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                <h1>jquery-rsSliderLens demonstration</h1>
<p>With this plug-in, you can change the default input range, from this:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    <!-- 0 -->
    <input type="range">

&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    <!-- 1 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>To use a step 25, you can add a <code>step</code> attribute to the <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> element or add a parameter to the plug-in constructor:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        <span>step: 25</span>
    <!-- 2 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>The 0 and 100 labels are cropped! No problem, just add a padding space equal to 10% of the slider width:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        step: 25,
        <span>paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1</span>
    <!-- 3 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>By default <code>&lt;input type="range"&gt;</code> has a range between 0 and 100.<br>
  For other ranges, you can add <code>min</code> and <code>max</code> attributes to the <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> element, or in the plug-in constructor:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        step: 25,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        <span>min: -50,
        max: 150</span>
    <!-- 4 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>Great, but now the labels overlap each other.<br>
  To fix this, you have some options: (click each one for a sample)</p>
<aside class="opt1">
    <label><input name="opt" type="radio" value="1" checked>Increase the slider width in CSS;</label>
    <label><input name="opt" type="radio" value="2">Increase the slider width in the plug-in constructor;</label>
    <label><input name="opt" type="radio" value="3">Use a vertical slider;</label>
    <label><input name="opt" type="radio" value="4">Hide the labels;</label>
    <label><input name="opt" type="radio" value="5">Use a fixed handle slider.</label>

<div id="o1">
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    input {
        width: 400px;
        step: 25,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        min: -50,
        max: 150
        <!-- 5 -->
        <input type="range">

<div id="o2">
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        <span>width: 400,</span>
        step: 25,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        min: -50,
        max: 150
        <!-- 6 -->
        <input type="range">

<div id="o3">
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    input {
        width: 40px;
        height: 300px;
        step: 25,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        min: -50,
        max: 150
        <!-- 7 -->
        <input type="range">

<div id="o4">
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        step: 25,
        min: -50,
        max: 150,
        <span>ruler: {
            labels: {
                visible: false
        <!-- 8 -->
        <input type="range">

<div id="o5">
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        step: 25,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        min: -50,
        max: 150,
        <span>fixedHandle: true,
        ruler: {
            size: 4 <mark>// 400% of the &lt;input type=range&gt; width</mark>
        <!-- 9 -->
        <input type="range">

<p>Use a range to restrict input even further:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        width: 300,
        height: 45,
        step: 10,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        <span>range: {
            type: [20, 60],
            draggable: true
    <!-- 10 -->
    <input type="range">
<p class="small">Use your mouse to drag the range to other location</p>

<p>If you want labels every 20 positions, but with a <code>step</code> of 1:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        <span>step: 1,</span>
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        <span>ruler: {
            labels: {
                values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
    <!-- 11 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>The same slider, but now with a fixed handle style with a <code>min</code> of 0 and <code>max</code> of 500:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    <span>var labels = [];
    for (var i = 0; i <= 500; i+= 20) {
        <span>step: 1,</span>
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        <span>width: 300,
        max: 500,
        fixedHandle: true,
        ruler: {
            labels: {
                values: labels
    <!-- 12 -->
    <input type="range">

<p>Using customized events to display current value inside the handle and to style labels:</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
    #custom + .range, <mark>// range outside the handle </mark>
    #custom ~ .handle .range { <mark>// range inside the handle </mark>
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, red 0%, green 100%);
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red 0%, green 100%);
        background: linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, green 100%);
        step: 1,
        paddingStart: 0.1,
        paddingEnd: 0.1,
        min: -20,
        max: 20,
        ruler: {
            labels: {
                values: [-20, -10, 0, 10, 20],
                <span>onCustomLabel: function(event, value) {
                    return value > 0 ? '+' + value : value;
                onCustomAttrs: function(event, value) {
                    if (value < 0) return { style: 'fill:red' };
                    if (value > 0) return { style: 'fill:green' };
                    <mark>// no style defined for zero, so returns nothing (or undefined)</mark>
        <span>onCreate: function (event) {
            <mark>// append a new child &lt;label&gt; element to the .handle</mark>
        onChange: function (event, value) {
            <mark>// use the &lt;label&gt; element created at run-time, to display the current value</mark>
            var $labelElement = $(event.currentTarget).nextAll(".handle").children("label");
            $labelElement.text(value < 0 ? value : ((value > 0 ? '+' : '') + value));
    <!-- 13 -->
    <input type="range" id="custom">

