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        %h1 What's New in Bootstrap A free, one-page theme to highlight the new features{:href => "#one"} Get Started
      %button.navbar-toggler{"data-target" => "#collapsingNavbar", "data-toggle" => "collapse", :type => "button"}
        %span ☰{:href => "#first"} Bootstrap 4
  {:href => "#one"} Cards
  {:href => "#two"} Flexbox
  {:href => "#examples"} Examples
  {:href => "#three"} 5 Tiers
  {:href => "#four"} More
  {"data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#aboutModal", :title => "A free Bootstrap theme"} About
      %h2 Cards
        What you notice first in
        %a{:href => ""} Bootstrap 4
        is that
        %code .panel
        %code .well
        have been replaced by the
        = succeed "." do
          %code .card
        %a{:href => ""} Bootstrap 4 Cards
        can be singular, grouped together (as shown) or
        = succeed "." do
          %a{:href => ""} equal height
        / card
          %img.card-img-top.img-fluid{:alt => "Card image cap", :src => ""}/
            %h4.card-title Consise
            %p.card-text Cards are a good way to display content composed of different types of objects. They’re well-suited for presenting similar objects whose size or supported actions vary, like headings and photos with captions.
        / card
          %img.card-img-top.img-fluid{:alt => "Card image cap", :src => ""}/
            %h4.card-title Grouped
              Use card groups to render equal height cards without gutters between the cards. Use
              %code .card-deck
              for cards that aren’t attached to each another.
        / card
          %img.card-img-top.img-fluid{:alt => "Card image cap", :src => ""}/
            %h4.card-title Same Height
            %p.card-text A frequent problem occurs when you have multiple items in a row with content of varying height. Thanks to flexbox (and display:table) we now have equal height cards!
  {"data-wow-delay" => ".1s"}
            %h6.text-uppercase Easier
              Flexbox provides
              %a{:href => ""} simpler, more flexible layout
              options like vertical centering.
            %h6.text-uppercase Sass-y
            %p.text-muted.m-b-0 Use SASS to easily customize your Bootstrap 4 projects.
  {"data-wow-delay" => ".1s"}
            %h6.text-uppercase It's Modern
              Introduced in CSS3, flexbox won't work in older browsers like
              = succeed "." do
                %a{:href => ""} IE9
 Bootstrap 4 Examples
 Layouts &amp; Templates
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Sticky Footer
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Dashboard
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Full-height Jumbotron Vertical Center
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Header, Affix Navbar &amp; Sidebar
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Off-canvas Sidebar
 Code Snippets
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Navbar Align Center
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Navbar Align Right
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Custom Navbar Color
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Multi-level Vertical Side Nav
            %a.nav-link{:href => "//"} Card Examples
      %h5.text-primary.text-center.text-uppercase Now there are 5 Breakpoints
        %small To accomodate a variety of devices and screen widths
                %h1.card-title XS
                %h3.text-muted &lt;34 em
                %h1.card-title SM
                %h3.text-muted ≥34 em
                %h1.card-title MD
                %h3.text-muted ≥48 em
                %h1.card-title LG
                %h3.text-muted ≥62 em
                %h1.card-title XL
                %h3.text-muted ≥75 em
                %img.img-fluid{:src => "//"}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.card-img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.card-img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.card-img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
                %img.img-fluid{:src => ""}/
                    %a.text-light{"data-src" => "", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#galleryModal"} view
      %h2.text-primary.text-center The Grid is More Flexible
          %h3 Start

          %h1.text-primary 100
          %h3 Migrate

          %h1.text-primary 3421
          %h3 Build

          %h1.text-primary 4%
          %h3 Play

          %h1.text-primary 50%
 6 units
 7 units
 8 units
 9 units
 10 units
 11 units
          %h2.text-nowrap Fonts got larger
          %button.btn.btn-lg.text-normal.btn-outline-secondary Outline
          %button.btn.btn-lg.text-normal.btn-outline-primary Buttons
          %button.btn.btn-lg.text-normal.btn-outline-danger Are Here
          %h1.display-4 Wow.
          %p.lead.text-justify Text is larger in Bootstrap 4. The default font size is now 16px. There are also new "Display headings" that really stand out. The new em based sizing is cool too.

