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    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./main.css">
    <title>Backdraft Polygraph Example Application</title>
<div id="root"></div>


                @charset "UTF-8";

body {
    font-family: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;

polygon {
    fill: #42b983;
    opacity: .75;

circle {
    fill: transparent;
    stroke: #999;

text {
    font-family: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 10px;
    fill: #666;

label {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-left: 10px;
    width: 20px;

div.value {
    justify-content: center;

.raw {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 300px;



                import {Component, Collection, CollectionChild, render, svg, e, toWatchable} from "";

// This is a port of the Vue example of the same name.
// Other than the mathematical calculation of a point (which is a property of mathematics, not the example), it shares
// no common code.

// The application consists of
//   * a polygraph--an svg polygon drawn inside a circle with labeled points: implemented as the PolyGraph component
//   * a collection of controllers for each point: implemented as a Collection of StatController components
//   * a little form to add a stat: part of the Page component
//   * some text that reflects the JSON value of stats: part of the Page component
// In addition to playing with the controllers, you can play with the underlying data in the console via the variable
// window.polygraphData. For example, try typing "window.polygraphData.reverse()" into the console to reverse the order
// of the points.
// To grok the program look at Polygraph, then AxisLabel, then StatController, and finally Page.

// The raw data to observe
// window.polygraphData allows the data to be mutated in the debug console
let stats = window.polygraphData = toWatchable([
	{label: "A", value: 100},
	{label: "B", value: 100},
	{label: "C", value: 100},
	{label: "D", value: 100},
	{label: "E", value: 100},
	{label: "F", value: 100}

function valueToPoint(value, index, total){
	let x = 0;
	let y = -value * 0.8;
	let angle = Math.PI * 2 / total * index;
	let cos = Math.cos(angle);
	let sin = Math.sin(angle);
	return {x: Math.round(x * cos - y * sin + 100), y: Math.round(x * sin + y * cos + 100)};

class AxisLabel extends CollectionChild.withWatchables("item:label, value", "point") {
	// AxisLabel is used by Polygraph to output the labels in the polygraph. Polygraph is given an watchable array of
	// "stats" of {label: string, value: number}; see Polygraph. Each item in the array causes one AxisLabel instance to
	// be created that's associated with one stat item.
	// AxisLabel uses mathematics (see valueToPoint, above) to create an (x, y) point given a value, and then renders a
	// a svg text node with the x and y attributes reflecting the point and innerHTML reflecting the label.
	// Backdraft reflection is used to automatically update the point any time any of the inputs into valueToPoint mutate,
	// and then update the svg text node's x any y attributes any time the point changes. Similarly, the svg's text node
	// is automatically updated any time the label mutates. The superclass, CollectionChild.withWatchables, causes the
	// watchable properties label, value, and point to be declared on each AxisLabel instance. Further, label and value
	// are actually virtual properties, simply reflecting the label and value properties of the particular stat to which
	// a particular AxisLabel instance is associated.
    // initialize the point property, given the value property
    // withWatchables("item:label, value") ensures that this.label and this.value reflect the stat item's value and label properties

		// reflect the value of this.label into a svg text node
		return svg("text", {
			bdReflect: {
				// update the svg text node's x attribute any time this.point.x changes
				x: ["point", p => p.x],

				// update the svg text node's y attribute any time this.point.y changes
				y: ["point", p => p.y],

				// update the svg text node's innerHTML any time this.label changes
				innerHTML: "label"

		// anytime item.value mutates, we must update the point
		this.point = valueToPoint((value || 0) + 10, this.collectionIndex, this.collectionLength);

		// anytime the length of the collection changes, we must update the point

		// anytime the array index of the item associated with this instance changes, we must update the point.
		// This can happen when points are re-ordered...because Backdraft *does not* destroy/create DOM nodes consequent
		// to reordering. You can test this by opening the console after loading the app, and executing 
		// "window.polygraphData.reverse()", which will reverse the data in the array.  Backdraft does all of this
    // *without* a virtual dom, *without* adding keys to the array items...indeed...without "re-rendering"
		// but rather updating the already rendered document fragment!