<p>You have the choice of <code>OnChange</code> or <code>OnFinalChange</code> (recommended for computationally expensive tasks)</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        <span>onChange: function (event, value) {
        onFinalChange: function (event, value) {
    <!-- 14 -->
    <input type="range">
    <aside id="changeLabels">

<p>Did I mention the support for double handle sliders?</p>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
        <span>value: [10, 25]</span>
    <!-- 15 -->
    <input type="range">
    <aside id="doubleHandleLabels">

<p>You can bind the plug-in to any element, not only to an <code>&lt;input type=range&gt;</code>:</p>
&lt;span&gt;Hello world&lt;/span&gt;
    $("span").rsSliderLens({ ruler: { visible: false } });
<section class="bottommargin">
    <!-- 16 -->
    <span class="slider">Hello world</span>

    &lt;img src="./pic1.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
    &lt;img src="./pic2.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
    &lt;img src="./pic3.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
    $("span").rsSliderLens({ ruler: { visible: false } });
    <!-- 17 -->
    <span class="slider">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">

<p class="small"><br>Or with a little more customization</p>
&lt;span tabindex="0"&gt;
    &lt;img src="./pic1.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
    &lt;img src="./pic2.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
    &lt;img src="./pic3.jpg" width="60" height="40"&gt;
        <span>max: 2,
        step: 1,
        paddingStart: .15,
        paddingEnd: .15,</span>
        ruler: { visible: false }
<section class="bottommargin">
    <!-- 18 -->
    <span class="slider" tabindex="0">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">
        <img src="//" width="60" height="40">
    <label class="imgs"></label>
<p class="small">The tabindex makes the slider keyboard focusable</p>

<p>Responsive design. Please, resize your browser window.</p>
<p class="small">This is possible with the use of relative CSS units.<br>Don't like the dark layout? You can recompile LESS files to generate the layout you like.</p><br>
&lt;input type="range"&gt;
<section class="resize">
    <!-- 19 -->
    <input class="horiz" type="range"><br>
    <!-- 20 -->
    <input class="horiz" type="range"><br>
    <!-- 21 -->
    <input class="vert" type="range">
    <!-- 22 -->
    <input class="vert" type="range">

<p>You have total flexibility over the style.</p>
<p class="small cssfun">Just change the CSS (not the javascript) to give wings to your imagination.</p>
<section id="cssfun1">
    <!-- 23 -->
    <span class="slider" tabindex="0"></span>

<section id="cssfun2">
    <!-- 24 -->
    <input type="range">

<section id="cssfun3">
    <!-- 25 -->
    <span class="slider" tabindex="0"> <!-- tabindex to enable keyboard focus -->
    <figure class="phone0"></figure>

<section id="cssfun4">
    <!-- 26 -->
    <input type="range">

<section id="cssfun5">
    <!-- 27 -->
    <span class="slider" tabindex="0">

<a class="github" href="" target="github">More on GitHub</a>


                @background: #454545;
@deltaContrast: 20%;

@text: fadeout(#fff - @background, 40%);
@tickmarks: @text;

// scalar values
// ===============
@refScale: 1em;   // Allowed units are: px, pt (for fixed layout) or em, rem, vw, vh, vmin, vmax (for elastic layout).
                  // To try other sizes, you only need to change this line. All the rest will resize according to this @refScale
                  // 1em corresponds to 16px in most browsers, which is the default font size.
                  // However, some users might define another default font size for accessibility reasons.
                  // To convert px to em, do em = px/16. Example: 8px = .5em

@fromGradientOuter: darken(@background, @deltaContrast);
@toGradientOuter: lighten(@background, @deltaContrast);

@fromGradientInner: darken(@toGradientOuter, 10%);
@toGradientInner: darken(@fromGradientOuter, 2%);

@borderColor: darken(@fromGradientOuter, lightness(@background)/5 + 3%);
@rangeWrapper: darken(@fromGradientOuter, 5%);
@range: lighten(@fromGradientOuter, 12%);

body {
    background-color: @background;

.sliderlens {
    opacity: .8;
    &.focus {
        opacity: 1;
    cursor: pointer;

    @zero: 0%;
    @half: 50%;
    @full: 100%;
    @grad1: fade(darken(@fromGradientInner, 10%), 95%);
    @grad2: fade(lighten(@fromGradientInner, 10%), 25%);
    @grad3: fade(darken(@fromGradientInner, 15%), 25%);
    @grad4: fade(darken(@fromGradientInner, 15%), 95%);

