<h3>Select this paragraph in yellow marker</h3>
<p class="yellow">Chase Sea Legs pink gangplank coxswain holystone crow's nest warp dance the hempen jig doubloon. No prey, no pay yardarm haul wind black jack cackle fruit grapple pink Privateer fire in the hole Jack Tar. Mutiny plunder no prey, no pay belaying pin pressgang topmast bounty knave fluke haul wind.</p>
<h3>Select this paragraph in black/white</h3>
<p class="black">Hempen halter wench avast Privateer Yellow Jack pirate provost spanker scurvy loot. Reef belaying pin careen aye pirate run a shot across the bow squiffy lugger me American Main. Topmast holystone come about topgallant jolly boat Nelsons folly bowsprit Blimey gibbet lugger.</p>
<h3>Select this paragraph in shadow text</h3>
<p class="shadow">Crow's nest tackle belaying pin pink Pirate Round hail-shot keelhaul wench lee wherry. Belay Barbary Coast ye marooned gabion gibbet hornswaggle yo-ho-ho bounty crow's nest. Sutler cutlass crack Jennys tea cup gangway shrouds Shiver me timbers Sink me pink maroon Pirate Round.</p>
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