                %a.nav-link{:href => "#"} Home
                %a.nav-link{:href => "#"} Features
                %a.nav-link{:href => "#"} Pricing
                %a.nav-link{:href => "#"} About
          %h2 Navbar
            The new Bootstrap 4
            %code .navbar
            code is lighter. You can make it responsive using the Collapse component and
            %code .navbar-toggleable-*
            classes that enable you to control the breakpoint.
          %h2 RIP icons, affix, etc..
            Some components have been removed from Bootstrap 4. The Glyphicons icon fonts are no longer included, but it's easy to
            utilize another font like FontAwesome,
            %a{:href => ""} Octicons
            = succeed "." do
              %a{:href => ""} Ionicons
              %a{"data-target" => "#alertModal", "data-toggle" => "modal", :href => "#alertModal"}
                  %code.text-lowercase text-capitalize
                  Capitalize each word
                  %code.text-lowercase text-uppercase
                  Uppercase text
                  %code text-lowercase
                  There is lowercase too
                  %code text-truncate
                  some longer text that won't wrap and will truncate with ellipsis at the end.
              %h6 Migration tips
                  %code well
                  %code card card-block
                  %code panel panel-default
                  %code card
                  %code pull-right
                  %code float-right
                  %code img-responsive
                  %code img-fluid
                  %code list-inline &gt; li
                  %code list-inline-item
                  %code nav-item
                  to nav navbar &gt; li
                  %code nav-link
                  to nav navbar &gt; li &gt; a
                  %code active
                  class is added to
                  %code nav-item
                  for scrollspy
                  %code carousel-inner &gt; item
                  %code carousel-item
                  %code table-condensed
                  %code table-sm
                  %code input-lg
                  %code form-control-lg
                  %code input-sm
                  %code form-control-sm
              Here's a handy
              %a{:href => ""} Bootstrap 3 to 4 upgrade tool
              to convert your code!
          %h2 Handy utilities
            Several simple, but useful
            %a{:href => ""} utility classes
            have been added like text, margin and padding helpers. There are
            %a{:href => ""} contextual colors
            %a{:href => ""} responsive utility
            classes to hide content on
            specific breakpoints. There's even a new fluid Jumbotron!
        %h2.text-primary Get Started{:href => "", :target => "ext"} Free
          %h6.wide-space.text-center.text-uppercase Bootstrap is Built on these Standards
              %i.icon-lg.ion-social-html5-outline{:title => "html 5"}
              %i.icon-lg.ion-social-sass{:title => "sass"}
              %i.icon-lg.ion-social-javascript-outline{:title => "javascript"}
              %i.icon-lg.ion-social-css3-outline{:title => "css 3"}
 Get in Touch
          %p We love feedback. Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

              %input.form-control{:placeholder => "Name", :type => "text"}/
              %input.form-control{:placeholder => "Email", :type => "text"}/
              %input.form-control{:placeholder => "Phone", :type => "text"}/
              %textarea.form-control{:placeholder => "Your message here..", :rows => "9"}
              %button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg{"data-target" => "#alertModal", "data-toggle" => "modal", :type => "button"}
          %h6.text-uppercase Bootstrap 4
              %a{:href => "", :target => "ext"} What's New
              %a{:href => "", :target => "ext"} Examples
              %a{:href => "", :target => "ext"} Official
              %a{:href => "", :target => "ext"} Playground
          %h6.text-uppercase About
              %a{:href => "#"} Contact Us
              %a{:href => "#"} Delivery Information
              %a{:href => "#"} Privacy Policy
              %a{:href => "#"} Terms &amp; Conditions
          %h6.text-uppercase Stay Posted
              %input.form-control{:placeholder => "Tell us your email", :title => "No spam, we promise!", :type => "text"}/
              %button.btn.btn-primary{"data-target" => "#alertModal", "data-toggle" => "modal", :type => "button"} Subscribe for updates
          %h6.text-uppercase Follow
              %a{:href => "", :rel => "nofollow", :title => "Twitter"}>
              %a{:href => "", :rel => "nofollow", :title => "Facebook"}
        %a{:href => ""} Made by
        ©2015-2017 Company
  #galleryModal.modal.fade{"aria-hidden" => "true", :role => "dialog", :tabindex => "-1"}
{:src => "//"}/
            %button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{"aria-hidden" => "true", "data-dismiss" => "modal"}
  #aboutModal.modal.fade{"aria-hidden" => "true", :role => "dialog", :tabindex => "-1"}
          %h2.text-center Bootstrap 4 Theme
          %h6.text-center A free, responsive template
            This is a customized, single page example template that demonstrates some of the new features to check out in Bootstrap 4. Some of the features include Google Montserrat fonts, animation using Dan Eden's animate.css and the WOW jQuery plugin to watch the scrolling.
            %a{:href => ""} Descargar at
          %button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{"aria-hidden" => "true", "data-dismiss" => "modal"} OK
  #alertModal.modal.fade{"aria-hidden" => "true", :role => "dialog", :tabindex => "-1"}
          %h2.text-center Nice Job!
          %p.text-center You clicked the button, but it doesn't actually go anywhere because this is only a demo.
            %a{:href => ""} Learn More
          %button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{"aria-hidden" => "true", "data-dismiss" => "modal"}


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                (function($) {
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        target: '.fixed-top',
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    $('').bind('click', function(event) {
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            scrollTop: ($($ele.attr('href')).offset().top - 60)
        }, 1450, 'easeInOutExpo');
    $('#collapsingNavbar li a').click(function() {
        /* always close responsive nav after click */

    $('#galleryModal').on('', function (e) {