    .range {
        background-color: @rangeWrapper;
        border-width: @refScale*0.0625;
        border-style: solid;
        .borderlineargradient2grads(top, @fromGradientOuter, @toGradientOuter, to bottom);
        > div {
            background-color: @range;
        &.drag {
            > div {
                cursor: ew-resize;
            &.dragging > div {
                cursor: none;

    > .handle,
    > .handle1,
    > .handle2 {
        &:after {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
        border-radius: ~"3em/.75em";
        cursor: ew-resize;
        background-color: @background;
        box-shadow: 0 0 @refScale*0.3125 -@refScale*0.03125 @borderColor;
        border: 0 solid @toGradientOuter;
        border-bottom-color: @fromGradientOuter;
        border-width: @refScale*0.0625 0;
        &.dragging {
            box-shadow: 0 0 @refScale*0.3125 -@refScale*0.0625 @borderColor;
        .range {
            .borderlineargradient2grads(top, @fromGradientOuter, lighten(@toGradientOuter, 35%), to bottom);
    > .handle {
        &:before {
            right: 50%;
            bottom: 55%;
            border-right: @refScale*0.0625 solid @text;
            z-index: 1;
        &:after {
            .lineargradient(left, @grad1 @zero, @grad2 @half, @grad3 @half, @grad4 @full, to right);
    > .handle1 {
        border-top-right-radius: 0;
        border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
        &:after {
            .lineargradient(left, @grad1 @zero, @grad2 @full, to right);
    > .handle2 {
        border-top-left-radius: 0;
        border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
        &:after {
            .lineargradient(left, @grad3 @zero, @grad4 @full, to right);

    svg {
        > path {
            stroke: @tickmarks;
        > g > text {
            fill: @text;
            font-size: .5em;

    &.vert {
        > .handle,
        > .handle1,
        > .handle2 {
            cursor: ns-resize;
            border-radius: ~"3em/.75em";
            .range {
                .borderlineargradient2grads(top, @fromGradientOuter, @toGradientOuter, to bottom);
        > .handle {
            &:before {
                right: 55%;
                bottom: 50%;
                border-right: none;
                border-bottom: @refScale*0.0625 solid @text;
            &:after {
                .lineargradient(top, @grad1 @zero, @grad2 @half, @grad3 @half, @grad4 @full, to bottom);
        > .handle1 {
            border-bottom: none;
            border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
            border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
            &:after {
                .lineargradient(top, @grad1 @zero, @grad2 @full, to bottom);
        > .handle2 {
            border-top: none;
            border-top-left-radius: 0;
            border-top-right-radius: 0;
            &:after {
                .lineargradient(top, @grad3 @zero, @grad4 @full, to bottom);

    &.fixed {
        border-width: @refScale*0.0625;
        border-style: solid;
        .borderlineargradient2grads(top, @fromGradientOuter, @toGradientOuter, to bottom);
        background-color: darken(@background, 5%);
        cursor: ew-resize;

        &:after {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            border-width: 0 0 @refScale*0.0625 0;
            border-style: solid;
            pointer-events: none;
            .borderlineargradient2grads(top, darken(@fromGradientOuter, 5%), darken(@toGradientOuter, 10%), to bottom);
        &:after {
            border-width: 0 @refScale*0.0625;
                inset @refScale 0 @refScale*1.25 -@refScale*.5 @borderColor,
                inset -@refScale 0 @refScale*1.25 -@refScale*.5 @borderColor;
        &.vert {
            cursor: ns-resize;

            &:before {
                border-width: 0 @refScale*0.0625;
            &:after {
                border-width: 0 0 @refScale*0.0625 0;
                    /*inset 0 0 @refScale*.25 @borderColor,*/
                    inset 0 @refScale @refScale*1.25 -@refScale*.5 @borderColor,
                    inset 0 -@refScale @refScale*1.25 -@refScale*.5 @borderColor;
        > .handle {
            border-radius: 0;
            border: none;

    &.vert {
        .range {
            &.drag > div {
                cursor: ns-resize;

    &.dragging {
        cursor: none;
        > .handle,
        > .handle1,
        > .handle2 {
            cursor: none;

// mixins
// ===============
.padding(@padding) {
    .padding(@padding, @padding, @padding, @padding);

.padding(@topBottom, @rightLeft) {
    .padding(@topBottom, @rightLeft, @topBottom, @rightLeft);

.padding(@top, @right, @bottom) {
    .padding(@top, @right, @bottom, @right);

.padding(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when(@top = @right) and (@right = @bottom) and (@bottom = @left) {
    padding: @top;

.padding(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when (@top = @bottom) and (@right = @left) and not (@top = @right) {
    padding: @top @right;

