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+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

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Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <h1 class="intro">Table with fluid height and width fixed header, footer and first column using position:sticky </h1>
<p class="intro">This example uses position:sticky on the th elements in the thead,  tfoot and left column to achieve the fixed effect. Browsers that don't support position:sticky will just get a normal table so no harm done. Resize browser smaller to see fixed first column.</p>
<div id="table-scroll" class="table-scroll">
  <table id="main-table" class="main-table">
        <th scope="col">Header 1</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 2</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 3 with longer content</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 4 text</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 5</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 6</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 7</th>
        <th scope="col">Header 8</th>
        <th>First top Column</th>
        <td>Cell content<br>
          test </td>
        <td><a href="#">Cell content longer</a></td>
        <td>Cell content with more content and more content Cell </td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td><a href="#">Cell content longer</a></td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
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        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
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        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column</th>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Left Column<br>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content longer</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <td>Cell content</td>
        <th>Footer 1</th>
        <td>Footer 2</td>
        <td>Footer 3</td>
        <td>Footer 4</td>
        <td>Footer 5</td>
        <td>Footer 6</td>
        <td>Footer 7</td>
        <td>Footer 8</td>
<p class="intro">Works in latest versions of modern browsers i.e. Edge, Chrome, Safari/ios and Firefox.  Does not work in IE11 or older browsers but no harm done.</p>
<p class="intro">All of the other fixed table headers and footers that I've seen are either fixed width or fixed height or need a continuous update with JS and are very janky. This one is very smooth. You would of course need to linearise the data for smaller screens/mobile but that is a question for another day :). See <a href="" target="_blank">this example</a> for a demo of how to linearise for mobile.</p>

<p class="intro"><strong> See <a href="" target="_blank">JS Version</a></strong></p>



                html {
  box-sizing: border-box;
*:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;
.intro {
  max-width: 1280px;
  margin: 1em auto;
.table-scroll {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  margin: auto;
  overflow: auto;
  height: 350px;
.table-scroll table {
  width: 100%;
  min-width: 1280px;
  margin: auto;
  border-collapse: separate;
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.table-wrap {
  position: relative;
.table-scroll th,
.table-scroll td {
  padding: 5px 10px;
  border: 1px solid #000;
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.table-scroll thead th {
  background: #333;
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  position: -webkit-sticky;
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
/* safari and ios need the tfoot itself to be position:sticky also */
.table-scroll tfoot,
.table-scroll tfoot th,
.table-scroll tfoot td {
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  position: sticky;
  bottom: 0;
  background: #666;
  color: #fff;

a:focus {
  background: red;
} /* testing links*/

th:first-child {
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  position: sticky;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 2;
  background: #ccc;
thead th:first-child,
tfoot th:first-child {
  z-index: 5;



