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                    <h1>Native Date Picker (USM Script)</h1>
    <div class="alert alert-info small">
            Sample that demonstrates how to display and update dates using the native date Picker
            control both using just a button or using the default date picker intput box.
            This example uses a <b>DatePickerNative</b> helper class to facilitate binding
            and unbinding of local time values as well as providing the CSS to show a
            button-only date picker.
    <h3 class="mt-5">Date Picker Button</h3>
    <label class="bold">
        Select a date:
        <span id="ActiveDate">
        <button id="DatePickerButton" class="datepicker-native-button btn btn-secondary btn-sm">
            <i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
            <input id="DatePickerButtonInput" type="date" class="datepicker-native-button-input" />
    <h3 class="mt-5">Date Picker Input Field</h3>

    <label class="bold" for="DatePickerInput">
        Select a date:
        <span id="ActiveDateInput">

        <input id="DatePickerInput" type="date"
               class="form-control mt-2 date " />

        body {
            padding: 1em;
        .bold {
            font-weight: 600;
        .date {
            width: 10em;


                .datepicker-native-button {
    position: relative;
.datepicker-native-button-input {
    position: absolute;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;
    opacity: 0;
.datepicker-native-button-input::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    opacity: 0;
    cursor: pointer;


                var startDate = new Date(2022,10,10);
        var el = document.getElementById("DatePickerButtonInput");

        // option configuration syntax        
        let dpn = new  DatePickerNative({            
            element: el,
            activeDate: startDate,
            // + or - 5 days - optional
            min: 5,
            max: 5,
            onDateChanged: function(dt, event) {
                // update date display
                console.log(dt.toLocaleString()," Callback date value");

                // element gets a dateValue property
                var el = document.getElementById("DatePickerButtonInput");
                console.log(el.dateValue.toLocaleString()," Date on control");

                // date control value
                //console.log(DateFormatter.formatDate(dpn.options.activeDate,"dw MMM dd, yyyy")," instance.option.activeDate");

         // assign initial display value on page launch
        var elInput = document.getElementById("DatePickerInput");

         // parameter syntax - Standard Date Input control
         new DatePickerNative({ 
            element: elInput, 
            activeDate: startDate,                  
            onDateChanged: function(dt, event, instance) {
                showDate(dt, "ActiveDateInput");
                console.log(dt.toLocaleString()," Callback date value Date Input control");

        // display helper
         function showDate(dt,elId) {
            var sdt = dt.toLocaleString();
            document.getElementById(elId).innerText = sdt;

// ------------------

function DatePickerNative(el, initialDate, onDateChanged) {
    var _this = this;
    var opt = null;
    if (typeof el == "string")
        if (el === "uninitialize") {
        el = document.getElementById(el);
        if (!el) {
            throw new Error("Invalid element provided. Provide either an DOM Element or an id string to an element.");            
    if (el.element) {        
        opt = el;  // assume options object was passed
    else {
        opt =  {
            element: el,
            onDateChanged: onDateChanged,
            activeDate: initialDate,
            min: "",  // number as string
            max: ""   // number as string     
    this.options = opt;

    function intialize(opt) {
        if(typeof opt.activeDate != 'object')
            opt.activeDate = new Date();

        if (opt.element) {
            datePickerBind(opt.element,opt.activeDate, opt.onDateChanged);

    function uninitialize(){
    function datePickerBind(element, dt) {        
        var newDate = localToGmtDate(dt);
        opt.element.dateValue = dt;   // original date        
        opt.element.value = newDate;

        if (opt.min)
            opt.element.min = normalizeMin(opt.min);        
        if (opt.max)
            opt.element.max = normalizeMax(opt.max);
    function datePickerUnbind(event) {        
        var dt =;
        let newDate =  utcToLocalDate(dt);
        opt.element.dateValue = newDate;
        opt.activeDate = newDate;

            opt.onDateChanged(newDate, event, _this);

    function localToGmtDate(localDate) {
        return localDate && new Date(localDate.getTime()-(localDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000)).toISOString().split('T')[0];        
    function utcToLocalDate(utcDate) {
        return new Date(utcDate.getTime()+(utcDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000));        

    function normalizeMin(minVal) {    
        if (typeof minVal === "string")
            return minVal;

        if (typeof minVal === "number") {
            let dt = new Date();
            dt = new Date(dt.setDate(dt.getDate() - minVal));
            minVal = dt;

        return localToGmtDate(minVal);

    function normalizeMax(maxVal) {
        if (typeof maxVal === "string") {            
            return maxVal;

        let dt = new Date();
        if (typeof maxVal === "number") {
           dt = new Date();
           dt = new Date(dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + maxVal));
           maxVal = dt;

        return localToGmtDate(maxVal);

    return _this;