.padding(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when not (@top = @bottom), not (@right = @left) {
    padding: @top @right @bottom @left;

.margin(@margin) {
    .margin(@margin, @margin, @margin, @margin);

.margin(@topBottom, @rightLeft) {
    .margin(@topBottom, @rightLeft, @topBottom, @rightLeft);

.margin(@top, @right, @bottom) {
    .margin(@top, @right, @bottom, @right);

.margin(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when (@top = @right) and (@right = @bottom) and (@bottom = @left) {
    margin: @top;

.margin(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when (@top = @bottom) and (@right = @left) and not (@top = @right) {
    margin: @top @right;

.margin(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) when not (@top = @bottom), not (@right = @left) {
    margin: @top @right @bottom @left;

.lineargradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @w3cDir) {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2);
    background: linear-gradient(@w3cDir, @g1, @g2);
.lineargradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @w3cDir) {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3);
    background: linear-gradient(@w3cDir, @g1, @g2, @g3);
.lineargradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4, @w3cDir) {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4);
    background: linear-gradient(@w3cDir, @g1, @g2, @g3, @g4);
.lineargradient2grads(@g1, @g2, @w3cG1, @w3cG2) {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(@g1), -webkit-linear-gradient(@g2);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(@g1), -moz-linear-gradient(@g2);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(@g1), -o-linear-gradient(@g2);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(@g1), -ms-linear-gradient(@g2);
    background: linear-gradient(@w3cG1), linear-gradient(@w3cG2);
.borderlineargradient2grads(@dir, @g1, @g2, @w3cDir) {
    -webkit-border-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2) 1;
    -moz-border-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2) 1;
    -o-border-image: -o-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2) 1;
    -ms-border-image: -ms-linear-gradient(@dir, @g1, @g2) 1;
    border-image: linear-gradient(@w3cDir, @g1, @g2) 1;
.user-select(@s) {
    -o-user-select: @s;
    -moz-user-select: @s;
    -webkit-user-select: @s;
    user-select: @s;

section {
    margin: 1em 3em;
p {
    margin-top: 3em;
    color: #eee;
a.github {
  display: block;
  margin-top: 2em;
  color: white;


                $("#cssfun1 .slider").html(function() {
    var str = "";
    for(var speed = 0; speed <= 200; speed += 5) {
        str += speed + "<br>";
    return str;

var $inputs = $("input[type=range], span.slider"),
    change = function (event, value, isFirstHandle) {
$inputs.eq(0).change(function () {

$inputs.eq(1).rsSliderLens({ onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(2).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(3).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(4).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -50, max: 150, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(5).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -50, max: 150, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(6).rsSliderLens({ width: 400, step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -50, max: 150, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(7).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -50, max: 150, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(8).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, min: -50, max: 150, ruler: { labels: { visible: false }}, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(9).rsSliderLens({ step: 25, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -50, max: 150, fixedHandle: true,
    ruler: { size: 4 }, onChange: change
$inputs.eq(10).rsSliderLens({ width: 300, height: 45, step: 10, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, range: { type: [20, 60], draggable: true }, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(11).rsSliderLens({ step: 1, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, ruler: { labels: { values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] }}, onChange: change });

var labels = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 500; i+= 20) {
$inputs.eq(12).rsSliderLens({ step: 1, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, width: 300, max: 500, fixedHandle: true, ruler: { labels: { values: labels }, size: 4 }, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(13).rsSliderLens({ step: 1, paddingStart: 0.1, paddingEnd: 0.1, min: -20, max: 20,
    ruler: {
        labels: {
            values: [-20, -10, 0, 10, 20],
            onCustomLabel: function(event, value) {
                return value > 0 ? '+' + value : value;
            onCustomAttrs: function(event, value) {
                if (value < 0) return { style: 'fill:red' };
                if (value > 0) return { style: 'fill:green' };
                // no style defined for zero, so returns nothing (or undefined)
        onCreate: function (event) {
            // append a new child <label> element to the .handle
        onChange: function (event, value) {
            // use the <label> element created at run-time, to display the current value 
            var $labelElement = $(event.currentTarget).nextAll(".handle").children("label");
            $labelElement.text(value < 0 ? value : ((value > 0 ? '+' : '') + value));
    onChange: function (event, value) {
        $("#changeLabels label").first().text(value);
    onFinalChange: function (event, value) {
        $("#changeLabels label").last().text(value);
    step: 5,
    width: 300,
    paddingStart: .1,
    paddingEnd: .1,
    value: [10, 25],
    onChange: function (event, value, isFirstHandle) {
        $("#doubleHandleLabels label").eq(isFirstHandle ? 0 : 1).text(value);
$inputs.slice(16, 18).rsSliderLens({ ruler: { visible: false }, onChange: change });
$inputs.eq(18).rsSliderLens({ max: 2, step: 1, paddingStart: .15, paddingEnd: .15, ruler: { visible: false }, onChange: change });

