<!-- original at https://robinpoort.github.io/vanilla-js-responsive-menu/ -->
<div id="wrapper" onclick="">

  <div class="navigation_container navigation_container1" role="navigation" aria-label="Main menu">
    <p class="logo"><a href="#">Nature Travelers</a></p>
    <ul class="navigation" role="menubar">
      <li class="active" role="presentation">
        <a role="menuitem" class="test" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Home">Home</a>
      <li role="presentation">
        <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Item 2">Item 2</a>
      <li role="presentation">
        <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Item 3">Item 3</a>
        <ul role="menu">
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test">Test</a>
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="A long one">A long one</a>
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test">Test</a>
      <li role="presentation">
        <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Item 4 menu">Item 4</a>
        <ul role="menu">
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test">Test</a>
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="A long one">A long one</a>
            <ul role="menu">
              <li role="presentation">
                <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test1">Test1</a>
              <li role="presentation">
                <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test2">Test2</a>
              <li role="presentation">
                <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test3">Test3</a>
          <li role="presentation">
            <a role="menuitem" href="https://github.com/robinpoort/vanilla-js-responsive-menu" title="Test">Test</a>

  <div id="banner">
    <h1>Botanic Garden Travelers</h1>
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
p {
  margin: 0 0 1rem;
/* hide close buttons when closed so they wont show up in tabindex */
.rm-closed {
  display: none;

/* Accessible hide the menu itself */
ul.rm-closed {
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  height: 1px;
  width: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;

/* Mobile mainmenu indicator styling */
#rm-mobile-indicator {
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  height: 1px;
  width: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;
  z-index: 0;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  #rm-mobile-indicator {
    z-index: 1;

/* Mobile submenu indicator styling */
 * When JS is enabled
 * 1. We can use display none because we set display block again with JS immediately after initiating the menu
 * 2. Display menu when initiated
 * 3. Display menu on "desktop"
 * 4. Display focused items
.js .navigation_container {
  display: none;
  /* 1 */
.js .navigation_container.rm-initiated {
  display: block;
  /* 2 */
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .js .navigation_container {
    display: block;
    /* 3 */
.js .navigation_container .rm-focused {
  overflow: visible;
  /* 4 */

#rm-mobile-submenu-indicator {
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  height: 1px;
  width: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;
  z-index: 0;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  #rm-mobile-submenu-indicator {
    z-index: 1;

/*# sourceMappingURL=responsivemenu.css.map */
body {
  background: #ecf0f1;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;
  line-height: 24px;
  color: #2c3e50;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

*:after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

.site {
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 24px;
  max-width: 960px;

.rm-subtoggle {
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  outline: none;
  background: #fff;
  color: #0072b3;
  border-radius: 5px;
  font-size: 1em;
  cursor: pointer;
.rm-subtoggle:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;
.rm-subtoggle:focus {
  text-decoration: underline;

.rm-subtoggle {
  margin: 5px;
  float: right;

.navigation_container {
  background: #34495e;
  color: #fff;
  min-height: 40px;
.navigation_container ul {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 0;
  list-style: none;

.navigation_container ul:before,
.navigation_container ul:after {
  display: table;
  content: " ";
.navigation_container ul:after {
  clear: both;
.navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-parent > a:after,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-parent > a:after {
  content: " \25bc";
.navigation_container .rm-closed li.parent > a:after,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.parent > a:after {
  content: " \25b6";
.navigation_container li {
  padding: 0;
  clear: both;

.navigation_container li.focused,
.navigation_container li:hover a,
.navigation_container li a:hover,
.navigation_container li a:focus {
  background: #2c3e50;

.navigation_container a {
  display: block;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 8px 16px;
  line-height: 24px;
  text-decoration: none;
  height: 40px;
.navigation_container a:after {
  font-size: 12px;
  vertical-align: middle;
  line-height: 24px;
  text-decoration: none;
.navigation_container .active a,
.navigation_container .active a:hover,
.navigation_container .active a:focus {
  background: #fff;
  color: #333;
  cursor: default;
.navigation_container .rm-closed li,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li {
  overflow: visible;
.navigation_container .rm-closed li ul,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li ul {
  height: auto;
  background: #2c3e50;
  padding: 0;
  width: 180px;
  border-top: none;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container {
    display: flex;
    min-height: 5rem;
  .navigation_container ul {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-evenly;

