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  <div class="button" is="wtc-barfy-stars" data-config='{"numParticles": 50, "gravity": 0.3}'>Hover me, baby.</div>
<!--   <div class="button" is="wtc-barfy-stars" data-config='{"numParticles": 20, "gravity": 0.2, "triggerAtMouse": true}'>Hover me, baby.</div> -->

<!--     <div class="button" is="wtc-barfy-stars" data-config='{"scaleInitial": 1, "momentum" : 10, "gravity": 0, "friction": 0.9999999, "numParticles": 100}'>Hover me, baby.</div> -->

  <!--   <div class="button" is="wtc-barfy-stars" data-config='{"scaleInitial": 1, "momentum" : 10, "gravity": 0.4, "friction": 0.9999999, "numParticles": 100}'>Hover me, baby.</div> -->

  <!--   <div class="button" is="wtc-barfy-stars" data-config='{"scaleInitial": 1, "momentum" : 7, "numParticles": 100, "extraStyles" : ".BSParticle::after { background: url(\"\") no-repeat center center; background-size: contain; }.BSParticle--2::after { background-image: url(\"\");}.BSParticle--3::after { background-image: url(\"\");}.BSParticle--4::after { background-image: url(\"\");}.BSParticle--5::after { background-image: url(\"\");}"}'>Hover me, baby.</div> -->


                @import url('');

body {
  margin: 0;
section {
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  height: 100vh;
  justify-content: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100vw;

.button {
  color: #59C3C3;
  cursor: pointer;
  font-family: "Abril Fatface", sans;
  font-size: 50px;
  letter-spacing: -1px;
.button:hover {
  color: #E07A5F;



let fpsMeasure = getFPSMeasure();

 * The Particle class is responsible for undertaking the calculations based on properties
 * provided by the Simulation class.
 * @class Particle
 * @author Liam Egan <>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @created July 4th, 2017
class Particle {

   * Creates an instance of Particle.
   * @constructor
   * @param {BarfyStars} emitter         The emitter class that provides the properties.
   * @memberOf Particle
  constructor(emitter, startPosition) {
    this.emitter = emitter;
    this.element = document.createElement('span');
    this.element.className = this.emitter.particleClasses;

    let randomFactor = new Vector(Math.random(), Math.random());
    let gravityMultiplier = this.gravityFactor === 0 ? 2 : (-1.-this.gravityFactor);
    this.momentum = new Vector(
      (this.momentumfactor * -1) + (randomFactor.x * (this.momentumfactor * 2)), 
      (this.momentumfactor * -1) + (randomFactor.y * (this.momentumfactor * gravityMultiplier))
    if( !(startPosition instanceof Vector) ) {
      startPosition = new Vector(0,0);
    this.position = startPosition;

    this.scale = this.scaleInitial + Math.random() * this.scaleFactor;
    this.opacity = 1;
    this.gravity = new Vector(0, this.gravityFactor);
    this.rotation = this.momentum.x;;

   * Runs the simulation for the particle.
   * @memberOf Particle
  run() {
    let pos = this.position.clone();
    this.rotation += this.momentum.x;
    this.scale *= this.friction - 0.03;
    this.opacity *= this.friction;
    this.position = pos; = `translate(${ this.position.x }px, ${ this.position.y }px) scale(${ this.scale }) rotate(${ this.rotation }deg)`; = this.opacity;

    if(this.scale < this.removeAt || fpsMeasure.average60 < 5) {

   * Getters and setters

   * (getter/setter) The momentum factor for the particle.
   * If not provided, tries to find the value on the emitter.
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 5.0
  set momentumfactor(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) {
      this._momentumfactor = value;
  get momentumfactor() {
    return this._momentumfactor || this.emitter.momentum || 5.0;

   * (getter/setter) The friction of the particle.
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 0.999
  set friction(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) {
      this._friction = value;
  get friction() {
    return this._friction || this.emitter.friction || 0.999;

   * (getter) The scaleInitial property is the initial scale of the particle.
   * This property is derived from the emitter.
   * @readonly
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 0.5
  get scaleInitial() {
    return this.emitter.scaleInitial || 0.5;

   * (getter) scaleFactor is the amount of scaling that happens on the particle initially.
   * This property is derived from the emitter.
   * @readonly
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 0.8
  get scaleFactor() {
    return this.emitter.scaleFactor || 0.8;

   * (getter) removeAt determines the point, in scale, at which the particle is removed.
   * This property is derived from the emitter.
   * @readonly
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 0.05
  get removeAt() {
    return this.emitter.removeAt || 0.05;

   * (getter) the gravity determines the speed at which the particle falls.
   * This property is derived from the emitter.
   * @readonly
   * @memberOf Particle
   * @default 0.05
  get gravityFactor() {
    return isNaN(this.emitter.gravity) || this.emitter.gravity === null ? 0.4 : this.emitter.gravity;

class WTCBarfyStars extends HTMLDivElement {
  constructor() {

    try {
      if(this.dataset.config) {
        let config = JSON.parse(this.dataset.config);
        this.momentum = config.momentum;
        this.gravity = config.gravity;
        this.friction = config.friction;
        this.numParticles = config.numParticles;
        this.numUniqueParticles = config.numUniqueParticles;
        this.scaleInitial = config.scaleInitial;
        this.scaleFactor = config.scaleFactor;
        this.removeAt = config.removeAt;
        this.extraStyles = config.extraStyles;
        this.triggerAtMouse = config.triggerAtMouse;

      this.working = true;
      this.configured = true;
    } catch (error) {
    // Create a shadow root
    this.shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
    // Create spans
    this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');
    // Create some CSS to apply to the shadow dom
    var style = document.createElement('style');
    style.innerText = this.getStyles();
    this.wrapper.innerHTML = this.innerHTML;
    // Bind the event listeners
    this._onResize = this._onResize.bind(this);
    this._onPointerEnter = this._onPointerEnter.bind(this);
    this._onPointerLeave = this._onPointerLeave.bind(this);
    this._onPointerMove = this._onPointerMove.bind(this);

    if(this.configured) {
      this.addEventListener('pointerenter', this._onPointerEnter);
      this.addEventListener('pointerleave', this._onPointerLeave);
      if(this.triggerAtMouse) {
        this.mousePos = new Vector(0,0);
        window.addEventListener('pointermove', this._onPointerMove);
  getStyles() {
    return `
      .wrapper {
        position: relative;

