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      <img src="https://image.ibb.co/fYzTrb/lastofus.jpg">
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      <h4 class="color1">You're not a Fossil! (YET)</h2>
      <h4 class="color2 margin">(HAPPY BIRTHDAY)</h3>
      <p>Dear Dad,</p>
      <p>Let's see.. .</p>
      <p>You’re never around, you</p>
      <p>hate the music I’m into, you</p>
      <p>practically despise the movies I</p>
      <p>like, and yet somehow you still</p>
      <p>manage to be the best dad every year.</p>
      <p>How do you do that? :)</p>
      <p class="text-right">Happy Birthday, papa!</p>
      <p class="text-right">♥Sarah</p>
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/* by rikanutyy */
Run Pen

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