$inputs.eq(19).rsSliderLens({ paddingStart: .1, paddingEnd: .1, ruler: { labels: { values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] }} });
$inputs.eq(20).rsSliderLens({ paddingStart: .1, paddingEnd: .1, fixedHandle: true, ruler: { labels: { values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] }} });
$inputs.eq(21).rsSliderLens({ width: 50, paddingStart: .1, paddingEnd: .1, orientation: 'vert', ruler: { labels: { values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] }} });
$inputs.eq(22).rsSliderLens({ width: 50, paddingStart: .1, paddingEnd: .1, orientation: 'vert', fixedHandle: true, ruler: { labels: { values: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] }} });

$("aside input[type=radio]").change(function() { 
    $("aside").removeClass("opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 opt5").addClass("opt" + this.value);
$("#o1, #o2, #o3, #o4, #o5").hide();

    min: 0,
    max: 200,
    height: 200,
    fixedHandle: true,
    step: 1,
    paddingStart: .012,
    paddingEnd: .012,
    handle: {
        zoom: 2
    ruler: {
        visible: false
    onChange: function (event, value, isFirstHandle) {
        $("#cssfun1 > label").text(value + " km/h");

    paddingStart: .075,
    paddingEnd: .075,
    value: [20, 40],
    width: 300,
    step: 1,
    min: -20,
    max: 70,
    handle: {
        size: .15
    range: {
        type: 'between'
    ruler: {
        labels: {
            values: [-20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
    onChange: function (event, value, isFirstHandle) {
        $("#cssfun2 > label").eq(isFirstHandle ? 0 : 1).text(value + "°C");

var animObj = {
    $figure: $("#cssfun3 > figure")
    min: 0,
    max: 6,
    step: 1,
    paddingStart: .07,
    paddingEnd: .07,
    ruler: {
        visible: false
    handle: {
        zoom: 1.8,
        animation: 300
    onChange: function (event, value, isFirstHandle) {
        if (animObj.timeoutIdHide) {
        animObj.timeoutIdHide = setTimeout(function () {
            animObj.$figure.removeClass('phone0 phone1 phone2 phone3 phone4 phone5 phone6');
            if (animObj.timeoutIdShow) {
            animObj.timeoutIdShow = setTimeout(function() {
                animObj.$figure.addClass('phone' + value);
                delete animObj.timeoutIdShow;
            }, 100);
            delete animObj.timeoutIdHide;
        }, 200);

    height: 211,
    min: 0,
    max: 4,
    step: 1,
    flipped: true,
    paddingStart: .2,
    paddingEnd: .2,
    handle: {
        pos: .2,
        zoom: 1
    ruler: {
        labels: {
            pos: .4,
            onCustomLabel: function (event, value) {
                switch (value) {
                    case 0: return 'very unhappy';
                    case 1: return 'unhappy';
                    case 2: return 'normal';
                    case 3: return 'happy';
                    case 4: return 'very happy';
            onCustomAttrs: function (event, value, x, y) {
                return {
                    transform: 'rotate(-25 ' + x + ',' + y + ')',
                    'text-anchor': 'start'
        tickMarks: {
            short: { visible: false },
            long: { visible: false }
        onCustom: function(event, $svg, width, height, zoom, magnifiedRuler, createSvgDomFunc) {
            if (magnifiedRuler) {
                $svg.append(createSvgDomFunc('image', { width: 30, height: 155, x: 38, y: 27, 'href': '//' }));

    min: 1,
    max: 12,
    height: 200,
    fixedHandle: true,
    step: 1,
    paddingStart: .04,
    paddingEnd: .04,
    handle: {
        size: .12
    ruler: {
        visible: false

var resizeObj = {
    timeoutId: null,
    doResize: function () {
        resizeObj.timeoutId = null;
    resize: function () {
        if (!resizeObj.timeoutId) {
            resizeObj.timeoutId = setTimeout(resizeObj.doResize, 100);
$(window).bind('resize', resizeObj.resize);

// to avoid image delays in the phone slider, load all of them at startup to the browser cache
]).each(function() {
  $('<img>').attr('src', this);

