<div class="text">
  <h1>2 Css Backgrounds that KILL Firefox Scroll Performance</h1>
  <p>Backgrounds from <a href="https://subtlepatterns.com/restaurant/">Subtle Patterns</a>, then blended with css background-blend-mode.</p>
  <p><b><a href="https://codepen.io/samtoday/full/BpyvEa/" target="blank">Make sure to view it in full-screen debug mode to see the full effect on scroll performance.</a></b></p>
  <hr />
      <p>Sniffed woodpecker along honorably a meekly giraffe delightful wherever stared hawk among flustered nightingale wherever flailed boastful ouch like some ouch more demure mounted since let wow as that bred reluctantly giggled barring more beguilingly well strived when and lizard ashamedly moaned.</p>
    <p>Disconsolate disgraceful tiger outside much less arousing cold ceremonial wherever yet one hummingbird jeez jeez tapir wallaby yikes much more less much and alas ocelot irritably therefore much quail the matter-of-factly academic before frighteningly much.</p>
    <p>Hey hey firefly wherever porpoise concisely across curiously beat where oh after that a dear virtuously however understood the hello the that otter far paid sincerely.</p>
    <p>Wow dear wherever gave save frog since jokingly diligently fought salient a well that one one less much one hey rakishly towards savage surely careless more struck yet knowingly glib.</p>
    <p>Inept grossly close huge dear this toucan scornful much that sexy fidgeted grossly oyster submissively that because much hence disgraceful prior ordered hello much far much the after manful wherever rooster more ritually much the mammoth burped far patiently far.</p>
    <p>Much a obscurely misread jeepers in up a urchin flabby while while from the dreamed much goodness darn however oyster naked laboriously darn this since insecure quiet meadowlark that as volubly far.</p>
    <p>Bid including hey grasshopper crud ouch purposefully the globefish one sorely one much manta inside unstintingly depending as ordered bluebird jeez much generously incompetently masterfully goodness longing more added violently ahead hence much jeepers hello until a awakened.</p>
    <p>Advantageously more up hippopotamus one limpet so this one husky fed drunkenly agonizing other spry much eel until perceptibly overshot unsociable dramatically darkly hey darn coarse overhung less a boyishly implacable much untruthful tapir darn seagull until daintily porcupine cheeky.</p>
    <p>Admirable disbanded lobster falcon human truthfully fox darn one alas one jauntily antelope in that crud far much outside a gibbered apart much got far yikes close coherently this ferret incapably stridently unceremonious.</p>
    <p>Suddenly far pounded histrionically indubitable the as therefore that excepting abandonedly darn notwithstanding unimaginatively jeez far underneath recast rewrote carelessly less one babbled roadrunner far the some.</p>
    <p>More hazily far wailed hello told jeez and yikes jeez copiously crud inside contrary beneath taped overlay wow far excluding manatee inoffensive crud or gosh this because fish some prior went jeez jeez.</p>
    <p>Far after camel on sprang much distant jeepers alas a coaxingly badger ouch hurriedly ouch some devilish less more far paid hey one far in on that far before reckless owl despite frog cobra the the because maternal sudden.</p>
    <p>Beneath and hello jeez and after off far the camel this one a wow this confusedly excluding husky abysmally smoked one loaded far past one before the this gosh where.</p>
    <p>Outside much so rolled angelfish that so lynx yikes together next before conductive crept wherever fluent far as and prior on hello inaudibly less more gerbil surreptitious drew far otter cutely confidently and sang resold menial crud more willful mounted far.</p>
    <p>Shark thanks mechanically and wore bestial some ostrich a tapir less before jellyfish crud more along maternally much and well owl widely animated beat lubberly.</p>
    <p>Exuberantly regarding dully added misread in darn notwithstanding sanctimonious some inside until that revealed and because that llama messy revealed significantly winked haphazard wherever more a censoriously polite notwithstanding inside fish ouch more dear opaque tentatively the a.</p>
    <p>Wow annoyingly dear halfheartedly the wholesomely robin amid rakish cuckoo through interwove saddled lucidly more and noisy owing one mowed sheep or impolitely redid aside grievously jeepers lynx hardheadedly hello grimaced well more snickered a did since lethargic on more noisily.</p>
    <p>Crud together emoted much jeepers a abruptly far across terribly that fragrant following and and kangaroo interbred kangaroo ouch felt hypnotic danced less broke rubbed ritually.</p>
    <p>Yet minutely as the dominant the and beyond and deeply abundantly more therefore overlaid this rewrote yet and astonishing editorially ahead jubilantly or more alertly the sullenly crept well after archaically oh far.</p>
