  <!-- Plotly.js -->
  <script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
<!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV -->
<div id="graphDiv"></div>

const rand = () => Math.random();
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const new_data = (trace) => Object.assign(trace, {y: x.map(rand)});

// add random data to three line traces
var data = [
	{mode:'lines', line: {color: "#b55400"}}, 
	{mode: 'lines', line: {color: "#393e46"}},
	{mode: 'lines', line: {color: "#222831"}}

var layout = {
	title: 'User Zoom Persists<br>When uirevision Unchanged',
	xaxis: {autorange: true},
	yaxis: {autorange: true}

Plotly.react(graphDiv, data, layout);

var myPlot = document.getElementById('graphDiv');

var cnt = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
	data = data.map(new_data);

	// user interation will mutate layout and set autorange to false
	// so we need to reset it to true
	layout.xaxis.autorange = true;
	layout.yaxis.autorange = true;
	// not changing uirevision will ensure that user interactions are unchanged
	// layout.uirevision = rand();
	Plotly.react(graphDiv, data, layout);
  if(cnt === 100) clearInterval(interval);
}, 2500);

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