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        <h2>BLACK PANTHER:</h2>
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          <p>When comic book legends Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the Black Panther, it was the height of the 1960s U.S. civil rights movement. But unlike Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four – other Marvel heroes from that era – the Black Panther was neither
            white nor American.</p>
          <p>“I couldn’t see the Black Panther living on a side street in New York,” Lee explained in a Marvel interview. ”I loved the idea of a superhero that lives in Africa.”</p>
          <p>It’s that background that makes T’Challa, aka the Black Panther, unique; he’s not only black, he’s African. His ties to the continent and culture grant him a rich and complex mythology that his American counterparts do not have.</p>
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          <p class="quote">I couldn’t see the Black Panther living on a side street in New York. I loved the idea of a superhero that lives in Africa</p>
          <p class="by">&ndash; Stan Lee, Black Panther creator</p>
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          <p>Afrocentrism defines every part of his character, beginning with his name. There’s the literal definition. Black panthers, the great cats native to Africa, serve as a motif for T’Challa’s superhero persona. Then there’s the fictional definition.
            The Black Panther is a title given to each chieftain of the Panther Clan of Wakanda, the nation that T’Challa rules.<br><br> In the new Black Panther feature film, Afrocentrism and Afrofuturism – the interpretation of African traditions into
            their futuristic possibilities – combine to create an aesthetic never before seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.<br><br> With the Black Panther in theaters, we examine how Afrocentrism and Afrofuturism inform Wakanda, its leader, and its


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