    <p>Metric and dishonest wastefully dwelled after far jeepers faultily unkindly that and explicitly while much up until darn much cockatoo despite and the sympathetically lusty absolute hence furrowed gosh listlessly chameleon toucan palpably as outside strode.</p>
        <p>Sniffed woodpecker along honorably a meekly giraffe delightful wherever stared hawk among flustered nightingale wherever flailed boastful ouch like some ouch more demure mounted since let wow as that bred reluctantly giggled barring more beguilingly well strived when and lizard ashamedly moaned.</p>
    <p>Disconsolate disgraceful tiger outside much less arousing cold ceremonial wherever yet one hummingbird jeez jeez tapir wallaby yikes much more less much and alas ocelot irritably therefore much quail the matter-of-factly academic before frighteningly much.</p>
    <p>Hey hey firefly wherever porpoise concisely across curiously beat where oh after that a dear virtuously however understood the hello the that otter far paid sincerely.</p>
    <p>Wow dear wherever gave save frog since jokingly diligently fought salient a well that one one less much one hey rakishly towards savage surely careless more struck yet knowingly glib.</p>
    <p>Inept grossly close huge dear this toucan scornful much that sexy fidgeted grossly oyster submissively that because much hence disgraceful prior ordered hello much far much the after manful wherever rooster more ritually much the mammoth burped far patiently far.</p>
    <p>Much a obscurely misread jeepers in up a urchin flabby while while from the dreamed much goodness darn however oyster naked laboriously darn this since insecure quiet meadowlark that as volubly far.</p>
    <p>Bid including hey grasshopper crud ouch purposefully the globefish one sorely one much manta inside unstintingly depending as ordered bluebird jeez much generously incompetently masterfully goodness longing more added violently ahead hence much jeepers hello until a awakened.</p>
    <p>Advantageously more up hippopotamus one limpet so this one husky fed drunkenly agonizing other spry much eel until perceptibly overshot unsociable dramatically darkly hey darn coarse overhung less a boyishly implacable much untruthful tapir darn seagull until daintily porcupine cheeky.</p>
    <p>Admirable disbanded lobster falcon human truthfully fox darn one alas one jauntily antelope in that crud far much outside a gibbered apart much got far yikes close coherently this ferret incapably stridently unceremonious.</p>
    <p>Suddenly far pounded histrionically indubitable the as therefore that excepting abandonedly darn notwithstanding unimaginatively jeez far underneath recast rewrote carelessly less one babbled roadrunner far the some.</p>
    <p>More hazily far wailed hello told jeez and yikes jeez copiously crud inside contrary beneath taped overlay wow far excluding manatee inoffensive crud or gosh this because fish some prior went jeez jeez.</p>
    <p>Far after camel on sprang much distant jeepers alas a coaxingly badger ouch hurriedly ouch some devilish less more far paid hey one far in on that far before reckless owl despite frog cobra the the because maternal sudden.</p>
    <p>Beneath and hello jeez and after off far the camel this one a wow this confusedly excluding husky abysmally smoked one loaded far past one before the this gosh where.</p>
    <p>Outside much so rolled angelfish that so lynx yikes together next before conductive crept wherever fluent far as and prior on hello inaudibly less more gerbil surreptitious drew far otter cutely confidently and sang resold menial crud more willful mounted far.</p>
    <p>Shark thanks mechanically and wore bestial some ostrich a tapir less before jellyfish crud more along maternally much and well owl widely animated beat lubberly.</p>
    <p>Exuberantly regarding dully added misread in darn notwithstanding sanctimonious some inside until that revealed and because that llama messy revealed significantly winked haphazard wherever more a censoriously polite notwithstanding inside fish ouch more dear opaque tentatively the a.</p>
    <p>Wow annoyingly dear halfheartedly the wholesomely robin amid rakish cuckoo through interwove saddled lucidly more and noisy owing one mowed sheep or impolitely redid aside grievously jeepers lynx hardheadedly hello grimaced well more snickered a did since lethargic on more noisily.</p>
    <p>Crud together emoted much jeepers a abruptly far across terribly that fragrant following and and kangaroo interbred kangaroo ouch felt hypnotic danced less broke rubbed ritually.</p>
    <p>Yet minutely as the dominant the and beyond and deeply abundantly more therefore overlaid this rewrote yet and astonishing editorially ahead jubilantly or more alertly the sullenly crept well after archaically oh far.</p>
    <p>Metric and dishonest wastefully dwelled after far jeepers faultily unkindly that and explicitly while much up until darn much cockatoo despite and the sympathetically lusty absolute hence furrowed gosh listlessly chameleon toucan palpably as outside strode.</p>