      .BSParticle {
        display: block;
        height: 1px;
        left: 50%;
        position: absolute;
        pointer-events: none;
        top: 50%;
        width: 1px;
        z-index: 3;
      .BSParticle::after {
        background: #3C6EB7;
        background-size: 100% 100%;
        // box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
        content: '';
        display: block;
        height: 102px;
        position: absolute;
        transform: translate(-51px, -51px);
        width: 102px;
      .BSParticle--2::after {
        background: #59C3C3;
      .BSParticle--3::after {
        background: #E7ECEF;
      .BSParticle--4::after {
        background: #E07A5F;
      .BSParticle--5::after {
        background: #F4E8C1;
    ` + this.extraStyles;
  run() {
    this.particles.forEach((particle)=> {;

    if(this.running) {

  addParticles() {
    let rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
    this.pos = new Vector(rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left) * .5, + (rect.bottom - * .5);
    if(this.working) {
      for(let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++ ) {
      this.running = true;
  addParticle() {
    if(fpsMeasure.average60 > 20) {
      let particle;
      if(this.triggerAtMouse) {
        let pos = this.mousePos.subtractNew(this.pos);
        particle = new Particle(this, pos);
      } else {
        particle = new Particle(this);
  removeParticle(particle) {
    setTimeout(()=> {
      for(let i = this.particles.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if(this.particles[i] === particle) {
          this.particles.splice(i, 1);
      if(this.particles.length <= 0) {
        this.running = false;
      try {
      } catch (error) {
        // console.log(error);
    }, 0);
  _onResize(e) {
    // this.ammendCSS();
  _onPointerEnter(e) {
    if(this.touching) return true;
    this.touching = true;
  _onPointerLeave(e) {
    this.touching = false;
  _onPointerMove(e) {
    this.mousePos.x = e.clientX;
    this.mousePos.y = e.clientY;
  disconnectedCallback() {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onResize);
    window.removeEventListener('pointermove', this._onPointerMove);
  set touching(value) {
    this._touching = value === true;
  get touching() {
    return this._touching === true;
  set configured(value) {
    this._configured = value === true;
  get configured() {
    return this._configured === true;
  set triggerAtMouse(value) {
    this._triggerAtMouse = value === true;
  get triggerAtMouse() {
    return this._triggerAtMouse === true;

  set working(value) {
    this._working = value === true;
  get working() {
    return this._working === true;

  set running(value) {
    let oldValue = this.running;
    this._running = value === true;
    if(this._running === true && oldValue === false) {;
  get running() {
    return this._running === true;

  set wrapper(value) {
    if(value instanceof HTMLElement) {
      this._wrapper = value;
  get wrapper() {
    return this._wrapper || null;

  get particles() {
    if(!this._particles) {
      this._particles = [];
    return this._particles;

  get particleClasses() {
    let c = this.particleBaseClassName;
    return c + ' ' + c + '--' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * this.numUniqueParticles);

  set numUniqueParticles(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._numUniqueParticles = value;
  get numUniqueParticles() {
    return this._numUniqueParticles || 5;

  set particleBaseClassName(value) {
    if(typeof value == 'string') this._particleBaseClassName = value;
  get particleBaseClassName() {
    return this._particleBaseClassName || 'BSParticle';

  set action(value) {
    this._action = ['hover', 'click', 'callback'].indexOf(value);
    if(this._action < 0) this._action = 0;
  get action() {
    return this._action || 0;

  set wrapperClassname(value) {
    if(typeof value == 'string' && value.length > 3) {
      this._wrapperClassname = value;
  get wrapperClassname() {
    return (this._wrapperClassname || 'starburst') + (' ' + this.additionalClasses);

  set momentum(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._momentum = value;
  get momentum() {
    return this._momentum || null;

  set gravity(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._gravity = value;
  get gravity() {
    return isNaN(this._gravity) || this._gravity === null ? null : this._gravity;

  set friction(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._friction = value;
  get friction() {
    return this._friction || null;

  set numParticles(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._numParticles = value;
  get numParticles() {
    return this._numParticles || 20;

  set scaleInitial(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._scaleInitial = value;
  get scaleInitial() {
    return this._scaleInitial || null;

  set scaleFactor(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._scaleFactor = value;
  get scaleFactor() {
    return this._scaleFactor || null;

  set removeAt(value) {
    if( !isNaN(value) ) this._removeAt = value;
  get removeAt() {
    return this._removeAt || null;

  set extraStyles(value) {
    if(typeof value == 'string') this._extraStyles = value;
  get extraStyles() {
    return this._extraStyles || '';
  set mousePos(value) {
    if(value instanceof Vector) this._mousePos = value;
  get mousePos() {
    return this._mousePos || null;

customElements.define('wtc-barfy-stars', WTCBarfyStars, { extends: 'div' });

