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                <div id="app">
  <header class="ml-4 mb-3 text-indigo-darker">
      Sunrise and Sunset
  <content class="flex flex-col w-1/2">
    <label for="search" class="ml-2 text-indigo-dark">Search for a city</label>
    <input type="text" id="search" v-model="search" class="p-2 m-2 bg-grey-lighter rounded border border-indigo-dark">
    <!-- A few things to note:
      * We're already making use of tailwind css, which 
        offers excellent utility classes
      * v-model makes our data reactive, meaning we can
        read in user input with ease
    <div v-for="datum in citiesToDisplay"
         class="bg-white m-3 p-4 rounded text-blue-darker">
        <!-- Here, instead of looping through the whole list,
             we can loop through a computed property, where 
             filter our original list based on our search term.
             These are a useful (and performant) feature in Vue
        <h3 class="mb-2">

<script type="text/x-template" id="sunrise-sunset-viz-template">
    <!-- We'll use <slider>, which is an open-source component
         called vue-slider component: 
        marginTop: '2.5em'
        backgroundColor: 'darkorange'
        backgroundColor: 'darkslateblue'   
        backgroundColor: 'darkorange', 
        boxShadow: 'none'
    <template slot="tooltip" scope="tooltip">
      <!-- Here we're using a scoped-slot. It's an
           advanced, but incredibly useful pattern.
           However, explaining it is outside the 
           scope of this example. 
           Here's a great explanation of them:
      <div v-if="tooltip.index === 0">
      </div >
      <div v-else>


                body {
  background: #bbfaff

#app {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  margin-top: 40px;


                // [{ city, sunrise: {hour, minute}, sunset: {hour, minute} }, ...]
const DUMMY_DATA = [{
  city: 'Baltimore',
  sunrise: {hour: 4, minute: 50},
  sunset: {hour: 19, minute: 16}
}, {
  city: 'Havana',
  sunrise: {hour: 5, minute: 4},
  sunset: {hour: 19, minute: 1}
}, {
  city: 'Lima',
  sunrise: {hour: 6, minute: 19},
  sunset: {hour: 17, minute: 51}

// number of seconds in a day
const SECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60

// function to turn a number into a string, prepending
// a 0 if it's single-digit
// formatDigit(9) yields '09'
// formatDigit(13) yields '13'
const formatDigit = digit => digit > 9 ? `${digit}` : `0${digit}`

Vue.component('sunrise-sunset-viz', {
  template: '#sunrise-sunset-viz-template',
  components: {
    slider: window['vue-slider-component']
  props: ["sunrise", "sunset"],
  data() {
    return {
      min: 0,
      max: SECONDS_IN_DAY,
  methods: {
    timeInSeconds({hour, minute}) {
      return (hour * 60 * 60) + (minute * 60)
    formatTime({hour, minute}) {
      const regularHour = hour % 12
      return `${formatDigit(regularHour)}:${formatDigit(minute)}`
  computed: {
    sliderValue() {
      const {sunrise, sunset} = this;
      // {hour, minute} --> time of day in seconds
      // we use this number to make it easier to use
      // with vue-slider-component
      return [ this.timeInSeconds(sunrise), this.timeInSeconds(sunset)  ]

const app = new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data() {
    return {
      search: '',
      times: DUMMY_DATA
  computed: {
    citiesToDisplay() {
      return this.times.filter(d =>
