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// Album Covers
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align-items: center;
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// Player
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&:before {
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opacity: 1;
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opacity: 1;
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&:before {
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&:before {
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// Album Covers Background
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0% {
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100% {
width: 100%;
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backdrop-filter: blur(40px);
100% {
width: 150%;
height: 150%;
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View Compiled
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// Variables
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topContent = document.querySelector(".topContent"),
bottomContent = document.querySelector(".bottomContent"),
playBtn = document.querySelector(".btnPlay"),
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imageBg = document.querySelector(".imageBg"),
albumBg = document.querySelector(".albumBg"),
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bodyBg = document.querySelector(".bodyBg"),
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// Songs
const songs = [
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/jain.jpg",
artistName: "Jain",
songName: "Makeba",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song1.mp3",
color: "#f5c63d"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/ohland.jpg",
artistName: "Oh Land",
songName: "Postpone the Bad",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song2.mp3",
color: "#afc5c3"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/angele.jpg",
artistName: "Angèle",
songName: "La Loi de Murphy",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song3.mp3",
color: "#74c2dd"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/broods.jpg",
artistName: "Broods",
songName: "Bridges",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song1.mp3",
color: "#a3b8b0"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/alice.jpg",
artistName: "Alice Phoebe Lou",
songName: "Orbit",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song2.mp3",
color: "#38736d"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/feist.jpg",
artistName: "Feist",
songName: "The Bad in Each Other",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song3.mp3",
color: "#a4b1b2"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/dagny.jpg",
artistName: "Dagny",
songName: "Ultraviolet",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song1.mp3",
color: "#8098ce"
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/sigrid.jpg",
artistName: "Sigrid",
songName: "Dynamite",
song: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/songs/song2.mp3",
color: "#1a91bd"
// Music Groups
const groups = [
title: "Songs",
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/img06.jpg"
title: "Artists",
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/img07.jpg"
title: "Playlists",
title: "Favourites",
img: "https://www.rafaelalucas.com/dailyui/9/covers/img10.jpg"
// Playlists
const playlists = [
title: "Pop Music",
title: "On the road!",
title: "Christmas Songs",
title: "Rainy days",
// Events
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iconBottomExpand.addEventListener("click", expandBottom);
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// Functions
function playSong() {
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document.querySelector(".swiper-slide-active audio").play();
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//Swiper Music Goups
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// Optional parameters
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// change Album size
function albumSize() {
const albumContent = document.querySelectorAll(".albumContent");
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topContent.classList.contains("expand") &&
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albumContent.forEach(function(el) {
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//Swiper Albums
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}"><img src="${el.img}"></div>
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swipperWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", template);
// To Create Playlists
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let templatePlaylist = `
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// Change Song & Album BG
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".slider-one .swiper-slide-active .albumCover"
activeColor = getColor.style.backgroundColor;
setTimeout(() => {
bodyBg.style.backgroundColor = activeColor;
}, 200);
// Music Groups
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
const { title, img } = groups[i];
var template2 = `<div class="swiper-slide group">
<figure><img src="${img}"></figure>
<p class = "titleGroup">${title}</p>
musicGroups.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", template2);
// Add favourites & Playlist
const heart = document.querySelectorAll(".heart"),
plus = document.querySelectorAll(".plus"),
close = document.querySelectorAll(".close"),
playlist = document.querySelectorAll(".playlist");
heart.forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", addFave);
plus.forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", openPlaylists);
close.forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", openPlaylists);
playlist.forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", addPlaylist);
function addFave(e) {
if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains("fave")) {
} else {
function openPlaylists(e) {
if (
) {
} else {
function closePlaylists() {
function addPlaylist(e) {
if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains("selected")) {
} else {
// Song Progress Bar
function formatTime(seconds) {
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
minutes = minutes >= 10 ? minutes : "0" + minutes;
seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
seconds = seconds >= 10 ? seconds : "0" + seconds;
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
function progressBar() {
var songDuration = document.querySelector(".swiper-slide-active audio")
endTime = document.querySelector(".endTime"),
songAudio = document.querySelector(".swiper-slide-active audio"),
currentTime = document.querySelector(".currentTime");
endTime.innerHTML = formatTime(songDuration);
songAudio.ontimeupdate = function() {
var progress = document.querySelector(".progress");
progress.style.width =
songAudio.currentTime * 100 / songDuration + "%";
currentTime.innerHTML = formatTime(songAudio.currentTime);
// Call Functions
wrapper.style.height = window.innerHeight + "px";