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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


  <div id="theme" class="dark">
  <div id="bio">
    <div id="text">
      <h1> Hello monkeys! </h1>
        I'm banoboto and I really enjoy being a monkey!<br>
        Welcome to this little page.
        About a year after becoming a monke, I decided to setup a faucet!<br>
        So should you feel the sudden urge to consume some yellow fruit, come visit my <a href="">banano faucet</a> to get some!
        Apart from that, I'm now making this site for the Monkey Web Coding Challenge.
        Select one of the input suggestions below to get minimal information about some of the banano team members. <br>
        For those whose address I found, you can also take a look at their latest transactions.
        You can also just put in your banano address to check its transactions as well!
    <img src="">

  <div id="search">
    <div class="address-input">
      <form autocomplete="off">
        <label for="input" class="form-label">search for <some>(some)</some> banano team members</label>
        <input id="input" class="form-control" type="text" name="input" placeholder="anemone / ban_1waifusa1tnk3eo7dstc4z9tt7puurh5jyettyj59mis5m86ofiwywahcccm">


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  align-self: center;
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label {
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label some {
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#history {
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/*#result div:hover,*/

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  cursor: default !important;
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  flex-direction: column;
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#transactions p {
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    align-self: center;

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    flex-direction: column;

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    align-self: center;

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    width: 85%;

@media (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1919px) {
  #bio {
    width: 75%;
    padding: 0 1rem;

  #transactions {
    width: 80%;
  #transactions #tDiv {
    font-size: 1.3vw;



                /* don't look too close here, this is messy :raugh:*/
import "";

const bananojs = window.bananocoinBananojs;

async function bananoHistory(addr) {
  let history = await bananojs.getAccountHistory(addr, 5);
  history = history["history"];
  return history;

const input = document.getElementById("input");
var currentFocus;
var fallbackFocus;
var firstClick = true;

//TODO kirby ban_1kirby19w89i35yenyesnz7zqdyguzdb3e819dxrhdegdnsaphzeug39ntxj
const banano_team = [

const banano_info = {
  fudcake: [
    "The Banano Republic dictator trainee",
  bbedward: "Ima bot bleep blob",
  yekta: [
    "Leonardo da Banano",
  just_dmitry: "бест рашн хацкер",
  bantano: [
    "Ringleader of media operations",
  coranos: [
    "Hardware wallet, vulcanology, and burn specialist",
  anemone: [
    "Chief shitposting orangutan, meme historian",
  soggyapplepie: [
    "Baked goods connoisseur",
  renesq: [
    "Gandalf level code wizard and chronic procrastinator",
  ptera: "Billionaire vigilante",
  mitche50: [
    "Doer of things",
  meltingice: "Leader of the curious explorers",
  losha1x: "Professional life hater",
  wtp: "Fees are the future"

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function toggleStyle() {
  let theme = document.getElementById("theme");
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  let bio = document.getElementById("bio");
  let p = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
  let a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
  let h2 = document.getElementsByTagName("h2");
  let h3 = document.getElementsByTagName("h3");
  let label = document.getElementsByTagName("label");
  let result = document.getElementById("result");
  let r = document.getElementsByClassName("result");
  let info = document.getElementById("info");
  let transactions = document.getElementById("transactions");

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      r[i].style.color = "#000";
      r[i].style.background = "#4CBF4B";
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function adjustTheme() {
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  let p = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
  let h2 = document.getElementsByTagName("h2");
  let info = document.getElementById("info");
  let transactions = document.getElementById("transactions");
  if (dark_theme) {
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    for (let i = 0; i < h2.length; i++) h2[i].style.color = "#50514F";
    if (info) = "#4CBF4B";
    if (transactions) = "#4CBF4B";

function autocomplete() {
  const events = ["input", "click"];
  for (let i in events) {
    input.addEventListener(events[i], function (e) {
      var a,
        val = this.value;
      currentFocus = -1;
      fallbackFocus = -1;
      a = document.createElement("DIV");
      a.setAttribute("id", "result");
      a.setAttribute("class", "items");
      for (i = 0; i < banano_team.length; i++) {
        if (
          banano_team[i].substr(0, val.length).toUpperCase() ==
            val.toUpperCase() ||
          val == "" ||
          val == " "
        ) {
          b = document.createElement("DIV");
          b.innerHTML =
            "<strong>" + banano_team[i].substr(0, val.length) + "</strong>";
          b.innerHTML += banano_team[i].substr(val.length);
          b.innerHTML += "<input type='hidden' value='" + banano_team[i] + "'>";
          b.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
            input.value = this.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
          b.setAttribute("class", "result " + a.childElementCount);
      let dark_theme = document
      let r = document.getElementsByClassName("result");
      if (dark_theme) { = "#212124";
        for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
          r[i].style.color = "#fbdd11";
          r[i].style.background = "#212124";
      } else { = "#4CBF4B";
        for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
          r[i].style.color = "#000";
          r[i].style.background = "#4CBF4B";

