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                	<header class="clearfix">
				<h1>Calendario <span>A Flexible Calendar Plugin</span></h1>
  <div class="main">
				    <div class="custom-calendar-wrap">
					      <div id="custom-inner" class="custom-inner">
						        <div class="custom-header clearfix">
								            <span id="custom-prev" class="custom-prev"></span>
								            <span id="custom-next" class="custom-next"></span>
							          <h2 id="custom-month" class="custom-month"></h2>
							          <h3 id="custom-year" class="custom-year"></h3>
						        <div id="calendar" class="fc-calendar-container"></div>


                @import url(,400,700);

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section, .main {
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.fc-calendar-container {
	position: relative;
	height: 400px;
	width: 400px;
.fc-calendar {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
.fc-calendar .fc-head {
	height: 30px;
	line-height: 30px;
	background: #ccc;
	color: #fff;
.fc-calendar .fc-body {
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	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	height: -moz-calc(100% - 30px);
	height: -webkit-calc(100% - 30px);
	height: calc(100% - 30px);
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.fc-calendar .fc-row {
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	border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
.fc-four-rows .fc-row  {
	height: 25%;
.fc-five-rows .fc-row  {
	height: 20%;
.fc-six-rows .fc-row {
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	height: -moz-calc(100%/6);
	height: -webkit-calc(100%/6);
	height: calc(100%/6);
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div, .fc-calendar .fc-head > div {
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.ie9 .fc-calendar .fc-row > div, .ie9 .fc-calendar .fc-head > div {
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.fc-calendar .fc-head > div {
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.fc-calendar .fc-row > div > span.fc-weekday {
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	display: none;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today {
	background: #fff4c3;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-out {
	opacity: 0.6;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div:last-child,.fc-calendar .fc-head > div:last-child {
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.fc-calendar .fc-row:last-child {
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.custom-calendar-wrap {
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.custom-header h2,.custom-header h3 {
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.custom-header h2 {
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.custom-header nav span:first-child {	left: 5px;}
.custom-header nav span:last-child {	right: 5px;}
.custom-header nav span:before {
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.custom-header nav span.custom-prev:before {	content: '\25c2';}
.custom-header nav span.custom-next:before {	content: '\25b8';}
.custom-header nav span:hover:before {	color: #495468;}
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.custom-content-reveal span.custom-content-close:after {
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.custom-content-reveal a, .custom-content-reveal span {
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.custom-content-reveal h4 {
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	margin-bottom: 30px;
.custom-content-reveal span {	color: #888;}
.custom-content-reveal a {	color: #ef4f69;}
.custom-content-reveal a:hover {	color: #333;}

/* Modifications */
.fc-calendar-container {
	height: 400px;
	width: auto;
	padding: 30px;
	background: #f6f6f6;
	box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
.fc-calendar .fc-head {
	background: transparent;
	color: #ef4f69;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-transform: uppercase;
	font-size: 12px;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div {
	background: #fff;
	cursor: pointer;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div:empty {
	background: transparent;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div > span.fc-date {
	top: 50%;
	left: 50%;
	text-align: center;
	margin: -10px 0 0 -15px;
	color: #686a6e;
	font-weight: 400;
	pointer-events: none;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today {
	background: #ef4f69;
	box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today > span.fc-date {
	color: #fff;
	text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-content:after {
	content: '\00B7';
	text-align: center;
	width: 20px;
	margin-left: -10px;
	position: absolute;
	color: #DDD;
	font-size: 70px;
	line-height: 20px;
	left: 50%;
	bottom: 3px;
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today.fc-content:after {	color: #b02c42;}
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-content:hover:after{	color: #ef4f69;}
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today.fc-content:hover:after{	color: #fff;}
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div > div a, .fc-calendar .fc-row > div > div span {
	display: none;
	font-size: 22px;
@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
	.fc-calendar-container {		height: 300px;	}
	.fc-calendar .fc-row > div > span.fc-date {		font-size: 15px;	}



                ;( function( $, window, undefined ) {	
	'use strict';
	$.Calendario = function( options, element ) {		
		this.$el = $( element );
		this._init( options );

