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Monsieur Whale - Animating SVG Icon 

This experiment uses CSS Transforms and Animations on an SVG icon. These kinds of techniques are presented in my icon design & SVG class on CreativeLive. To check out the class or its resources, visit

Animated and designed by: Peter Nowell
	(note that the icon is currently enlarged for demonstration)


<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 80 80" version="1.1">
	<g class="whale-container" fill="none" stroke="#3279FD" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">

		<g class="whale">
			<!-- 	 Tail	 -->
			<path class="tail" d="M21.4 43.9C20.9 45.4 19.7 48.9 16.7 50.6 13.6 52.4 11.8 51.7 8.3 52.1 14.2 46.3 12.2 43.3 14.9 40.8 12.5 39.2 14.4 37.8 13 34.3 14.9 34.4 18.5 32.9 19.7 33.9 20.9 34.9 20.5 36.3 21.1 38.3"/>

			<!-- 	Main Body	 -->
			<path class="body-lower-right" d="M78.5 46.1C75.5 46.1 75.2 47.3 73.5 48 75.5 47.4 78 47.6 78 47.6 75.5 54.1 66.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 53.1 57.5 50.3 57 45.4 56.1"/>

			<path class="body-lower-left" d="M46.7 56.4C37.7 54.8 28 51.7 20 47"/>

			<path class="body-top-right" d="M58.5 24.5C73.5 24.5 77.5 34.5 77.5 39.5 77.5 41.5 77.5 45.1 78.5 46.1"/>

			<path class="body-top-left" d="M21 42C34.5 42 41.5 24.5 58.5 24.5"/>

			<path class="smile" d="M69.5 47.5C70.6 49.2 73 48.1 74 47.9"/>

			<!-- 	Flipper	 -->
			<path class="flipper" d="M52.5 48.6C51.4 51.7 49.2 55.5 46.6 58.6 44 61.6 39.6 63 34.4 61.1 31.1 60 33.1 55.1 37.6 52.2 40 50.7 44.4 49.9 43 48.3" fill="#FFFFFF"/>

			<!-- 	 Eye	 -->
			<circle class="eye" stroke="#3279FD" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" cx="62.5" cy="42.5" r="4"/>

			<circle class="pupil" fill="#3279FD" cx="64.25" cy="42.25" r="2.25" stroke="none"/>

			<!-- 	Blow Hole	 -->
			<path class="blow-hole" d="M53 27.9C53.8 26.9 55.5 27.4 56 26.9"/>


		<!--  Spray	 -->
		<g class="sprays">
			<path class="spray-1" d="M54 27C53 21 51 16.5 46.5 16.5 42.9 16.5 42.5 19.5 42.5 19.5"/>

			<path class="spray-2" d="M53.5 27.5L53.5 18C53.5 8.5 51.5 4 47 4 44 4 42.5 6.5 42.5 8.5 42.5 10 43.5 12.5 46 12.5 48 12.5 48.5 11 48.5 10 48.5 7.5 46 7.5 45.5 8.5"/>

			<path class="spray-3" d="M54.4 27.2C54 15.5 56.5 3 48.5 0.5"/>

			<path class="spray-4" d="M55.5 27C55.5 27 56 15 56.5 10 57 5 59.5 1.5 63.5 1.5 67.5 1.5 68.5 3.5 68.5 3.5"/>

			<path class="spray-5" d="M55.5 27C55.5 27 56.5 20 57.5 14.5 58.5 9 61 7.5 63.5 7.5 66 7.5 67 9 67 10.5 67 12 66 13.5 64.5 13.5 63 13.5 62.5 12.5 62.5 12 62.5 11 63 10.5 63.5 10.5"/>

			<path class="spray-6" d="M55.5 27C55.5 21.5 62.5 11 70.5 19"/>

			<path class="spray-7" d="M55.5 27C55.5 21.5 61.5 18.5 66 21"/>


<div class="zoom-button">Scale to </div>


Animation Sequence:
(tail continuously flapping)
- whale moves down low
- eye looks down at flipper
- shakes flipper
- moves up
- eye looks upward
- sprays
- moves down a bit
- eye looks forward
- moves up to starting point

.whale {
	animation: whale-up-down 12s infinite cubic-bezier(.6,0,.4,1);

/* Tail & Left Body */
.tail {
	/* transform-origin: center; */
	transform-origin: 14.835px 42.795px;
	transform: skew(0, -15deg) translate(-.4px, 2.5px) rotate(36deg);
	animation: tail;
.body-top-left {
	/* transform-origin: top right; */
	transform-origin: 58.5px 24.5px;
	transform: rotate(-3deg);
	animation: body-top-left;
.body-lower-left {
	/* transform-origin: bottom right; */
	transform-origin: 46.74px 56.36px;
	transform: rotate(-3deg);
	animation: body-lower-left;
.body-lower-left {
	animation-duration: 4s;
	animation-delay: -1.5s;
	animation-iteration-count: infinite;
	animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.6,0,.4,1);

/* Eye */
.pupil {
	transform-origin: 62.5px 42.5px;
/* 	transform-origin: left center; */
	transform: rotate(-5deg);
	animation: look-around 12s infinite cubic-bezier(.6,0,.4,1);

/* Flipper */
.flipper {
	/* transform-origin: 80% 0%; */
	transform-origin: 48.544px 48.32px;
	transform: rotate(-10deg) scaleY(.7);
	stroke-width: 1.2;
	animation: flipper 12s infinite ease-in-out;

