Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.




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.ci-cal-container .ci-body .ci-row {
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.ci-cal-container .ci-body .ci-row {
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.ci-cal-container .ci-body .ci-row:last-child {
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.ci-cal-container .ci-body .ci-row .ci-event-row {
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.ci-cal-container .ci-body .ci-row>div .ci-date {
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.ci-event.public .end-cap,
.ci-event.public .start-cap {

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.ci-event.public .end-cap-border,
.ci-event.public .start-cap-border {

    border-color: transparent #D1DBBB;


.ci-event.private .end-cap,
.ci-event.private .start-cap {

    border-color: transparent #cceff2;


.ci-event.private .end-cap-border,
.ci-event.private .start-cap-border {

    border-color: transparent #9FBABD;


.ci-event.public {

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    border-color: #D1DBBB;


.ci-event.private {

    background: #cceff2;
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.ci-event label {

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@media(max-width:360px) {

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        float: left;
        height: auto;
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        position: relative;


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        left: 0px !important;
        margin: 5px !important;
        width: calc(100% - 10px) !important;


    .start-cap-border {

        display: none;




                ;(function($, window, undefined) {

	'use strict';

	$.ciCalendar = function(options, element) {

		this.$el = $(element);


	// set the calendars default options
	$.ciCalendar.defaults = {

		   // array of the different days of the week
		   // 'days' for the full string of each day
		   // '_days' for the abbreviation of each day
		   days : ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
		  _days : ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],

		 // array of the different months of the year
		 // 'months' for the full string of each month
		 // '_months' for the abbreviation of each month
		 months : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
		_months : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],

		// toggle abbreviations for
		// how days are displayed
		abbr_days: false,

		// toggle abbreviations for
		// how months are displayed
		abbr_months: false,

		// set the left most day in the calendar
		// 0 for sunday, 1 for monday, etc.
		start_day: 0,

		events: {},

		// event handler for when a day (in the current month) is clicked
		dateClick: function($el, $content, dateProperties){ return false; }


	// begin the prototype
	$.ciCalendar.prototype = {

		 * _init
		 * Sets the default options into place
		 * and initializes the calendar.
		 * @param options

		_init: function(options) {

			// set the prototype options
			// pulls from defaults unless manually changed
			this.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.ciCalendar.defaults, options);

			// set todays date = new Date();

			// set the current month
			this.month = (isNaN(this.options.month) || this.options.month == null) ? : this.options.month - 1;

			// set the current year
			this.year = (isNaN(this.options.year) || this.options.year == null) ? : this.options.year;

			// set the data array = || {};

			// generate the calendar template

			// initialize the events


		 * _initEvents
		 * Initializes global events such as
		 * calendar cell clicks.

		_initEvents: function() {

			// internalize
			var self = this;

			// handle calendar cell click events
			this.$el.on('click.calendar', ' > div', function() {

				var $cell = $(this),
					idx = $cell.index(),
					$content = $cell.children('div'),
					dateProp = {
						day: $cell.children('').text(),
						month: self.month + 1,
						monthname: self.options.abbr_months ? self.options._months[self.month] : self.options.months[self.month],
						year: self.year,
						weekday: idx + self.options.start_day - 2,
						weekdayname: self.options.days[idx + self.options.start_day - 2]

				if( {

					self.options.dateClick($cell, $content, dateProp);




		 * _generate
		 * Generates a fresh view of the calendar
		 * based on the current year and month.
		 * @param callback
		 * @return dom

		_generate: function(callback) {

			var head = this._getHead(),
				body = this._getDays(),

			switch(this.rowTotal) {

				case 4 : rowClass = 'cal-rows-four'; break;
				case 5 : rowClass = 'cal-rows-five'; break;
				case 6 : rowClass = 'cal-rows-six'; break;


			this.$cal = $('<div class="ci-calendar ' + rowClass + '">').append(head, body);

			if(callback) {;



		 * _getHead
		 * Generates the weekday strings in the header
		 * of the calendar. Order of weekdays is based
		 * on the options.start_day parameter.
		 * @return html

		_getHead: function() {

			var html =  '<div class="ci-head">';

			for(var i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {

				var pos = i + this.options.start_day,
					j = pos > 6 ? pos - 6 - 1 : pos;

				html += '<div>';
				html += this.options.abbr_days ? this.options._days[j] : this.options.days[j];
				html += '</div>';


			html += '</div>';

			return html;


		 * _getDays
		 * Generates the rest of the calendar.
		 * Creates 6 rows, each containing 7 cells.
		 * Cross-checks which day the month starts
		 * and ends on and fills the cells accordingly.
		 * @return html

