text-left">
          <q class="lead">As for Shankar and the sitar, they are extensions one of the other, each seeming to enter into the other's soul in one of the world's supreme musical arts. It is a thing inimitable, beyond words and forever new. For, as Shankar explained, 90 percent of all the music played was improvised.</q>
       <p class="small"><i>--Paul Hume, music editor, Washington Post</i></p>
    <legend>For more on this master of Indian classical music, please visit <a target="_blank" href="">the official Ravi Shankar website</a>.</legend>

<div class="container w-75 text-center">
  <footer>Written and coded by <a href="">Sikander</a></footer>  


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