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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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                <div class="layout">
  <header class="header item">
      <p>Nav element</p>

  <main class="main-container" style="padding: 0;">
    <div class="content feature-island">
      <div class="feature-island-main" style="--featured-2: true;">
        <article class="post">
          <div class="test">
            <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
            <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
            <div class="meta">
              <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
              <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

          <div class="desc">
            Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

          <figure class="media">
            <img alt="" src="">
      <div class="feature-island-posts" style="--type: plain;">
        <div class="post-wrapper">
          <article class="post">
            <div class="test">
              <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
              <h3 class="title">This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password</h3>
              <div class="meta">
                <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
                <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

            <div class="desc">
              Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

        <div class="post-wrapper">
          <article class="post">
            <div class="test">
              <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
              <h3 class="title">Snapchat’s My AI goes rogue, posts to Stories, but Snap confirms it was just a glitch</h3>
              <div class="meta">
                <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
                <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

            <div class="desc">
              Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

        <div class="post-wrapper">
          <article class="post">
            <div class="test">
              <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
              <h3 class="title">Women-led firms are a bright spot in 2023’s fundraising slump</h3>
              <div class="meta">
                <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
                <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

            <div class="desc">
              Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

        <div class="post-wrapper">
          <article class="post">
            <div class="test">
              <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
              <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
              <div class="meta">
                <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
                <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

            <div class="desc">
              Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended


    <div class="other-content" style="container-type: inline-size; --thumb: true;">

      <article class="post">
        <div class="test">
          <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
          <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
          <div class="meta">
            <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
            <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

        <div class="desc">
          Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

        <figure class="media">
          <img alt="" src="">

      <article class="post">
        <div class="test">
          <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
          <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
          <div class="meta">
            <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
            <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

        <div class="desc">
          Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

        <figure class="media">
          <img alt="" src="">

      <div style="--flipped: true;">
        <article class="post">
          <div class="test">
            <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
            <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
            <div class="desc desc-test">
              Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended
            <div class="meta">
              <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
              <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

          <div class="desc">
            Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

          <figure class="media">
            <img alt="" src="">
      <article class="post">
        <div class="test">
          <div class="category">Government & Policy</div>
          <h3 class="title">Worldcoin hopes to resume iris scans in Kenya</h3>
          <div class="meta">
            <p>Ahmad Shadeed</p>
            <time class="river-byline__full-date-time" datetime="2023-08-03T14:20:14">5:20 PM GMT+3<span class="full-date-time__separator">•</span>August 3, 2023</time>

        <div class="desc">
          Sam Altman’s crypto startup Worldcoin yesterday faced its first major hurdle in Africa when authorities in Kenya suspended

  <aside class="item aside">
    <p>Ads and side stuff</p>

  <footer class="item footer">
    <p>I'm the footer</p>


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/* Feature island */
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/* Post */
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/********** Plain **********/
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/********** Featured **********/
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/* other styles */

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                // // Function to update the element with its width value
// function updateElementWidth(elementClass) {
//   const elements = document.getElementsByClassName(elementClass);
//   for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
//     const element = elements[i];
//     element.innerHTML = `${elementClass} width: ${element.offsetWidth}px`;
//   }
// }

// // Function to handle window resize event
// function handleWindowResize() {
//   updateElementWidth("header");
//   updateElementWidth("content");
//   updateElementWidth("aside");
//   updateElementWidth("footer");
// }

// // Add event listener to handle window resize
// window.addEventListener("resize", handleWindowResize);

// // Initial call to update the element widths when the page loads
// handleWindowResize();