		_getDays: function() {

			var d = new Date(this.year, this.month + 1, 0),
				monthLength = d.getDate(),
				firstDay = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);

			// get the starting dat of the month
			this.startingDay = firstDay.getDay();

			// start creating the html output for the calendar cells
			var html = '<div class="ci-body" data-month="' + (this.month + 1) + '"><div class="ci-row" data-week="1">',
				day = 1;

			// loop through the weekdays
			for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

				// add containers for events
				for(var k = 0; k < 2; k++) {

					html += '<span class="ci-event-row" data-event-row="' + (k+1) + '"></span>';


				// loop through week rows
				for(var j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {

					var pos = this.startingDay - this.options.start_day,
						p = pos < 0 ? 6 + pos + 1 : pos,
						inner = '',
						today = this.month === && this.year === && day ===,
						content = '';

					if(day <= monthLength && (i > 0 || j >= p)) {

						html += '<div class="' + cellClasses + '" data-month="' + (this.month + 1) + '" data-day="' + day + '" data-events="0">';

						inner += '<span class="ci-date">' + day + '</span>';

						var strdate = (this.month + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (this.month + 1) : this.month + 1) + '-' + (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day) + '-' + this.year,
							dayData =[strdate];

						if(dayData) {

							content = dayData;


						if(content !== '') {

							inner += '<div class="empty">' + content + '</div>';




						html += '<div class="empty">';

						today = false;


					var cellClasses = today ? 'ci-today ' : '';

					if(content !== '') {

						cellClasses += 'ci-content ';


					html += inner;
					html += '</div>';


				if(day > monthLength) {

					this.rowTotal = i + 1;


					html += '</div><div class="ci-row" data-week="' + (i+2) + '">';



			html += '</div></div>';

			return html;


		 * _isValidDate
		 * Referenced from
		 * Let's make sure the date being passed through is valid.
		 * Checks day values, month values, leap years, etc.
		 * @param date
		 * @return array

		_isValidDate: function(date) {

			// change date to 'MMDDYYYY' format
			date = date.replace(/-/gi, '');

			// seperate the date string into vars
			var month = parseInt(date.substr(0, 2), 10),
				day   = parseInt(date.substr(2, 4), 10),
				year  = parseInt(date.substr(4, 8), 10);

			// is the month between 1 and 12?
			if((month < 1) || (month > 12)) {

				return false;

			// is the dat between 1 and 31?
			}else if((day < 1) || (day > 31)) {

				return false;

			// there are only 30 days in April, June, September, and November
			}else if(((month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) && (day > 30)) {

				return false;

			// check for leap years
			}else if((month == 2) && (((year % 400) == 0) || ((year % 4) == 0)) && ((year % 100) != 0) && (day > 29)) {

				return false;

			// double check for leap years
			}else if((month == 2) && ((year % 100) == 0) && (day > 29)) {

				return false;


			return {

				day: day,
				month: month,
				year: year



		 * _clearEvents
		 * Move the calendar between months and years.
		 * The movement is based on the period and dir
		 * values that are passed into the function.
		 * Period values can be either 'month' or 'year'
		 * and the Dir values 'previous' or 'next'.

		_clearEvents: function() {

			$('.ci-row > div').attr('data-events', 0);


		 * _updateEvents
		 * Move the calendar between months and years.
		 * The movement is based on the period and dir
		 * values that are passed into the function.
		 * Period values can be either 'month' or 'year'
		 * and the Dir values 'previous' or 'next'.
		 * @param array

		_updateEvents: function(_events) {


			// console.log(_events);

			// calculate the number of days between
        	// two supplied dates in mm/dd/yyyy format
            Date.prototype.diffDates = function() {

                var mill = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
                    diff = arguments[0] - this,
                    days = Math.floor(diff/mill);

                return days; // add 1 to include the first day


			// loop through each event supplied in
			// the _events object when the function is called
			$.each(_events, function(index, _event) {

				// define the dom elements we'll need
                var $_event_start_day   = $('.ci-row > div[data-day="' + _event.start['day'] + '"]'),
                	$_event_finish_day  = $('.ci-row > div[data-day="' + _event.end['day'] + '"]'),
                	$_event_start_week  = $_event_start_day.parent(),
                	$_event_finish_week = $_event_finish_day.parent(),
                	$_event_start_cells  = new Array(),
                	$_event_finish_cells  = new Array();

