<input type="radio" id="trigger1" name="slider">
<label for="trigger1"><span class="sr-only">Slide 1 of 5. A photo of a mountain pass with a winding path along the river and a view of distant mountains hiding in the mist.</span></label>
<div class="slide bg1"></div>

<input type="radio" id="trigger2" name="slider" checked autofocus>
<label for="trigger2"><span class="sr-only">Slide 2 of 5. A photo of a bird eating sunflower seeds from an open hand.</span></label>
<div class="slide bg2"></div>

<input type="radio" id="trigger3" name="slider">
<label for="trigger3"><span class="sr-only">Slide 3 of 5. A photo of a concrete bridge over the river with high voltage power lines on both banks.</span></label>
<div class="slide bg3"></div>

<input type="radio" id="trigger4" name="slider">
<label for="trigger4"><span class="sr-only">Slide 4 of 5. A photo of a lake surrounded by the forest with mountains in the background.</span></label>
<div class="slide bg4"></div>

<input type="radio" id="trigger5" name="slider">
<label for="trigger5"><span class="sr-only">Slide 5 of 5. A photo of a forest.</span></label>
<div class="slide bg5"></div>
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