  .navigation_container li,
  .navigation_container a {
    display: flex;
    height: 100%;
    align-items: center;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li ul {
    transition: transform 0.1s cubic-bezier(0.195, 0.4, 0.45, 0.785);
    transform: scaleY(0);
    transform-origin: 0 0;
.navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-focused > ul,
.navigation_container .rm-closed li:hover > ul,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-focused > ul,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li:hover > ul {
  display: block;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li:hover > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li:hover > ul {
    transform: scaleY(1);
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-focused li ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li:hover li ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-focused li ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li:hover li ul {
    transform: scaleX(0);
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-focused li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li.rm-focused li:hover > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li:hover li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-closed li:hover li:hover > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-focused li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li.rm-focused li:hover > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li:hover li.rm-focused > ul,
  .navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li:hover li:hover > ul {
    transform: scaleX(1);
.navigation_container .rm-closed li li,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li li {
  float: none;
.navigation_container .rm-closed li li.rm-focused > a,
.navigation_container .rm-closed li li:hover > a,
.navigation_container .rm-closed li li a:hover,
.navigation_container .rm-closed li li a:focus,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li li.rm-focused > a,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li li:hover > a,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li li a:hover,
.navigation_container .rm-fullmenu li li a:focus {
  text-decoration: none;
  background: #233140;
  color: white;

 * When JS is enabled
 * 1. We can use display none because we set display block again with JS immediately after initiating the menu
 * 2. Display menu when initiated
 * 3. Display menu on "desktop"
 * 4. Display focused items
.js .navigation_container {
  display: none;
  /* 1 */

.js .navigation_container.rm-initiated {
  display: block;
  /* 2 */

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .js .navigation_container {
    display: block;
    /* 3 */
.js .navigation_container .rm-focused {
  overflow: visible;
  /* 4 */

 * When JS is either disabled or enabled
 * 1. Relative to position li > ul items
 * 2. Hide overflowing content so we can display on tabbing
 * 3. Display on hover / focus
 * 4. Children should have position absolute to hide them
.navigation_container li {
  position: relative;
  /* 1 */

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container li {
    overflow: hidden;
    /* 2 */

  .navigation_container li:hover,
  .navigation_container li:focus {
    overflow: visible;
    /* 3 */
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container li ul {
    position: absolute;
    /* 4 */
.navigation_container {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  .navigation_container li ul {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;
    top: 100%;
    z-index: -1;
    width: 100%;

.navigation_container li li {
  position: relative;
  float: left;

.navigation_container .rm-focused > ul,
.navigation_container li:hover > ul {
  left: 0;

.navigation_container li .rm-focused > ul,
.navigation_container li li:hover > ul {
  left: 100%;
  top: 0;

/*# sourceMappingURL=responsivemenu.css.map */

/*# sourceMappingURL=demo.css.map */

#banner h1 {
  font-family: Poppins, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
  font-size: 6rem;
  color: #745d46;
  text-shadow: white 2px 2px 2px;
p.logo {
  margin: auto 0;
  letter-spacing: 3px;
<!-- original at https://robinpoort.github.io/vanilla-js-responsive-menu/ -->

function hasClass(e, t) {
  return e.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + t + "(\\s|$)"));
var el = document.documentElement;
var cl = "no-js";
if (hasClass(el, cl)) {
  var reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cl + "(\\s|$)");
  el.className = el.className.replace(reg, " js");

(function (root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
  } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
    module.exports = factory;
  } else {
    root.apollo = factory();
})(this, function () {
  "use strict";

  var apollo = {};

  var hasClass, addClass, removeClass, toggleClass;

  var forEach = function (items, fn) {
    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(items) !== "[object Array]") {
      items = items.split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      fn(items[i], i);

