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<title id="title1">Baltic seashore -sepicol</title>
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<h2>Baltic sea during Winter time</h2>
<p>At -10.6 °C | 12.9 °F on average, January is the coldest month of the year. It is also the driest month. There is 12 mm | 0.5 inch of precipitation in January.</p>
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<title id="title2">Baltic seashore - warmshphere preset applied</title>
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<section class="b b1">
<h2>Baltic sea during Summer time</h2>
<p>With an average of 22.8 °C | 73.0 °F, July is the warmest month. In June, the precipitation reaches its peak, with an average of 98 mm | 3.9 inch.</p>
<h1>Welcome to the Baltic seaside</h1>
<p>The Baltic Sea is a mediterranean sea of the Atlantic Ocean, enclosed by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, northeast Germany, Poland, Russia and the North and Central European Plain. The sea stretches from 53°N to 66°N latitude and from 10°E to 30°E longitude.</p>
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