	// the options
	$.Calendario.defaults = {
		weeks : [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
		weekabbrs : [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
		months : [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
		monthabbrs : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
		displayWeekAbbr : false,
		displayMonthAbbr : false,
		startIn : 1,
		onDayClick : function( $el, $content, dateProperties ) { return false; }
	$.Calendario.prototype = {
		_init : function( options ) {			
			// options
			this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.Calendario.defaults, options ); = new Date();
			this.month = ( isNaN( this.options.month ) || this.options.month == null) ? : this.options.month - 1;
			this.year = ( isNaN( this.options.year ) || this.options.year == null) ? : this.options.year;
			this.caldata = this.options.caldata || {};

		_initEvents : function() {
      var self = this;
			this.$el.on( 'click.calendario', 'div.fc-row > div', function() {
				var $cell = $( this ),
					idx = $cell.index(),
					$content = $cell.children( 'div' ),
					dateProp = {
						day : $cell.children( 'span.fc-date' ).text(),
						month : self.month + 1,
						monthname : self.options.displayMonthAbbr ? self.options.monthabbrs[ self.month ] : self.options.months[ self.month ],
						year : self.year,
						weekday : idx + self.options.startIn,
						weekdayname : self.options.weeks[ idx + self.options.startIn ]
				if( ) {self.options.onDayClick( $cell, $content, dateProp );}
			} );
		_generateTemplate : function( callback ) {

			var head = this._getHead(),	body = this._getBody(),	rowClass;
			switch( this.rowTotal ) {
				case 4 : rowClass = 'fc-four-rows'; break;
				case 5 : rowClass = 'fc-five-rows'; break;
				case 6 : rowClass = 'fc-six-rows'; break;
			this.$cal = $('<div class="fc-calendar '+rowClass+'">').append( head,body );
			this.$el.find( 'div.fc-calendar' ).remove().end().append( this.$cal );
			if( callback ) {; }
		_getHead : function() {

			var html = '<div class="fc-head">';		
			for ( var i = 0; i <= 6; i++ ) {
				var pos = i + this.options.startIn,
					j = pos > 6 ? pos - 6 - 1 : pos;
				html += '<div>';
				html += this.options.displayWeekAbbr ? this.options.weekabbrs[ j ] : this.options.weeks[ j ];
				html += '</div>';
			html += '</div>';
			return html;
		_getBody : function() {

			var d = new Date(this.year, this.month+1,0),	monthLength = d.getDate(),firstDay = new Date(this.year,this.month,1);
			this.startingDay = firstDay.getDay();
			var html = '<div class="fc-body"><div class="fc-row">',	day = 1;
			for ( var i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
				for ( var j = 0; j <= 6; j++ ) {
					var pos = this.startingDay - this.options.startIn,
						p = pos < 0 ? 6 + pos + 1 : pos,
						inner = '',
						today = this.month === && this.year === && day ===,
						content = '';					
					if ( day <= monthLength && ( i > 0 || j >= p ) ) {
						inner += '<span class="fc-date">'+day+'</span><span class="fc-weekday">'+this.options.weekabbrs[j+this.options.startIn>6?j+this.options.startIn-6-1: j+this.options.startIn]+'</span>';
						var strdate = (this.month+1<10?'0'+(this.month+1): this.month+1)+'-'+(day<10?'0'+day: day)+'-'+this.year,dayData = this.caldata[ strdate ];
						if( dayData ) {content = dayData;}
						if( content !== '' ) {inner += '<div>' + content + '</div>';}
					var cellClasses = today ? 'fc-today ' : '';
					if( content !== '' ) {cellClasses += 'fc-content';}
					html += cellClasses !== '' ? '<div class="' + cellClasses + '">' : '<div>';
					html += inner;
					html += '</div>';

