<h1 style="padding-top: 60px;">CSS Slider</h1>
<h2>Css Slider, &nbsp;js kodları olmadanda artık mümkün!</h2>
<div id="slider1" class="csslider infinity">
  <input type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_1"/>
  <input type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_2"/>
  <input type="radio" name="slides" checked="checked" id="slides_3"/>
  <input type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_4"/>
  <input type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_5"/>
  <input type="radio" name="slides" id="slides_6"/>
      <p>CSS ile yapılacak çok sayıda sliderlardan biri çok amaçlı kullanılabilecek bir slider...</p></li>
      <img src=" https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9iL5gquWhzQ/VDNe4JgXe8I/AAAAAAAABpQ/7R_O6P-HrHc/s1600/miG.png"/>
      <div id="bg">
          <h1>CSS Açıklama</h1>
          <p>Resim Açıklaması Yazılabilir Harika bir Açıklama Menüsü</p>
    <li class="scrollable">
      <h1>Metin Belgesi</h1>
      <h2>Kaydırılabilir Metin</h2>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları </br>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları </br>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları </br>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları </br>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları </br>
        miG, <a href="http://www.migunes.com">miGunes.com</a> html, css vs js kod yazılımları ayrıca (Html, Css ve Js) Konularında Sizlere Yardımcı Olmak için varız.
        Web Tasarımları 
      <div id="center">
        <a href="https://github.com/migunes" data-text="GİTHUB Sayfamız için" target="_blank" class="nice-link">
          GİTHUB Sayfamız için
      <div id="center">
        <a id="dex-sign" href="http://www.migunes.com" target="_blank" class="play">
          <img src="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Pu9uvo_85AY/VDNe4Q7jmiI/AAAAAAAABpU/P2X5lxJGHOk/s1600/miG1.png">
          <img src=" https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9iL5gquWhzQ/VDNe4JgXe8I/AAAAAAAABpQ/7R_O6P-HrHc/s1600/miG.png">
  <div class="arrows">
    <label for="slides_1"></label>
    <label for="slides_2"></label>
    <label for="slides_3"></label>
    <label for="slides_4"></label>
    <label for="slides_5"></label>
    <label for="slides_6"></label>
    <label for="slides_1" class="goto-first"></label>
    <label for="slides_6" class="goto-last"></label>
  <div class="navigation">
      <label for="slides_1"></label>
      <label for="slides_2"></label>
      <label for="slides_3"></label>
      <label for="slides_4"></label>
      <label for="slides_5"></label>
      <label for="slides_6"></label>
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,700|Lato);
.csslider {
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  perspective: 1300px;
  display: inline-block;
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  margin-bottom: 22px;
.csslider > input {
  display: none;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 10):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -900%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 9):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -800%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 8):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -700%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 7):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -600%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 6):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -500%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 5):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -400%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 4):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -300%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 3):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -200%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 2):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: -100%;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type( 1):checked ~ ul li:first-of-type {
  margin-left: 0%;
.csslider > ul {
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.csslider > ul > li {
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.csslider > ul > li.scrollable {
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.csslider > .navigation {
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.csslider > .navigation > div {
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.csslider > .navigation label {
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  cursor: pointer;
  border-radius: 50%;
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  padding: 4px;
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.csslider > .navigation label:hover:after {
  opacity: 1;
.csslider > .navigation label:after {
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  margin-top: -6px;
  background: #71ad37;
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  padding: 6px;
  opacity: 0;
.csslider > .arrows {
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  user-select: none;
.csslider.inside .navigation {
  bottom: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
.csslider.inside .navigation label {
  border: 1px solid #7e7e7e;
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(1):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(1):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(2):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(2):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(3):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(3):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(4):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(4):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(5):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(5):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(6):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(6):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(7):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(7):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(8):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(8):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(9):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(9):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(10):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(10):after,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(11):checked ~ .navigation label:nth-of-type(11):after {
  opacity: 1;
.csslider > .arrows {
  position: absolute;
  left: -31px;
  top: 50%;
  width: 100%;
  height: 26px;
  padding: 0 31px;
  z-index: 0;
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.csslider > .arrows label {
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  transition: box-shadow 0.15s, margin 0.15s;
.csslider > .arrows label:hover {
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  margin: 0 0px;
.csslider > .arrows label:before {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: -100%;
  left: -100%;
  height: 300%;
  width: 300%;
.csslider.infinity > input:first-of-type:checked ~ .arrows label.goto-last,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(1):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(0),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(2):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(1),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(3):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(2),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(4):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(3),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(5):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(4),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(6):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(5),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(7):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(6),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(8):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(7),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(9):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(8),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(10):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(9),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(11):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(10) {
  display: block;
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  -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
  -o-transform: rotate(45deg);
  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.csslider.infinity > input:last-of-type:checked ~ .arrows label.goto-first,
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(1):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(2),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(2):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(3),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(3):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(4),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(4):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(5),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(5):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(6),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(6):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(7),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(7):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(8),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(8):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(9),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(9):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(10),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(10):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(11),
.csslider > input:nth-of-type(11):checked ~ .arrows > label:nth-of-type(12) {
  display: block;
  right: 0;
  left: auto;
  -moz-transform: rotate(225deg);
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  -o-transform: rotate(225deg);
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  transform: rotate(225deg);
/*#region MODULES */
/*#endregion */
/*___________________________________ LAYOUT ___________________________________ */
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  animation: sign-anim 3.5s 0.5s steps(85) forwards;
#bg {
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#bg:before {
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#bg:after {
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/*___________________________________ LINK ___________________________________ */
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a.nice-link:hover {
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a.nice-link:hover:after {
  width: 100%;
/*___________________________________ SIGN ___________________________________ */
#dex-sign {
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  left: 33%;
  top: 45%;
  opacity: .7;
  background: url( https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9iL5gquWhzQ/VDNe4JgXe8I/AAAAAAAABpQ/7R_O6P-HrHc/s1600/miG.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
#dex-sign:hover {
  opacity: 1;
  -webkit-filter: invert(30%) brightness(80%) sepia(100%) contrast(110%) saturate(953%) hue-rotate(45deg);
@-webkit-keyframes sign-anim {
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@-moz-keyframes sign-anim {
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@keyframes sign-anim {
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