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	span Component inspired by 
		a(href="" target="_blank") Prekesh's Dribbble post

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$green: #00ff36;

$bg: $light-blue;
$component-bg: $dark-blue;
$component-color: $bg;
$component-active: $blue;

$component: (
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@function component($key) {
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@mixin transition {
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body {
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			svg {
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				color: component(blue);
			&.icon--bell {
				color: component(red);
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				color: component(purple);

@keyframes bump {
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	25% 	{ transform: scale(1.15); }
	50% 	{ transform: scale(0.9); }
	75% 	{ transform: scale(1.05); }
	100% { transform: scale(1); }

.intro {
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const icon = document.querySelectorAll('.toolbar__icon');
const smile = document.querySelector('.icon--smile svg');

for(var i = 0; i < icon.length; i++) {
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