				// stop making rows if we've run out of days
				if (day > monthLength) {
					this.rowTotal = i + 1;
				else {html += '</div><div class="fc-row">';}
			html += '</div></div>';
			return html;
		// based on
		_isValidDate : function( date ) {

			date = date.replace(/-/gi,'');
			var month = parseInt( date.substring( 0, 2 ), 10 ),
				day = parseInt( date.substring( 2, 4 ), 10 ),
				year = parseInt( date.substring( 4, 8 ), 10 );
			if( ( month < 1 ) || ( month > 12 ) ) {return false;}
			else if( ( day < 1 ) || ( day > 31 ) )  {
				return false;
			else if((( month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) && (day > 30))  {
				return false;
			else if((month == 2) && (((year % 400) == 0) || ((year % 4) == 0)) && ((year % 100) != 0) && (day > 29)) {
				return false;
			else if((month == 2) && ((year % 100) == 0) && (day > 29) )  {return false;}
			return {day : day,month : month,year : year};
		_move : function( period, dir, callback ) {

			if( dir === 'previous' ) {				
				if( period === 'month' ) {
					this.year = this.month > 0 ? this.year : --this.year;
					this.month = this.month > 0 ? --this.month : 11;
				else if( period === 'year' ) {this.year = --this.year;}
			else if( dir === 'next' ) {
				if( period === 'month' ) {
					this.year = this.month < 11 ? this.year : ++this.year;
					this.month = this.month < 11 ? ++this.month : 0;
				else if( period === 'year' ) {this.year = ++this.year;}
			this._generateTemplate( callback );
    getYear : function() {return this.year;},
    getMonth : function() {return this.month + 1;},
		getMonthName : function() {
			return this.options.displayMonthAbbr ? this.options.monthabbrs[ this.month ] : this.options.months[ this.month ];
		getCell : function( day ) {

			var row = Math.floor( ( day + this.startingDay - this.options.startIn ) / 7 ),
				pos = day + this.startingDay - this.options.startIn - ( row * 7 ) - 1;
			return this.$cal.find( 'div.fc-body' ).children( 'div.fc-row' ).eq( row ).children( 'div' ).eq( pos ).children( 'div' );

		setData : function( caldata ) {
			caldata = caldata || {};
			$.extend( this.caldata, caldata );

		// goes to today's month/year
		gotoNow : function( callback ) {
			this.month =;
			this.year =;
			this._generateTemplate( callback );

		// goes to month/year
		goto : function( month, year, callback ) {
			this.month = month;
			this.year = year;
			this._generateTemplate( callback );
		gotoPreviousMonth : function( callback ) {
			this._move( 'month', 'previous', callback );
		gotoPreviousYear : function( callback ) {
			this._move( 'year', 'previous', callback );
		gotoNextMonth : function( callback ) {
			this._move( 'month', 'next', callback );
		gotoNextYear : function( callback ) {
			this._move( 'year', 'next', callback );
		var logError = function( message ) {
		if ( window.console ) {window.console.error( message );}
		$.fn.calendario = function( options ) {
		var instance = $.data( this, 'calendario' );		
		if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {			
			var args = arguments, 1 );			
			this.each(function() {			
				if ( !instance ) {
					logError( "cannot call methods on calendario prior to initialization; " +
					"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
				if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
					logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for calendario instance" );
				instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );			
		else {		
			this.each(function() {				
				if ( instance ) {instance._init();}
				else {instance = $.data( this, 'calendario', new $.Calendario( options, this ) );}
		return instance;