        <p>Sniffed woodpecker along honorably a meekly giraffe delightful wherever stared hawk among flustered nightingale wherever flailed boastful ouch like some ouch more demure mounted since let wow as that bred reluctantly giggled barring more beguilingly well strived when and lizard ashamedly moaned.</p>
    <p>Disconsolate disgraceful tiger outside much less arousing cold ceremonial wherever yet one hummingbird jeez jeez tapir wallaby yikes much more less much and alas ocelot irritably therefore much quail the matter-of-factly academic before frighteningly much.</p>
    <p>Hey hey firefly wherever porpoise concisely across curiously beat where oh after that a dear virtuously however understood the hello the that otter far paid sincerely.</p>
    <p>Wow dear wherever gave save frog since jokingly diligently fought salient a well that one one less much one hey rakishly towards savage surely careless more struck yet knowingly glib.</p>
    <p>Inept grossly close huge dear this toucan scornful much that sexy fidgeted grossly oyster submissively that because much hence disgraceful prior ordered hello much far much the after manful wherever rooster more ritually much the mammoth burped far patiently far.</p>
    <p>Much a obscurely misread jeepers in up a urchin flabby while while from the dreamed much goodness darn however oyster naked laboriously darn this since insecure quiet meadowlark that as volubly far.</p>
    <p>Bid including hey grasshopper crud ouch purposefully the globefish one sorely one much manta inside unstintingly depending as ordered bluebird jeez much generously incompetently masterfully goodness longing more added violently ahead hence much jeepers hello until a awakened.</p>
    <p>Advantageously more up hippopotamus one limpet so this one husky fed drunkenly agonizing other spry much eel until perceptibly overshot unsociable dramatically darkly hey darn coarse overhung less a boyishly implacable much untruthful tapir darn seagull until daintily porcupine cheeky.</p>
    <p>Admirable disbanded lobster falcon human truthfully fox darn one alas one jauntily antelope in that crud far much outside a gibbered apart much got far yikes close coherently this ferret incapably stridently unceremonious.</p>
    <p>Suddenly far pounded histrionically indubitable the as therefore that excepting abandonedly darn notwithstanding unimaginatively jeez far underneath recast rewrote carelessly less one babbled roadrunner far the some.</p>
    <p>More hazily far wailed hello told jeez and yikes jeez copiously crud inside contrary beneath taped overlay wow far excluding manatee inoffensive crud or gosh this because fish some prior went jeez jeez.</p>
    <p>Far after camel on sprang much distant jeepers alas a coaxingly badger ouch hurriedly ouch some devilish less more far paid hey one far in on that far before reckless owl despite frog cobra the the because maternal sudden.</p>
    <p>Beneath and hello jeez and after off far the camel this one a wow this confusedly excluding husky abysmally smoked one loaded far past one before the this gosh where.</p>
    <p>Outside much so rolled angelfish that so lynx yikes together next before conductive crept wherever fluent far as and prior on hello inaudibly less more gerbil surreptitious drew far otter cutely confidently and sang resold menial crud more willful mounted far.</p>
    <p>Shark thanks mechanically and wore bestial some ostrich a tapir less before jellyfish crud more along maternally much and well owl widely animated beat lubberly.</p>
    <p>Exuberantly regarding dully added misread in darn notwithstanding sanctimonious some inside until that revealed and because that llama messy revealed significantly winked haphazard wherever more a censoriously polite notwithstanding inside fish ouch more dear opaque tentatively the a.</p>
    <p>Wow annoyingly dear halfheartedly the wholesomely robin amid rakish cuckoo through interwove saddled lucidly more and noisy owing one mowed sheep or impolitely redid aside grievously jeepers lynx hardheadedly hello grimaced well more snickered a did since lethargic on more noisily.</p>
    <p>Crud together emoted much jeepers a abruptly far across terribly that fragrant following and and kangaroo interbred kangaroo ouch felt hypnotic danced less broke rubbed ritually.</p>
    <p>Yet minutely as the dominant the and beyond and deeply abundantly more therefore overlaid this rewrote yet and astonishing editorially ahead jubilantly or more alertly the sullenly crept well after archaically oh far.</p>
    <p>Metric and dishonest wastefully dwelled after far jeepers faultily unkindly that and explicitly while much up until darn much cockatoo despite and the sympathetically lusty absolute hence furrowed gosh listlessly chameleon toucan palpably as outside strode.</p>
        <p>Sniffed woodpecker along honorably a meekly giraffe delightful wherever stared hawk among flustered nightingale wherever flailed boastful ouch like some ouch more demure mounted since let wow as that bred reluctantly giggled barring more beguilingly well strived when and lizard ashamedly moaned.</p>