/* Spray Streams */
.sprays path {
	animation-duration: 12s;
	animation-iteration-count: infinite;
	animation-timing-function: ease-out;
.spray-1 {
	/* path length: 19.5708 */
	stroke-dasharray: 19.57;
	/* round down the length slightly for the stroke-dasharray */
	stroke-dashoffset: 58.7125;
	/* dash	offset should be 3x the length */
	animation: spray-1;
.spray-2 {
	/* path length: 48.2011 */
	stroke-dasharray: 48.2;
	stroke-dashoffset: 144.6033;
	animation: spray-2;
.spray-3 {
	/* path length: 29.0627 */
	stroke-dasharray: 29.06;
	stroke-dashoffset: 87.1881;
	animation: spray-3;
.spray-4 {
	/* path length: 34.7940 */
	stroke-dasharray: 34.79;
	stroke-dashoffset: 104.382;
	animation: spray-4;
.spray-5 {
	/* path length: 37.0617 */
	stroke-dasharray: 37.06;
	stroke-dashoffset: 111.1851;
	animation: spray-5;
.spray-6 {
	/* path length: 22.1995 */
	stroke-dasharray: 22.19;
	stroke-dashoffset: 66.5985;
	animation: spray-6;
.spray-7 {
	/* path length: 14.5739 */
	stroke-dasharray: 14.57;
	stroke-dashoffset: 43.7218;
	animation: spray-7;

/* Tail Flapping */
@keyframes tail {
	50% { transform: skew(0, 20deg) translate(.8px, -4.3px) rotate(28deg); }
@keyframes body-top-left {
	50% { transform: rotate(2.5deg) scaleX(.92); }
@keyframes body-lower-left {
	50% { transform: rotate(5deg); }

/* Whale Up & Down Movement */
@keyframes whale-up-down {
	0%   { transform: translateY(0); }
	30%  { transform: translateY(10px); }
	60%  { transform: translateY(0); }
	80%  { transform: translateY(4px); }
	100% { transform: translateY(0); }

/* Eye Direction */
@keyframes look-around {
	0%   { transform: rotate(5deg); }
	15%  { transform: rotate(5deg); }
	25%  { transform: rotate(100deg); }
	55%  { transform: rotate(10deg); }
	60%  { transform: rotate(-40deg); }
	70%  { transform: rotate(-50deg); }
	85%  { transform: rotate(20deg); }
	100% { transform: rotate(5deg); }

/* Flipper Flapping */
.flipper-up { 			  stroke-width: 1.2; transform: rotate(-10deg) scaleY(.7);  }
.flipper-little-up {  stroke-width: 1.1; transform: rotate(-10deg) scaleY(.85); }
.flipper-down { 		  stroke-width: 1;   transform: rotate(-10deg) scaleY(1);   };
// We're using LESS mixins here, to make the flipper keyframes easier to read

@keyframes flipper {
	0%   { .flipper-up; }
	10%  { .flipper-down; }
	20%  { .flipper-up; }

	26%  { .flipper-down; }
	27%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	29%  { .flipper-down; }
	30%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	31%  { .flipper-down; }
	33%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	34%  { .flipper-down; }
	36%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	37%  { .flipper-down; }
	39%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	40%  { .flipper-down; }
	41%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	43%  { .flipper-down; }
	45%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	49%  { .flipper-down; }
	52%  { .flipper-little-up; }
	55%  { .flipper-down; }
	60%  { .flipper-up; }
	70%  { .flipper-down; }
	80%  { .flipper-up; }
	90%  { .flipper-down; }
	100% { .flipper-up; }

/* Spray Streams */
@keyframes spray-1 {
	62%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 58.7125; }
	68%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 19.5708; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 19.5708; }
@keyframes spray-2 {
	60%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 144.6033;}
	70%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 48.2011; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 48.2011; }
@keyframes spray-3 {
	55%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 87.1881; }
	65%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 29.0627; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 29.0627; }
@keyframes spray-4 {
	56%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 104.382; }
	72%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 34.7940; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 34.7940; }
@keyframes spray-5 {
	60%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 111.19; }
	68%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 37.0617; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 37.0617; }
@keyframes spray-6 {
	56%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 66.599; }
	70%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 22.1995; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 22.1995; }
@keyframes spray-7 {
	62%  { /* initial */ stroke-dashoffset: 43.7218; }
	68%  { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 14.5739; }
	100% { /* final */ stroke-dashoffset: 14.5739; }

/* Zoom Button + Zooming */
svg {
	margin-top: 40px;
	transform: scale(1);
	transform-origin: top left;
	transition: .6s;
.zoomed svg {
	transform: scale(6);
.zoom-button {
	position: fixed;
	bottom: 20px;
	background: white;
	cursor: pointer;
	padding: 5px 15px;
	border: 1px solid #3279FD;
	border-radius: 4px;
	font-family: Avenir, sans-serif;
	color: #3074F3;
	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
	-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.zoom-button:after {
	content: "600%";
.zoomed .zoom-button:after {
	content: "actual size";
/* Lil' media query to scale the icon back down on smaller screens: */
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
	.zoomed svg {
		transform: scale(3);
	.zoom-button:after {
		content: "300%";



                // Determining the length of a path:
// var length = document.querySelector('.spray-7').getTotalLength();
// console.log("spray 7: " + length);

// ------------------------------

// Event Listener for Zoom Button
$('.zoom-button').click( zoom );

// Function to zoom in or out
function zoom() {
	if( $('html').hasClass('zoomed') ) {