var codropsEvents = {
	'01-01-2013' : '<span>New Year\'s day</span>',
	'11-23-2012' : '<a href="">Three Script Updates</a>',
	'11-21-2012' : '<a href="">Adaptive Thumbnail Pile Effect with Automatic Grouping</a>',
	'11-20-2012' : '<a href="">Learning Principles for Improving Your CSS</a>',
	'11-19-2012' : '<a href="">Responsive CSS Timeline with 3D Effect</a>',
	'11-14-2012' : '<a href="">Creative CSS Loading Animations</a>',
	'11-13-2012' : '<a href="">Baraja: A Plugin for Spreading Items in a Card-Like Fashion</a>',
	'11-12-2012' : '<a href="">Mobile Design Typography is Vitally Important … and Challenging</a>',
	'11-09-2012' : '<a href="">Responsive WordPress Theme Giveaway</a>',
	'11-06-2012' : '<a href="">Gamma Gallery: A Responsive Image Gallery Experiment</a>',
	'11-02-2012' : '<a href="">Heading Set Styling with CSS</a>',			
	'10-30-2012' : '<a href="">Becoming Device-Agnostic</a>',
	'10-29-2012' : '<a href="">Elastislide Revised</a>',
	'10-25-2012' : '<a href="">Kick-Start Your Project: A Collection of Handy CSS Snippets</a>',
	'10-24-2012' : '<a href="">Slit Slider Revised</a>',
	'10-23-2012' : '<a href="">Basic Ready-to-Use CSS Styles</a>',
	'10-22-2012' : '<a href="">Slicebox Revised</a><a href="">ManageWP Giveaway</a>',
	'10-28-2012' : '<a href="">Creating Off-Center Balance: Using Asymmetry in Web Design</a>',
	'10-18-2012' : '<a href="">SnackWebsites Giveaway</a>',
	'10-17-2012' : '<a href="">PFold: Paper-Like Unfolding Effect</a>',
	'10-16-2012' : '<a href="">Custom Login Form Styling</a>',
	'10-15-2012' : '<a href="">The Unwritten Rules of a Great Design Critique</a>',
	'10-11-2012' : '<a href="">FooBox WordPress Plugin Giveaway</a><a href="">Real-Time Geolocation Service with Node.js</a><a href="">Busting that Creative Slump You&#8217;re In</a>',
	'10-09-2012' : '<a href="">Windy: A Plugin for Swift Content Navigation</a>',
	'10-04-2012' : '<a href="">Custom Drop-Down List Styling</a>',
	'10-02-2012' : '<a href="">Freebie: Application Icon Set (PNG, PSD, CSH)</a>',
	'10-01-2012' : '<a href="">Vertical Showcase Slider with jQuery and CSS Transitions</a>',
	'09-28-2012' : '<a href="">Stop, Look, Click: Attention-Grabbing Elements in Web Design</a>',
	'09-26-2012' : '<a href="">Make a Statement with Type</a>',
	'09-25-2012' : '<a href="">3D Restaurant Menu Concept</a>',
	'09-20-2012' : '<a href="">Dashboard Design Elements for the Win</a>',
	'09-19-2012' : '<a href="">Fullscreen Video Slideshow with BigVideo.js</a>',
	'09-17-2012' : '<a href="">Build a Color Scheme: The Fundamentals</a>',
	'09-13-2012' : '<a href="">Button Switches with Checkboxes and CSS3 Fanciness</a><a href="">Compare Ninja Premium Subscription Giveaway</a>',
	'09-12-2012' : '<a href="">Creative Web Typography Styles</a>',
	'09-11-2012' : '<a href="">PSD2HTML Professional Coding Services Giveaway</a>',
	'09-06-2012' : '<a href="">Do I Really Need A Style Guide?</a>',
	'09-04-2012' : '<a href="">Perfectly Paired: Using Symmetry in Web Design</a>',
	'09-03-2012' : '<a href="">BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin</a>',			
	'08-29-2012' : '<a href="">Multiple Area Charts with D3.js</a>',
	'08-27-2012' : '<a href="">IM Creator Lifetime Subscriptions Giveaway</a>',
	'08-26-2012' : '<a href="">Happy Birthday! 3 Years of Codrops</a>',
	'08-23-2012' : '<a href="">We Are Architects</a><a href="">Unfolding 3D Thumbnails Concept</a>',
	'08-17-2012' : '<a href="">Creative Background Styles and Trends in Web Design</a>',
	'08-16-2012' : '<a href="">Triple Panel Image Slider</a>',
