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                <h1>Top Ten Steam Games </h1>
<h2>10. Hollow Knight</h2>   
<p class=class11>Possibly the most alluring thing about the best Metroidvania games, other than the gameplay challenge the boss encounters pose, is their sense of exploration. Hollow Knight has that feeling down pat. As a small bug knight, you explore an atmospheric underground kingdom, take on a large number of fellow bugs and develop your skills to reach even the last nooks and crannies. Hollow Knight is an intriguing mix of difficult and relaxing, beautifully animated and mysterious enough to make you want to keep going even when the boss standing between you and the next section may make you want to tear your hair out – learning their move sets and eventually overcoming even the toughest foe is all part of the fun, after all.

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" US_PB_PLA_ST_DIGI_GAM_Shopping&id=67&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BING-US_PB_PLA_ST_DIGI_GAM_Shopping&msclkid=2c0ed06c7daa19c8bb9bb35a71a56310" target="_blank"
<img src= "" class=class1>
<h2>9. Dishonored 2</h2>
<p class=class12>When people talk about the freedom to play a game their way, Dishonoured 2 is still the most common example. As assassin Corvo or Emily Attano, you sneak your way through the city of Karnaca, in order to learn the identity of a mysterious killer. Dishonored isn’t only an achievement in stealth, it also manages to give you compelling reasons to approach situations non-violently, while still making sure you end up with your back to the wall often enough that sticking to one playstyle isn’t all too easy. Renowned for its level design, Dishonoured gives you many different approaches, and to pull off a particularly daring play is a joy all of its own. 
<a href= "" target="_blank"
<img src=""class=class2>
<h2>8. Return of the Obra Dinn</h2>
<p class=class13>Detective games don’t get much better than Return of the Obra Dinn. Gruesome murders and other mysteries took place on a merchant ship, and it’s up to you to figure out what exactly took place, simply by gathering clues and coming to your own conclusions. It’s fascinating how hands-off the game is, too, simply asking you to pay attention to small things many other detective games regularly forget. You need a good eye and patience, but working a mystery out is immensely satisfying. Return of the Obra Dinn shows that detective mysteries can be so much more than reading text-based clues and doing random puzzles – this is the full sleuthing experience.
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src=""class=class3>
  <h2>7. Destiny 2</h2>
  <p class=class14>Destiny 2 is a game that keeps changing. Its latest incarnation, Beyond Light, deleted a good half of what’s there to simply replace it with better things, like the fun new Stasis power. This is a loot shooter that lives from, you guessed it, it’s excellent loot. Now that it’s free, there is also no other online shooter quite like it, both in setting, feel, and sheer breadth of content.One thing is for certain – Bungie will keep trying to innovate, and Destiny 2 isn’t going anywhere, so this is a great time to start the game everyone’s playing.
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<img src=""class=class4>       </a>                    

<h2>6. Kentucky Route Zero</h2>
<p class=class15>A standout among narrative games, Kentucky Route Zero knows how to craft a wonderfully dense atmosphere with seemingly very little. Here, the way that text moves can be more expressive than fully animated characters in other games. Kentucky Route Zero inhabits a space in magical realism storytelling no other game does, and it successfully explores how you use text to describe many different forms of gameplay. This is a game that fully delivered on its intent to be a magical experience, and it has very evocative art to boot.
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<img src=""class=class5>                                                                                                  
<h2>5. XCOM 2</h2>
<p class=class16>The XCOM reboot revived the landscape of round-based tactics, but while its gameplay has been often copied, there is nothing quite like the original. It’s one of those “just one more round” games, where getting your squad through an encounter takes good planning (and a few lucky surprises). Even though your home base grows and your soldiers become stronger over time, XCOM 2 is enjoyably tense because none of that ever means you’re safe – you’re simply gaining more gameplay options.The excellent XCOM 2: War of the Chosen DLC adds a lot of flair to the game thanks to its warring factions. What before was little more than just an assortment of missions about humanity surviving hostile takeover by aliens that way even eventually got an exciting conflict.
<a href="" target"_blank">
<img src= class=class6>
<h2>4. Into the Breach</h2>                   <p class=class17>It’s chess, but with rocket launchers and mechs instead of knights and bishops. Okay, it’s not actually chess, but Into the Breach’s rules feel equally as simple and elegant. Your alien enemies - usually giant insects - always telegraph their next move, whether that’s moving one square, attacking a skyscraper, or spitting bile in your direction. It’s your job to slot those puzzle pieces into place, and decide how you can wipe out as many of them as possible in one turn. You take control of one of eight mech squads, which you unlock sequentially, each with its own specialty. The Blitzkrieg are lightning specialists, the Frozen Titans use ice, the Steel Judoka use raw physical strength. Your three units have their own skills, and you must work out how to apply them to the situation at hand. As the Blitzkrieg, you might use your Hook Mech to move enemies into a line, then strike with your Lightning Mech to send a pulse of electricity through them all, for example. Randomized levels and the chance of upgrading your units keep tempting us back for one more round.

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<img src="" class=class7>  

<h2>3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</h2>
<p class=class18>More than anything else, it's the world of The Witcher 3 that fascinates because it's so large, beautiful, and stuffed with history. The Witcher 3 a lot less clunky than Skyrim, which it often gets compared to, and it shares its adult tone with some of the best high fantasy RPG franchises out there. Gruff Witcher Geralt will grow on with each crotchety response, and the story paints a delicious, slowly unraveling mystery you will want to see through to the end. There's a reason this game tops so many best gaming lists.
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<h2>2. Divinity: Original Sin 2</h2>
<p class=class19>The term “CRPG”, or “computer roleplaying game” may have lost its meaning, but it still describes a certain type of adventure, isometric and heavily inspired by famous pen and paper roleplaying games such as Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons. sDivinity: Original Sin 2 is the best game of its kind you can play. You have the freedom to make a ton of really granular choices in regards to how to solve a quest, talk to your party members, and progress with the main story. Combat, too, can be endlessly versatile, if difficult, and you will have hours upon hours of fun teasing of each of the game’s secrets.  
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                                                                           <h2>1. Red Dead Redemption 2</h2>
<p class=class20>For most genres, you have multiple games to choose from, but when it comes to spending time in the Wild West, the buck stops at Red Dead Redemption 2. This game encompasses every facet of what you thought being a cowboy would be like – senseless mass carnage, muck around at a saloon, enjoy the quiet of nature – and connect to those who have it hard out in the West. On the technical front, it’s beautiful and detailed, the performances are top-notch, and, like with almost every one of the best open-world games, you will frequently turn away on the road to your next objective, simply because you happened across an interesting encounter first. Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like an adventure in best sense – it can be dramatic and quiet, moving and brutal. It’s a big, big, fulfilling one of the biggest gaming fantasies from our youth, next to being a knight and a ninja.
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