- cards = [{ title: 'Departure from Wilanów', date: 1887, author: 'Józef Brandt', info: 'of John III Sobieski and Marysienka'},
{ title: 'Shiba Zôjôji', date: 1925, author: 'Hasui Kawase', info: 'from series "12 views of Tokyo"'},
{ title: 'Das große Rasenstück', date: 1503, author: 'Albrecht Dürer', info: 'study of wild plants'},
{ title: 'Długa Street', date: 1780, author: 'Bernardo Bellotto', info: "painted by king Stanisław August's court painter"}]
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%h1 #{card[:title]}
%p #{card[:info]}
%p #{card[:author]}
%p ~ #{card[:date]} ~
View Compiled
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View Compiled
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