      if (
      ) {
        let empty = document.createElement("DIV");
        empty.innerHTML = "'enter' to query this banano address";
      } else if (!a.hasChildNodes()) {
        let empty = document.createElement("DIV");
        empty.innerHTML = "no matches found";

      document.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        let input = document.getElementById("input");
        if (firstClick) {
          firstClick = false;
        if (!input.contains( && !res.contains( {
      // change selected index to start from hovered element, unmark keyboard select when hover, set last keyboard selection as fallback value if mouseout
      let results = document.getElementsByClassName("result");
      let res = document.getElementById("result");
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        results[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
          currentFocus = results[i].className.split(" ")[1];
          res = document.getElementById("result");
          updateActive(res, false);
        results[i].addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
          currentFocus = fallbackFocus;
          res = document.getElementById("result");
          updateActive(res, false);

  input.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
    var res = document.getElementById("result");
    if (res) res = res.getElementsByTagName("div");

    if (e.keyCode == 40) {
      fallbackFocus = currentFocus;
      updateActive(res, true);
    } else if (e.keyCode == 38) {
      fallbackFocus = currentFocus;
      updateActive(res, true);
    } else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
      // use ban address if valid
      if (
      ) {
        // allo
      } else console.log("false no");
      // select first option if only one result available
      if (
        currentFocus == 0 ||
        (res && res.length == 1 && !res[0].classList.contains("nomatches"))
      // else select focused result
      else if (currentFocus == -1) return false;
      else if (res && currentFocus) res[currentFocus].click();

  function updateActive(res, isKeyInput) {
    if (!res) return false;
    if (!isKeyInput) res = res.getElementsByTagName("div");
    if (currentFocus >= res.length) currentFocus = 0;
    if (currentFocus < 0) currentFocus = res.length - 1;
    let dark_theme = document
    if (dark_theme) {
      res[currentFocus].style.background = "#4cbf4b";
    } else {
      res[currentFocus].style.background = "#50514F";

  function removeActive(element) {
    for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
      element[i].style.background = "none";

  function closeList(element) {
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("items");
    for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
      if (element != x[i] && element != input) {

  async function showInfo(key) {
    // banano address handling berry mess
    if (!(key in banano_info)) {
      banano_info["special kind of monkey"] = ["This is you? Probably.", key];
      key = "special kind of monkey";

    let info = document.getElementById("info");
    if (info) document.body.removeChild(info);

    info = document.createElement("DIV");
    info.setAttribute("id", "info");
    let content;
    if (banano_info[key].length != 2) {
      content = "<h2>" + key + "</h2>" + "<p>" + banano_info[key] + "</p>";
    } else {
      content =
        "<h2>" +
        key +
        "</h2>" +
        "<p>" +
        banano_info[key][0] +
        "</p>" +
        "<p>" +
        '<a href="' +
        banano_info[key][1] +
        '"f>' +
        banano_info[key][1] +
        "</a>" +

    info.innerHTML = content;

    let transactions = document.getElementById("transactions");
    if (transactions) {

    if (banano_info[key].length != 2) {
      return false;
    } else {
      let balance =
        (await bananojs.getAccountBalanceRaw(banano_info[key][1])) /
      balance = balance.toFixed(2);

      transactions = document.createElement("DIV");
      transactions.setAttribute("id", "transactions");
      transactions.innerHTML =
        "<h3>balance " + balance + " ban</h3><h2>recent transactions</h2>";

      let history = await bananoHistory(banano_info[key][1]);
      let tDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
      tDiv.setAttribute("id", "tDiv");

      const monkey =
        "<img src='" +
        banano_info[key][1] +
      let tHistory = document.createElement("DIV");
      tHistory.setAttribute("id", "tHistory");
      for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
        let temp = document.createElement("P");
        let send = "send" == history[i]["type"];
        let from;
        let date = new Date(
          history[i]["local_timestamp"] * 1000
        send ? (from = "to") : (from = "from");
        send ? (send = "sent") : (send = "received");
        temp.innerHTML =
          send +
          " " +
          (Math.round(history[i]["amount_decimal"] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) +
          " ban" +
          " " +
          from +
          " <br>" +
          '<a href="' +
          history[i]["account"] +
          '">' +
          history[i]["account"] +
          "</a>" +
          "<br>at " +

      tDiv.innerHTML += monkey;

  document.getElementById("theme").addEventListener("click", toggleStyle);


