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                <my-tabs data-persistent="demo">
	<div data-label="Classic Default"><div class="card">
			<div data-label="Nils Frahm">
				<p>Nils Frahm is a German musician, composer and record producer based in Berlin. He is known for combining classical and electronic music and for an unconventional approach to the piano in which he mixes a grand piano, upright piano, Roland Juno-60, Rhodes piano, drum machine, and Moog Taurus.</p>
			<div data-label="Agnes Obel">
				<p>Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel is a Danish singer/songwriter. Her first album, Philharmonics, was released by PIAS Recordings on 4 October 2010 in Europe. Philharmonics was certified gold in June 2011 by the Belgian Entertainment Association (BEA) for sales of 10,000 Copies.</p>
			<div data-label="Joke">
				<p>Fear of complicated buildings:</p>
				<p>A complex complex complex.</p>
	<div data-label="Material Themed"><div class="card">
		<aria-tabs data-theme="material">
			<div data-label="Nils F.">
				<p>Nils Frahm is a German musician, composer and record producer based in Berlin. He is known for combining classical and electronic music and for an unconventional approach to the piano in which he mixes a grand piano, upright piano, Roland Juno-60, Rhodes piano, drum machine, and Moog Taurus.</p>
			<div data-label="Agnes O.">
				<p>Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel is a Danish singer/songwriter. Her first album, Philharmonics, was released by PIAS Recordings on 4 October 2010 in Europe. Philharmonics was certified gold in June 2011 by the Belgian Entertainment Association (BEA) for sales of 10,000 Copies.</p>
			<div data-label="Joke">
				<p>Fear of complicated buildings:</p>
				<p>A complex complex complex.</p>
	<div data-label="Material Scroll & Delete"><div class="card">
		<aria-tabs data-deletable data-theme="material" data-manual>
			<div data-label="Nils Frahm">
				<p>Nils Frahm is a German musician, composer and record producer based in Berlin. He is known for combining classical and electronic music and for an unconventional approach to the piano in which he mixes a grand piano, upright piano, Roland Juno-60, Rhodes piano, drum machine, and Moog Taurus.</p>
			<div data-label="Agnes Obel">
				<p>Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel is a Danish singer/songwriter. Her first album, Philharmonics, was released by PIAS Recordings on 4 October 2010 in Europe. Philharmonics was certified gold in June 2011 by the Belgian Entertainment Association (BEA) for sales of 10,000 Copies.</p>
			<div data-label="Joke">
				<p>Fear of complicated buildings:</p>
				<p>A complex complex complex.</p>
			<div data-label="Looooooooong Label"><p>Bar</p></div>
	<div data-label="Classic Themed Scroll & Delete"><div class="card">
		<aria-tabs data-deletable data-theme="classic" data-delay="1000">
			<div data-label="Nils Frahm">
				<p>Nils Frahm is a German musician, composer and record producer based in Berlin. He is known for combining classical and electronic music and for an unconventional approach to the piano in which he mixes a grand piano, upright piano, Roland Juno-60, Rhodes piano, drum machine, and Moog Taurus.</p>
			<div data-label="Agnes Obel">
				<p>Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel is a Danish singer/songwriter. Her first album, Philharmonics, was released by PIAS Recordings on 4 October 2010 in Europe. Philharmonics was certified gold in June 2011 by the Belgian Entertainment Association (BEA) for sales of 10,000 Copies.</p>
			<div data-label="Joke">
				<p>Fear of complicated buildings:</p>
				<p>A complex complex complex.</p>
			<div data-label="Looooooooong Label"><p>Bar</p></div>


                html, body, my-tabs {margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%;}
.card {
	width: 20em;
	padding: 1em;
	background: #fff;
	box-shadow: 0 4px 9px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
	border-radius: 5px;
	position: relative;
[aria-hidden="true"] [role="tabpanel"] {
	visibility: hidden;
	transition: visibility 0s .2s;
aria-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {height: 16em;}
aria-tabs [role="tabpanel"] p {
	margin: 2em;
	vertical-align: top;

[data-label="Material Themed"] {
	--aria-tabs-fg-off: #fff;
	--aria-tabs-fg-on: #ffcf49;
	--aria-tabs-bg-on: #1A73E8;
	--aria-tabs-highlight-on: #ffcf49;
	color: #fff;
[data-label="Classic Themed Scroll & Delete"] {
	--aria-tabs-fg-off: #ccd8e8;
	--aria-tabs-bg-off: #9eaabb;
	--aria-tabs-fg-on: #2c486f;
	--aria-tabs-bg-on: #d6dbe2;
	--aria-tabs-highlight-on: #0059d6;
	color: #006dff;



                // import css        from './src/materialCss.mjs';
import css from '';
// import {AriaTabs} from './src/aria-tabs.mjs';
// import {iniCss}   from './src/aria-tabs.mjs';
// Bundled with ShadowQuery in other codepen
const AriaTabs = ariaTabs.AriaTabs;
const iniCss = ariaTabs.iniCss;

const template = `
	[role="tablist"] {
		--aria-tabs-bg-on: #3d00c3;
		--aria-tabs-fg-on: #fff;
		--aria-tabs-fg-off: #949494;
		--aria-tabs-highlight-on: #fffea4;
	button[role="tab"] {
		text-transform: none;
		font-variant: small-caps;
	::slotted(*) {
		background: #fffea4;
		display: flex;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
<div role="tablist" id="tablist"></div>

iniCss(template, 'my-tabs').then(ini =>
	window.customElements.define('my-tabs', class extends AriaTabs {
		constructor() {
		renderTabs(labels) {this.tablist.append({
			array: labels,
			template: this.tabTemplate.replace('> <', '><span> </span><'),
			update: (tab, label, idx) =>
				tab.attr('id', `aria-tab-${idx}`).query('span').text(label),