class Polygraph extends Component {
	// Polygraph is an svg drawing of a polygon that consists of the (x, y) points computed by pointsToPolyPoints given
	// an array of "stats" of {label: string, value: number}. The array is provided as a keyword argument at construction
	// in the property "stats" and is a watchable array. Polygraph takes advantage of this feature by updating the
	// svg polygon points attribute any time any value in stats changes. In particular,
	// bdReflect_points: [this.kwargs.stats, pointsToPolyPoints]
	// instructs Backdraft to reflect the value of pointsToPolyPoints(this.kwargs.stats) into the points attribute
	// of the polygon node any time this.kwargs.stats mutates.
	// Polygraph also draws a circle and includes a Collection of AxisLabels, one AxisLabel for each item in stats. The
	// Backdraft class Collection is used to manage a set of homogeneous components that reflect a collection (actualized
	// as an array) of homogeneous data--a very common pattern. Collection ensures that a child item is created/mutated/deleted
	// to reflect the underlying data...all using algorithms as efficient as hand-tuned code.

		function pointsToPolyPoints(stats){
			let length = stats.length;
			return, i) => valueToPoint(s.value, i, length)).map(p => p.x + "," + p.y).join(" ");

		return svg("svg", {width: 200, height: 200},
				svg("polygon", {bdReflect_points: [this.kwargs.stats, pointsToPolyPoints]}),
				svg("circle", {cx: 100, cy: 100, r: 80}),
				e(Collection, {elements: svg("g"), childType: AxisLabel, collection: this.kwargs.stats})

class StatController extends CollectionChild.withWatchables("item:label, value", "point") {
	// This is the component that has the slider label, value, and delete button; 
  // it is implemented using the same ideas as AxisLabel.
		return e("div",
			e("label", {
				// when the label property mutates in the stat item associated with this instance,
				// reflect the new value into this node.
				bdReflect: "label"
			e("input", {
				type: "range", min: 0, max: 100, value: this.collectionItem.value,

				// when the input node signals an event of type "input",
				// set the value property of the stat item associated with this instance
				bdOn_input: e => (this.collectionItem.value = Number(,

				// when the value property mutates in the stat item associated with this instance,
				// reflect the new value into the value attribute of this node.
				bdReflect_value: "value"
			e("div", {
				className: "value",

				// when the value property mutates in the stat item associated with this instance,
				// reflect the new value into this node.
				bdReflect: "value"
			e("button", {
				className: "remove",

				bdOn_click: () => {
					// when the button node signals an event of type "click", try to delete this item from the underlying data
					// notice that, given our design that *reflects* the data, we simply manipulate the underlying data
					// and the user interface automatically synchronizes...all without virtual dom!
					if(this.parent.collection.length > 3){
						this.parent.collection.splice(this.collectionIndex, 1);
						alert("Can't delete more!");
			}, "X")

class Page extends Component {
	// Here's the whole consists of a Polygraph instance, a Collection of StatController instances, a little
	// form to add a stat, and some text that reflects the JSON value of stats.
	// When a new Page instance is instantiated, it is passed the stats array in the keyword constructor argument "stats".

		return e("div",
			e(Polygraph, {bdAttach: "graph", stats: this.kwargs.stats}),
			e(Collection, {childType: StatController, collection: this.kwargs.stats}),
				e("input", {bdAttach: "input"}),
				e("button", {bdAdvise: {"click": this.add.bind(this)}}, "Add a Stat")
			e("pre", {
				className: "raw",
				bdReflect: [this.kwargs.stats, () => JSON.stringify(stats, null, "\t")]

		let label = this.input.value;
		if(!label) return;
		this.kwargs.stats.push({label: label, value: 100});
		this.input.value = "";

render(Page, {stats: stats}, "root");