	'08-15-2012' : '<a href="">Inject Energy Into Your Mobile Design with Light Effects</a>',
	'08-08-2012' : '<a href="">Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions</a>',
	'08-07-2012' : '<a href="">MyThemeShop Responsive WordPress Themes Giveaway</a>',
	'08-04-2012' : '<a href="">The Designer&#8217;s Web Handbook Giveaway</a><a href="">Freebie: Soft UI Kit (PSD)</a>',
	'08-02-2012' : '<a href="">Animated Responsive Image Grid</a>',
	'08-01-2012' : '<a href="">Photo Booth Strips with Lightbox</a>',				
	'07-27-2012' : '<a href="">Examples of Creative and Modern Effects in Web Design</a>',
	'07-25-2012' : '<a href="">Modern Block Quote Styles</a>',
	'07-24-2012' : '<a href="">I Love Script Fonts (Here’s Why)</a>',
	'07-23-2012' : '<a href="">Designing the Dreaded Form: Getting Creative</a>',
	'07-20-2012' : '<a href="">3D Flipping Circle with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',
	'07-12-2012' : '<a href="">Old School Cassette Player with HTML5 Audio</a>',
	'07-10-2012' : '<a href="">Tips &#038; Tools for Grid-based Layouts</a>',
	'07-09-2012' : '<a href="">ThemeFuse Premium WordPress Themes Giveaway</a>',
	'07-07-2012' : '<a href="">Freebie: Baby Blue UI Kit (PSD)</a>',
	'07-05-2012' : '<a href="">Designing the Dreaded Form</a>',
	'07-02-2012' : '<a href="">Swatch Book with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',				
	'07-27-2012' : '<a href="">Responsive 3D Panel Layout</a>',
	'06-25-2012' : '<a href="">Timed Notifications with CSS Animations</a><a href="">TheAdStock Giveaway + Free 4th of July Themed Images</a>',
	'06-19-2012' : '<a href="">ThemeFurnace Premium WordPress Themes Giveaway</a><a href="">Line That Up: Proper Alignment in Web Design</a>',
	'06-18-2012' : '<a href="">3D Thumbnail Hover Effects</a>',
	'06-13-2012' : '<a href="">How Web Design Has Changed Print</a>',
	'06-12-2012' : '<a href="">CSS-Only Responsive Layout with Smooth Transitions</a>',
	'06-11-2012' : '<a href="">Tokokoo E-Commerce WordPress Themes Giveaway</a><a href="">Visual Hierarchy in Mobile Design</a>',
	'06-07-2012' : '<a href="">7 Elements of a Well Converting Subscription Page</a><a href="">Book Review: “The Designer’s Web Handbook”</a>',
	'06-06-2012' : '<a href="">Image Accordion with CSS3</a>',
	'06-05-2012' : '<a href="">Fullscreen Slit Slider with jQuery and CSS3</a>',			
	'05-23-2012' : '<a href="">Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Web Design</a>',
	'05-22-2012' : '<a href="">Creating an Animated 3D Bouncing Ball with CSS3</a>',
	'05-21-2012' : '<a href="">Elegant Themes Giveaway</a><a href="">Animated 3D Bar Chart with CSS3</a>',
	'05-15-2012' : '<a href="">Making Room to Breathe: Wrapping Text Around Elements</a>',
	'05-14-2012' : '<a href="">Annotation Overlay Effect with CSS3</a>',
	'05-09-2012' : '<a href="">How to Create a Fast Hover Slideshow with CSS3</a><a href="">Understanding the Lingo: Typography Glossary</a>',
	'05-07-2012' : '<a href="">Experimental Page Layout Inspired by Flipboard</a><a href="">Impressionist UI Pack Giveaway</a>',
	'05-03-2012' : '<a href="">ThriveSolo Giveaway</a>',
	'05-02-2012' : '<a href="">Enhance Required Form Fields with CSS3</a>',
	'05-01-2012' : '<a href="">Effective Typography-Driven Web Design</a>',			
	'04-30-2012' : '<a href="">Fluid CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect</a><a href="">IM Creator Giveaway</a>',
	'04-25-2012' : '<a href="">FlareThemes Giveaway</a><a href="">Type Effects in Web Design: It&#8217;s All About Moderation</a>',
	'04-24-2012' : '<a href="">Audio Slideshow with jPlayer</a>',