                // define the start date, end date, and number days between them
                var _dateStart  = new Date(_event.start['month'] + '/' + _event.start['day'] + '/' + _event.start['year']),
                    _dateFinish = new Date(_event.end['month'] + '/' + _event.end['day'] + '/' + _event.end['year']),
                    _startPos   = $_event_start_day.index() - 1,
                    _finishPos  = $_event_finish_day.index() - 1,
                    _totalDays  = _dateStart.diffDates(_dateFinish);

                // define the widths of needed elements
                var _blockWidth  = Math.floor($('.ci-row > div').width()), // width of each day in pixels
                	_eventWidth  = _blockWidth * _totalDays, // total width of the event in pixels
                	_eventHeight = Math.floor(($('.ci-event-row').outerHeight() / 2) - 4.5), // get the events height
                	_daysWidth   = _blockWidth * 7, // total width of the calendar in pixels
                	_eventOffset = _startPos * _blockWidth - _blockWidth,
					_eventTotals = _eventWidth + _eventOffset,
					_eventLeftover = _eventTotals - _daysWidth;


				// make sure the event matches the currently
				// viewed year and month before appending to calendar
                if(_event.start['year'] == calendar.year && _event.start['month'] == calendar.month + 1) {

                	for(var i = _event.start['day']; i <= _event.end['day']; i++){

                		var j = $('.ci-row > div[data-day="' + i + '"]').attr('data-events');


                		$('.ci-row > div[data-day="' + i + '"]').attr('data-events', j);


                    if(_eventTotals > _daysWidth) {

                    	// this event is long and will carry into the next row

                    	$_event_start_week.find('.ci-event-row').each(function(i, el) {



						$_event_finish_week.find('.ci-event-row').each(function(i, el) {



                    	var _eventDifference = _eventTotals - _daysWidth,
                    		_eventToDraw = _eventTotals - _eventOffset - _eventDifference;

                		var html_one  = '<span class="ci-event private';
			                html_one += '" style="left:' + (_eventOffset + 6) + 'px;';
			                html_one += 'width:' + (_eventToDraw - _eventHeight - 3) + 'px;">';

			                html_one += '<span class="end-cap" style="';
			                html_one += 'right:-' + Math.floor(_eventHeight/1.5) + 'px; border-width: ' + _eventHeight + 'px 0px ' + _eventHeight + 'px ' + Math.floor(_eventHeight / 1.5) + 'px;';
			                html_one += '"></span>';

			                html_one += '<span class="end-cap-border" style="';
			                html_one += 'right:-' + Math.floor((_eventHeight/1.5) + 2) + 'px; border-width: ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px 0px ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((_eventHeight / 1.5) + 2) + 'px;';
			                html_one += '"></span>';

			                html_one += '<label>' + _event.details['title'] + '<br>starts: ' + _event.start['month'] + '/' + _event.start['day'] + ', ends: ' + _event.end['month'] + '/' + _event.end['day'] + '...</label>';
			                html_one += '</span>';

			            if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') <= 1) {


		               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') >= 1) {


		               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') > 1) {

		               		console.log('view more');


			            if(_event.end['month'] === _event.start['month']) {

			            	var html_two  = '<span class="ci-event private';
				                html_two += '" style="left:' + (_eventHeight + 6) + 'px;';
				                html_two += 'width:' + ((_eventDifference - _eventHeight + _blockWidth) - 9) + 'px;">';

				                html_two += '<span class="start-cap" style="';
				                html_two += 'left:-' + Math.floor(_eventHeight/1.5) + 'px; border-width: ' + _eventHeight + 'px ' + Math.floor(_eventHeight / 1.5) + 'px ' + _eventHeight + 'px 0px;';
				                html_two += '"></span>';

				                html_two += '<span class="start-cap-border" style="';
				                html_two += 'left:-' + Math.floor((_eventHeight/1.5) + 2) + 'px; border-width: ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((_eventHeight / 1.5) + 2) + 'px ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px 0px;';
				                html_two += '"></span>';

				                html_two += '<label>...' + _event.details['title'] + '<br>starts: ' + _event.start['month'] + '/' + _event.start['day'] + ', ends: ' + _event.end['month'] + '/' + _event.end['day'] + '</label>';
				                html_two += '</span>';

			  				if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') <= 1) {


			               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') >= 1) {


			               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') > 1) {

			               		console.log('view more');