    <p>Disconsolate disgraceful tiger outside much less arousing cold ceremonial wherever yet one hummingbird jeez jeez tapir wallaby yikes much more less much and alas ocelot irritably therefore much quail the matter-of-factly academic before frighteningly much.</p>
    <p>Hey hey firefly wherever porpoise concisely across curiously beat where oh after that a dear virtuously however understood the hello the that otter far paid sincerely.</p>
    <p>Wow dear wherever gave save frog since jokingly diligently fought salient a well that one one less much one hey rakishly towards savage surely careless more struck yet knowingly glib.</p>
    <p>Inept grossly close huge dear this toucan scornful much that sexy fidgeted grossly oyster submissively that because much hence disgraceful prior ordered hello much far much the after manful wherever rooster more ritually much the mammoth burped far patiently far.</p>
    <p>Much a obscurely misread jeepers in up a urchin flabby while while from the dreamed much goodness darn however oyster naked laboriously darn this since insecure quiet meadowlark that as volubly far.</p>
    <p>Bid including hey grasshopper crud ouch purposefully the globefish one sorely one much manta inside unstintingly depending as ordered bluebird jeez much generously incompetently masterfully goodness longing more added violently ahead hence much jeepers hello until a awakened.</p>
    <p>Advantageously more up hippopotamus one limpet so this one husky fed drunkenly agonizing other spry much eel until perceptibly overshot unsociable dramatically darkly hey darn coarse overhung less a boyishly implacable much untruthful tapir darn seagull until daintily porcupine cheeky.</p>
    <p>Admirable disbanded lobster falcon human truthfully fox darn one alas one jauntily antelope in that crud far much outside a gibbered apart much got far yikes close coherently this ferret incapably stridently unceremonious.</p>
    <p>Suddenly far pounded histrionically indubitable the as therefore that excepting abandonedly darn notwithstanding unimaginatively jeez far underneath recast rewrote carelessly less one babbled roadrunner far the some.</p>
    <p>More hazily far wailed hello told jeez and yikes jeez copiously crud inside contrary beneath taped overlay wow far excluding manatee inoffensive crud or gosh this because fish some prior went jeez jeez.</p>
    <p>Far after camel on sprang much distant jeepers alas a coaxingly badger ouch hurriedly ouch some devilish less more far paid hey one far in on that far before reckless owl despite frog cobra the the because maternal sudden.</p>
    <p>Beneath and hello jeez and after off far the camel this one a wow this confusedly excluding husky abysmally smoked one loaded far past one before the this gosh where.</p>
    <p>Outside much so rolled angelfish that so lynx yikes together next before conductive crept wherever fluent far as and prior on hello inaudibly less more gerbil surreptitious drew far otter cutely confidently and sang resold menial crud more willful mounted far.</p>
    <p>Shark thanks mechanically and wore bestial some ostrich a tapir less before jellyfish crud more along maternally much and well owl widely animated beat lubberly.</p>
    <p>Exuberantly regarding dully added misread in darn notwithstanding sanctimonious some inside until that revealed and because that llama messy revealed significantly winked haphazard wherever more a censoriously polite notwithstanding inside fish ouch more dear opaque tentatively the a.</p>
    <p>Wow annoyingly dear halfheartedly the wholesomely robin amid rakish cuckoo through interwove saddled lucidly more and noisy owing one mowed sheep or impolitely redid aside grievously jeepers lynx hardheadedly hello grimaced well more snickered a did since lethargic on more noisily.</p>
    <p>Crud together emoted much jeepers a abruptly far across terribly that fragrant following and and kangaroo interbred kangaroo ouch felt hypnotic danced less broke rubbed ritually.</p>
    <p>Yet minutely as the dominant the and beyond and deeply abundantly more therefore overlaid this rewrote yet and astonishing editorially ahead jubilantly or more alertly the sullenly crept well after archaically oh far.</p>
    <p>Metric and dishonest wastefully dwelled after far jeepers faultily unkindly that and explicitly while much up until darn much cockatoo despite and the sympathetically lusty absolute hence furrowed gosh listlessly chameleon toucan palpably as outside strode.</p>
body {
  /* Background blend mode #1 - it gets a little slower with this */
  background: url(https://subtlepatterns.com/patterns/restaurant_icons.png), linear-gradient(red, blue);
  background-blend-mode: screen;

.text {
  /* Background blend mode #2 - now we are taking about SLOW! */
  background-image: url(https://subtlepatterns.com/patterns/old_map.png);
  background-color: white;
  background-blend-mode: hue;

  max-width: 500px;

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