	'04-28-2012' : '<a href="">Awwwards: The Best 365 Websites Around the World 2011 Book Giveaway</a>',
	'04-17-2012' : '<a href="">Rotating Words with CSS Animations</a><a href="">Web Icon Set Giveaway</a><a href="">The Divine Proportion and Web Design</a>',
	'04-12-2012' : '<a href="">Animated Content Tabs with CSS3</a>',
	'04-10-2012' : '<a href="">Successful Web Design: It&#8217;s All About The Details</a><a href="">TN3Gallery Giveaway</a>',
	'04-09-2012' : '<a href="">Direction-Aware Hover Effect with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',
	'04-05-2012' : '<a href="">Slideshow with jmpress.js</a>',
	'04-03-2012' : '<a href="">Color and Emotion: What Does Each Hue Mean?</a>',
	'04-02-2012' : '<a href="">Responsive Horizontal Layout</a>',			
	'03-28-2012' : '<a href="">MightyDeals Giveaway</a><a href="">Add Impact to Type-driven Projects</a>',
	'03-27-2012' : '<a href="">Login and Registration Form with HTML5 and CSS3</a>',
	'03-24-2012' : '<a href="">More Examples of Fresh Effects in Web Design</a>',
	'03-23-2012' : '<a href="">Responsive Content Navigator with CSS3</a>',
	'03-21-2012' : '<a href="">PSD2HTML Giveaway</a>',
	'03-20-2012' : '<a href="">Condensed fonts: The good, the bad, the ugly</a>',
	'03-15-2012' : '<a href="">Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',
	'03-12-2012' : '<a href="">WordPressThemeShock Giveaway</a>',
	'03-07-2012' : '<a href="">Understanding and Using Type Categories in Web Design</a>',				
	'02-28-2012' : '<a href="">Principles of Color and the Color Wheel</a>',
	'02-21-2012' : '<a href="">Accordion with CSS3</a>',
	'02-19-2012' : '<a href="">Establish a Mood with Typography</a>',
	'02-16-2012' : '<a href="">Overcoming the &#8220;User Designer&#8221; Disease</a><a href="">Conceptboard Giveaway</a>',
	'02-09-2012' : '<a href="">Type Effects and Modification</a>',
	'02-06-2012' : '<a href="">3D Gallery with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',
	'02-04-2012' : '<a href="">Keys to Email Creative Success: Marketing and Design</a>',
	'02-01-2012' : '<a href="">Original WordPress Themes Giveaway by ThemeFuse</a><a href="">How to create animated tooltips with CSS3</a>',
	'01-30-2012' : '<a href="">Page Transitions with CSS3</a>',
	'01-27-2012' : '<a href="">Modular front-end development with LESS</a>',
	'01-26-2012' : '<a href="">Be Less Annoying: Reduce Bounce Rates through Better Web Design</a>',
	'01-24-2012' : '<a href="">Arctext.js &#8211; Curving Text with CSS3 and jQuery</a>',
	'01-22-2012' : '<a href="">How to spice up your menu with CSS3</a><a href="">Codrops Giveaway From</a>',
	'01-17-2012' : '<a href="">Sliding Image Panels with CSS3</a>',
	'01-12-2012' : '<a href="">5 Things Every Mobile Design Should Have</a>',
	'01-11-2012' : '<a href="">CSS Buttons with Pseudo-elements</a>',
	'01-10-2012' : '<a href="">Animated Web Banners With CSS3</a>',
	'01-09-2012' : '<a href="">Filter Functionality with CSS3</a>',
	'01-05-2012' : '<a href="">Jumping the Hurdles of Brainstorming</a><a href="">Examples of Fresh Effects in Web Design</a>',
	'01-04-2012' : '<a href="">Thumbnail Proximity Effect with jQuery and CSS3</a>',
	'01-02-2012' : '<a href="">Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow with CSS3</a>',
	'12-25-2012' : '<span>Christmas Day</span>',
	'12-31-2012' : '<span>New Year\'s Eve</span>'
			$(function() {
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				function updateMonthYear() {				
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				// just an example..
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