                    	// this event fits within its starting row

                    	$_event_start_week.find('.ci-event-row').each(function(i, el) {



                    	var html  = '<span class="ci-event public';
			                html += '" style="left:' + (_eventOffset + 6) + 'px;';

			                if(_event.start['month'] != _event.end['month']) {

			                	html += 'width:' + (_eventWidth - _eventHeight + _blockWidth - 5) + 'px;">';

			                	html += '<span class="end-cap" style="';
				                html += 'right:-' + Math.floor(_eventHeight/1.5) + 'px; border-width: ' + _eventHeight + 'px 0px ' + _eventHeight + 'px ' + Math.floor(_eventHeight / 1.5) + 'px;';
				                html += '"></span>';

				                html += '<span class="end-cap-border" style="';
				                html += 'right:-' + Math.floor((_eventHeight/1.5) + 2) + 'px; border-width: ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px 0px ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((_eventHeight / 1.5) + 2) + 'px;';
				                html += '"></span>';


			                	html += 'width:' + (_eventWidth + _blockWidth - 5) + 'px;">';


			                html += '<label>' + _event.details['title'] + '<br>starts: ' + _event.start['month'] + '/' + _event.start['day'] + ', ends: ' + _event.end['month'] + '/' + _event.end['day'] + '</label>';
			                html += '</span>';

			               	if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') <= 1) {


			               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') >= 1) {


			               	}else if($_event_start_day.attr('data-events') > 1) {

			               		console.log('view more');



                }else if(_event.end['year'] == calendar.year && _event.end['month'] == calendar.month + 1) {

                	// this event is being carried over from the previous month

                	$_event_finish_week.find('.ci-event-row').each(function(i, el) {



					var _newStartPos = _finishPos - _totalDays > 1 ? _finishPos - _totalDays : 1,
						_newStartPos = _newStartPos * _blockWidth - _blockWidth,
						_newEventWidth = _blockWidth * _finishPos - _blockWidth;

					var html  = '<span class="ci-event public';
                        html += '" style="left:' + (_newStartPos + _eventHeight + 6) + 'px;';
                        html += 'width:' + ((_newEventWidth - _eventHeight) - 5) + 'px;">';

                        html += '<span class="start-cap" style="';
                        html += 'left:-' + Math.floor(_eventHeight/1.5) + 'px; border-width: ' + _eventHeight + 'px ' + Math.floor(_eventHeight / 1.5) + 'px ' + _eventHeight + 'px 0px;';
                        html += '"></span>';

                        html += '<span class="start-cap-border" style="';
                        html += 'left:-' + Math.floor((_eventHeight/1.5) + 2) + 'px; border-width: ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((_eventHeight / 1.5) + 2) + 'px ' + (_eventHeight + 2) + 'px 0px;';
                        html += '"></span>';

                        html += '<label>' + _event.details['title'] + '<br>starts: ' + _event.start['month'] + '/' + _event.start['day'] + ', ends: ' + _event.end['month'] + '/' + _event.end['day'] + '</label>';
                        html += '</span>';





		 * _move
		 * Move the calendar between months and years.
		 * The movement is based on the period and dir
		 * values that are passed into the function.
		 * Period values can be either 'month' or 'year'
		 * and the Dir values 'previous' or 'next'.
		 * @param period
		 * @param dir
		 * @param callback

		_move: function(period, dir, callback) {

			// take a step back
			if(dir === 'previous') {

				// go back a month
				if(period === 'month') {

					if(this.month > 0) {

						this.month = --this.month;


						this.month = 11;
						this.year = --this.year;


				// go back a year
				}else if(period === 'year') {

					this.year = --this.year;


			// put your best foot forward
			}else if(dir === 'next') {

				// go forward a month
				if(period === 'month') {

					if(this.month < 11) {

						this.month = ++this.month;


						this.month = 0;
						this.year = ++this.year;


				// go forward a year
				}else if(period === 'year') {

					this.year = ++this.year;





		 * _getYear
		 * Return the current calendar year
		 * @return int

		_getYear: function() {

			return this.year;


		 * _getMonth
		 * Return the current calendar month
		 * @return int

		_getMonth: function() {

			return this.month + 1;


		_getNextMonth: function() {

			var next_month = this.month;

			if(next_month < 11) {

				next_month = ++next_month;


				next_month = 0;


			return this.options.abbr_months ? this.options._months[next_month] : this.options.months[next_month];


		_getLastMonth: function() {

			var last_month = this.month;

			if(last_month > 0) {

				last_month = --last_month;


				last_month = 11;


			return this.options.abbr_months ? this.options._months[last_month] : this.options.months[last_month];


		 * _getMonthName
		 * Return the current calendar month
		 * as a string value. Output will be
		 * determined based on abbreviations
		 * being enabled or disabled.
		 * @return string

		_getMonthName: function() {

			return this.options.abbr_months ? this.options._months[this.month] : this.options.months[this.month];


