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                <body id="main">
  <h1 id="title">IT Career Improvement</h1>
<div class="background">
 </br><p id="description">As you may be aware, career improvement is of the upmost importance. We all know the saying "If you are ever stagnant, your moving backwards". Our goal is to constantly help you grow and learn more and help strengthen you to be better and better. </p>
<form id="survey-form" method="post" enctype="text/plain">
<div id="ContactData" class="background" align="center">
<fieldset id="contact-info" class="col">
  <div id="Name-Div">
  <h3>1. Personal Contact Information</h3>
    <label id="name-label" for="name">Name</label>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Full Name" id="name" minlength="5" maxlength="25" size="25" autocomplete="name" autofocus required>
  <div id="email-Div">
    <label id="email-label" for="email">Email</label>
    <input type="email" placeholder="Email" id="email" minlength="7" maxlength="50" size="25" autocomplete="email"  placeholder="Enter Email Here" required>
  <div id="phone-Div">
    <label id="number-label" for="Phone Number">Phone Number</label>
    <input type="tel" placeholder="XXX-XXX-XXXX" max="10" size="15" autocomplete="tel"  required>

<div id="Employment-Level-Data" class="background" align="center">
<fieldset id="Current-Job" >
  <h3>2. Career Information</h3>

  <div id="yearsOfExp">
    <label id="YearsOfExperience" for="YearsOfExperience">Years of Work Experience</label>
    <input id="number" type="number" placeholder="1" min="1" max="10" size="3" required>
  <select id="dropdown" name="Current-Job-Level" required>
              <option value="" disabled selected>Select Current Job Level</option>
              <option value="Entry-Level">Entry Level IT (Service/Help Desk)</option>
              <option value="Mid-Level">Mid Level IT(Infrastructure, DevOps, Management)</option>
              <option value="High-Level">High Level IT(Senior level developer, Systems Admin)</option>
  <select id="dropdown" name="What Industry Are You In" required>
              <option value="" disabled selected>Select Industry</option>
              <option value="Educational-IT">Educational IT</option>
              <option value="Government-IT">Government IT</option>
              <option value="Public-Sector-IT">Public Sector IT</option> 
              <option value="Entertainment-IT">Entertainment IT</option>
              <option value="Medical-IT">Medical IT</option>
              <option value="Transportation-IT">Transportation IT</option>


<div id="Level-Of-Interest" class="background">
  <h3>3. Gauging Interest Level</h3>
    <label for="I have little interest in bettering my professional skill Set"><input type="radio" name="interest" value="I have little interest in bettering my professional skill Set" checked>I have little interest in bettering my professional skill Set</label></br></br>
    <label for="I have some interest in bettering my professional skill Set"><input type="radio" name="interest" value="I have some interest in bettering my professional skill Set"> I have some interest in bettering my professional skill Set</label></br></br>
<label for="I have a lot interest in bettering my professional skill Set"><input type="radio" name="interest" value="I have a lot interest in bettering my professional skill Set"> I have a lot interest in bettering my professional skill Set</label>  

<div class="background">
    <h3>4. Level Of Education</h3>
    <label for="No post-secondary education"><input type="radio" name="education" Value="No post-secondary education" checked> No post-secondary education</label></br></br>
    <label for=" I have some college Experience"><input type="radio" name="education" Value="I have some college Experience"> I have some college Experience</label></br></br>
<label for="I have a college degree"><input type="radio" name="education" Value="I have a college degree"> I have a college degree</label>  
<div id="Type-Of-Learning" class="background">
  <h3>5. How Would You Like To Learn</h3>
<label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="typelearning" Value="I would be interested in In-Person education" checked> I would be interested in In-Person education</label></br></br>
    <label><input type="checkbox" value="2"  name="typelearning" Value="I would be interested in online-learning">I would be interested in online-learning</label></br></br>
    <label><input type="checkbox" value="3" name="typelearning" Value="I would be interested in a hybrid learning environment"> I would be interested in a hybrid learning environment</label><br>

    <div id="Final-Section" class="background">
      <fieldset id="QuestionsAndComments">
        <h3>6. Questions, Comments, Concerns</h3>
        <textarea id="QuestionsAndComments" name="QuestionsAndComments" rows="10" wrap="hard" cols="50" placeholder="If you would like to include anything else please include it here." form="survey-form"></textarea>
      <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">


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