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  Sorry, your browser does not support CSS Grid. 😅
<section class="section">
  <h1>Nom Nom Gallery</h1>
  <div class="grid">
    <div class="item">
      <div class="item__details">
        jelly-o brownie sweet
    <div class="item item--large">
      <div class="item__details">
        Muffin jelly gingerbread 
    <div class="item item--medium">
      <div class="item__details">
        sesame snaps chocolate
    <div class="item item--large">
      <div class="item__details">
        Oat cake
    <div class="item item--full">
      <div class="item__details">
         jujubes cheesecake
    <div class="item item--medium">
      <div class="item__details">
        Dragée pudding brownie
    <div class="item item--large">
      <div class="item__details">
        Oat cake
    <div class="item">
      <div class="item__details">
        powder toffee
    <div class="item item--medium">
      <div class="item__details">
        pudding cheesecake
    <div class="item item--large">
      <div class="item__details">
        toffee bear claw 
    <div class="item">
      <div class="item__details">
        cake cookie croissant
    <div class="item item--medium">
      <div class="item__details">
        liquorice sweet roll
    <div class="item item--medium">
      <div class="item__details">
        chocolate marzipan
    <div class="item item--large">
      <div class="item__details">
        danish dessert lollipop
    <div class="item">
      <div class="item__details">
        sugar plum dragée
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