		_getCell: function(day) {

			var row = Math.floor((day + this.startingDay - this.options.start_day) / 7),
				pos = day + this.startingDay - this.options.start_day - (row * 7) - 1;

			return this.$cal.find('').children('').eq(row).children('div').eq(pos).children('div');


		_setData: function(data) {

			data = data || {};
			$.extend(, data);



		 * _gotoNow
		 * Update the month and year values
		 * to the current date then regenerate
		 * the calendar view.
		 * @param callback

		_gotoNow: function(callback) {

			this.month =;
			this.year =;



		 * _gotoDate
		 * Update the calendar to display a
		 * specific month and year based on
		 * the passed values.
		 * @param month
		 * @param year
		 * @param callback

		_gotoDate: function(month, year, callback) {

			this.month = month;
			this.year = year;



		 * _gotoNextMonth
		 * Move the current calendar view
		 * to the upcoming month and then
		 * regenerate the view.
		 * @param callback

		_gotoNextMonth: function(callback) {

			this._move('month', 'next', callback);


		 * _gotoPreviousMonth
		 * Move the current calendar view
		 * to the previous month and then
		 * regenerate the view.
		 * @param callback

		_gotoPreviousMonth: function(callback) {

			this._move('month', 'previous', callback);


		 * _gotoNextYear
		 * Move the current calendar view
		 * to the upcoming year and then
		 * regenerate the view.
		 * @param callback

		_gotoNextYear: function(callback) {

			this._move('year', 'next', callback);


		 * _gotoPreviousYear
		 * Move the current calendar view
		 * to the previous year and then
		 * regenerate the view.
		 * @param callback

		_gotoPreviousYear: function(callback) {

			this._move('year', 'previous', callback);



	 * _errors
	 * Basic error logging. Passed errors
	 * are logged through the browser console.
	 * @param message
	 * @return error

	var _errors = function(message) {

		if(window.console) {




	 * ciCalendar
	 * @param options
	 * @return instance

	$.fn.ciCalendar = function(options) {

		// begin a new instance of the calendar
		var instance = $.data(this, 'ciCalendar');

		// if the options being passed into the calendar
		// are in string format, let's go ahead and split
		// it up into a nice shiny array
		if(typeof options == 'string') {

			// shiny new array of arguments
			var args =, 1);

			// loop the arguments
			this.each(function() {

				if(!instance) {

					_errors('cannot call methods on the calendar prior to initialization. ' +
					'attempted to call method "' + options + '"');



				if(!$.isFunction(instance[options]) || options.charAt(0) === '_') {

					_errors('no such method "' + options + '" for the calendar instance');



				// valid arguments passed as options
				instance[options].apply(instace, args);



			// the options are not being passed as a
			// string. let's parse the passed array
			// and apply them as options

			// loop the arguments
			this.each(function() {

				if(instance) {

					// initialize the existing
					// instance that was passed


					// create a new instance
					// and initialize it afterward
					instance = $.data(this, 'ciCalendar', new $.ciCalendar(options, this));




		return instance;


})(jQuery, window);

var calendar = $('#calendar').ciCalendar({

	dateClick: function($el, $contentEl, dateProperties) {


		for(var key in dateProperties) {

			console.log(key + ' = ' + dateProperties[key]);




$month = $('#month').html(calendar._getMonthName()),
$year = $('#year').html(calendar._getYear()),
$last = $('#last').html(calendar._getLastMonth()),
$next = $('#next').html(calendar._getNextMonth());

var events = [

	event = {

		details: {

			title: 'This is a longer event that breaks into a new row!',
			location: 'expo center',
			country: 'united states',
			city: 'san diego',
			public: true


		start: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 17,
		    year: 2024,


		end: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 26,
		    year: 2024,



	event = {

		details: {

			title: 'An event that shares days as another event',
			location: 'expo center',
			country: 'united states',
			city: 'san diego',
			public: true


		start: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 20,
		    year: 2024,


		end: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 23,
		    year: 2024,



	event = {

		details: {

			title: 'This is a shorter single row event!',
			location: 'expo center',
			country: 'united states',
			city: 'san diego',
			public: true


		start: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 1,
		    year: 2024,


		end: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 4,
		    day: 1,
		    year: 2024,



	event = {

		details: {

			title: 'Another short event sharing days',
			location: 'expo center',
			country: 'united states',
			city: 'san diego',
			public: true


		start: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 8,
		    day: 2,
		    year: 2019,


		end: {

			time: '12:00pm',
		    month: 8,
		    day: 5,
		    year: 2019,





$last.on('click', function() {



$next.on('click', function() {



$(window).on('resize', function() {



function updateMonthYear() {




