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    <path d="M12,4L9.91,6.09L12,8.18M4.27,3L3,4.27L7.73,9H3V15H7L12,20V13.27L16.25,17.53C15.58,18.04 14.83,18.46 14,18.7V20.77C15.38,20.45 16.63,19.82 17.68,18.96L19.73,21L21,19.73L12,10.73M19,12C19,12.94 18.8,13.82 18.46,14.64L19.97,16.15C20.62,14.91 21,13.5 21,12C21,7.72 18,4.14 14,3.23V5.29C16.89,6.15 19,8.83 19,12M16.5,12C16.5,10.23 15.5,8.71 14,7.97V10.18L16.45,12.63C16.5,12.43 16.5,12.21 16.5,12Z"></path>
<label id="shadow-toggle">Shadows:<input type="checkbox" /></label>


                body {
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svg {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

label[for="volume"] {
  --size: clamp(1.5rem, calc(1.5rem + 1vw), 2rem);

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  top: 0.65rem;
  right: 0.5rem;

  width: var(--size);
  height: var(--size);

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  cursor: pointer;

label[for="volume"] > svg {
  position: absolute;
  top: 5%;
  left: 5%;
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  height: 90%;

label[for="volume"] path {
  fill: black;

label .mute-off {
  display: none;

#volume {
  display: none;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;

:checked ~ label .mute-off {
  display: block;

:checked ~ label .mute-on {
  display: none;

#shadow-toggle {
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  top: 0.5rem;
  left: 0.5rem;

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function part1() {
  let scaleTimeline = gsap.timeline();

  scaleTimeline.set("#title", { transformOrigin: "48% 70%", scale: 4.9 });"#title", {
    duration: 20,
    scale: 0.8,
    ease: EasePack.ExpoScaleEase.config(4.9, 0.8)

  return scaleTimeline;

function part2() {
  let lettersTimeline = gsap.timeline();

  let batch1Distance = 30;
  let batch3Distance = 50;
  let batch6and8Distance = 180;
  let batch9and10Distance = 150;

  // first word: STRANGER
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-s", { x: `-${batch9and10Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-t", { y: `-${batch6and8Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-r1", { x: -60 });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-a", { x: `-${batch1Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-n", { x: `${batch1Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-g", { x: `${batch3Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-e", { y: -180 });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word1-r2", { x: `${batch9and10Distance}` });

  // second word: THINGS
  // 'T' is static
  lettersTimeline.set("#word2-h", { y: `${batch6and8Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word2-i", { x: -130 });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word2-n", { y: 140 });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word2-g", { x: `${batch3Distance}` });
  lettersTimeline.set("#word2-s", { y: 180 });

    .addLabel("batch1", 0)
    .addLabel("batch2", 0.2)
    .addLabel("batch3", 1)
    .addLabel("batch4", 4)
    .addLabel("batch5", 5)
    .addLabel("batch6", 8.75)
    .addLabel("batch7", 9)
    .addLabel("batch8", 9.5)
    .addLabel("batch9", 11)
    .addLabel("batch10", 12.75)

    .to("#word1-a, #word1-n", { x: 0, duration: 6 }, "batch1")
    .to("#word2-i", { x: 0, duration: 9 }, "batch2")
    .to("#word1-g, #word2-g", { x: 0, duration: 11 }, "batch3")
    .to("#word1-r1", { x: 0, duration: 6 }, "batch4")
    .to("#word2-n", { y: 0, duration: 5 }, "batch5")
    .to("#word1-t", { y: 0, duration: 6 }, "batch6")
    .to("#word2-h", { y: 0, duration: 4.5 }, "batch7")
    .to("#word1-e, #word2-s", { y: 0, duration: 7 }, "batch8")
    .to("#word1-r2", { x: 0, duration: 6 }, "batch9")
    .to("#word1-s", { x: 0, duration: 4.25 }, "batch10");

  return lettersTimeline;

function part3() {
  let boxesTimeline = gsap.timeline();
    .to("#top-box", { scaleX: 1, duration: 1, ease: "power2.out" })
      "#bottom-left-box, #bottom-right-box",
      { scaleX: 1, duration: 0.75 },

  return boxesTimeline;

function part4() {
  let visibilityTimeline = gsap.timeline();

  visibilityTimeline.set("#spotReveal ellipse", {
    transformOrigin: "50% 50%"
  });"#spotReveal ellipse", {
    scale: 0.6,
    opacity: 0,
    duration: 2,
    onStart: () => {
      document.querySelector("#title").setAttribute("mask", "url(#spotReveal)");

  return visibilityTimeline;

function polish() {
  let magicBoxesTimeline = gsap.timeline();

    .to("#black-magic-box1", {
      opacity: 1,
      ease: "",
      duration: 0.8
        opacity: 1,
        duration: 0.8,
        ease: ""

  return magicBoxesTimeline;

const masterTimeline = gsap.timeline({
  onStart: async () => {
    await playSong();
  onRepeat: async () => {
    await playSong();

// since we want this to be set at the very start
  .set("#top-box", { scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: "50% 50%" })
  .set("#bottom-left-box", { scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: "100% 50%" })
  .set("#bottom-right-box", { scaleX: 0, transformOrigin: "0% 50%" })
  .set("#black-magic-box1, #black-magic-box2", {
    opacity: 0

  .add(part1(), 0)
  .add(part2(), 0)
  .add(polish(), 5.3) // at 5.3 second mark
  .add(part3(), 15)
  .add(part4(), 19);

const title = document.querySelector("svg");

title.addEventListener("click", () => {

// audio toggle

let song = new Audio("audio/title.mp3");
const muteToggle = document.querySelector("#volume");

muteToggle.addEventListener("click", toggleMute);

function toggleMute() {
  // initiate playing the song if it was blocked
  if (song.currentTime === 0) {
    try {;
    } catch (error) {

  song.muted = !song.muted;

async function playSong() {
  song.volume = 0.3;
  song.currentTime = 0;
  song.muted = !muteToggle.checked;

  try {;
  } catch (error) {

// shadow toggle

const shadowToggle = document.querySelector("#shadow-toggle input");

shadowToggle.addEventListener("click", toggleShadow);

function toggleShadow() {
  const titleGroup = document.querySelector("#title");
  const value = titleGroup.getAttribute("filter");

  if (value === null || value === "") {
    titleGroup.setAttribute("filter", "url(#shadow)");
  } else {
    titleGroup.setAttribute("filter", "");

