<p><a href="#" title="A title" data-simply-field="link">Edit this link</a></p>

<!-- end of example conten -->

<p><a class="edit-button" href="#simply-edit">By pressing this link</a></p>

<pre class="code"><span class="lowlight">&lt;a href="#" title="A title"</span> <span class="highlight">data-simply-field="link"</span><span class="lowlight">&gt;Edit this link&lt;/a&gt;</span></pre>

<p>Hyperlinks can be an editable field as well. In addition to html content, you can set the attributes <code>href</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>title</code>, <code>rel="nofollow"</code> and <code>target="_blank"</code></p>

<p>SimplyEdit has built in knowledge about different HTML elements, like anchor (<code>&lt;A&gt;</code>). You don't have to do anything extra to make any HTML element editable.</p>

<p class="refer-back">This example is part of <a href="https://simplyedit.io/examples/" target="_blank">simplyedit.io/examples/</a>
<script    src="https://cdn.simplyedit.io/1/simply-edit.js" data-api-key="codepen"></script>

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