  if ("classList" in document.documentElement) {
    hasClass = function (elem, className) {
      return elem.classList.contains(className);
    addClass = function (elem, className) {
    removeClass = function (elem, className) {
    toggleClass = function (elem, className) {
  } else {
    hasClass = function (elem, className) {
      return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elem.className);
    addClass = function (elem, className) {
      if (!hasClass(elem, className)) {
        elem.className += (elem.className ? " " : "") + className;
    removeClass = function (elem, className) {
      if (hasClass(elem, className)) {
        elem.className = elem.className.replace(
          new RegExp("(^|\\s)*" + className + "(\\s|$)*", "g"),
    toggleClass = function (elem, className) {
      (hasClass(elem, className) ? removeClass : addClass)(elem, className);

  apollo.hasClass = function (elem, className) {
    return hasClass(elem, className);

  apollo.addClass = function (elem, classes) {
    forEach(classes, function (className) {
      addClass(elem, className);

  apollo.removeClass = function (elem, classes) {
    forEach(classes, function (className) {
      removeClass(elem, className);

  apollo.toggleClass = function (elem, classes) {
    forEach(classes, function (className) {
      toggleClass(elem, className);

  return apollo;

 * Responsive menu
 * A vanilla JS responsive menu plugin, by Robin Poort - Timble
 * http://robinpoort.com - http://www.timble.net
 * Browser support: IE9+ (IE8 doesn't need a responsive menu since it's not responsive)
 * Dependency: apollo JS | https://github.com/toddmotto/apollo
 * Plugin boilerplate by | http://gomakethings.com/mit/
 * Free to use under the MIT License.

(function (root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
    define("responsivemenu", factory(root));
  } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
    module.responsivemenu = factory(root);
  } else {
    root.responsivemenu = factory(root);
})(this, function (root) {
  "use strict";

  // Variables
  var exports = {}; // Object for public APIs
  var supports = !!document.querySelector && !!root.addEventListener; // Feature test
  var settings; // Plugin settings
  var menu; // The actual menu item
  var hasChildren = false;
  var subtoggles = false;

  // Default settings
  var defaults = {
    menu: "",
    initiated_class: "rm-initiated",
    loaded_class: "rm-loaded",
    before_element: "",
    toggletype: "button",
    toggleclass: "rm-togglebutton",
    toggleclosedclass: "rm-togglebutton--closed",
    togglecontent: "menu",
    subtoggletype: "button",
    subtoggleclass: "rm-subtoggle",
    subtogglecontent: "+",
    sticky: 0,
    absolute: 0,
    hideclass: "rm-closed",
    openclass: "rm-opened",
    openbodyclass: "has-opened-menu",
    focusedclass: "rm-focused",
    animateopenclass: "is-opening",
    animatecloseclass: "is-closing",
    animateduration: 0, // (Animated with CSS so set to same duration as CSS value)
    subanimateopenclass: "is-opening",
    subanimatecloseclass: "is-closing",
    subanimateduration: 0, // (Animated with CSS so set to same duration as CSS value)
    parentclass: "rm-parent",
    fullmenuclass: "rm-fullmenu",
    absolutemenuclass: "rm-absolutemenu",
    bodyoverflowhiddenclass: "rm-bodyoverflowhidden",
    menuoverflowautoclass: "rm-menuoverflowauto",
    stickyclass: "rm-sticky",
    stickyinitiatedclass: "rm-sticky-initiated",
    noresponsivemenuclass: "rm-no-responsive-menu",
    mobileindicatorid: "rm-mobile-indicator",
    mobilesubmenuindicatorid: "rm-mobile-submenu-indicator",
    onAfterInit: function () {},
    onAfterLoad: function () {},
    onBeforeToggleOpen: function () {},
    onAfterToggleOpen: function () {},
    onBeforeToggleClose: function () {},
    onAfterToggleClose: function () {},
    onBeforeSubToggleOpen: function () {},
    onAfterSubToggleOpen: function () {},
    onBeforeSubToggleClose: function () {},
    onAfterSubToggleClose: function () {}

  // Methods
   * A simple forEach() implementation for Arrays, Objects and NodeLists
   * @private
   * @param {Array|Object|NodeList} collection Collection of items to iterate
   * @param {Function} callback Callback function for each iteration
   * @param {Array|Object|NodeList} scope Object/NodeList/Array that forEach is iterating over (aka `this`)
  var forEach = function (collection, callback, scope) {
    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(collection) === "[object Object]") {
      for (var prop in collection) {
        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(collection, prop)) {
          callback.call(scope, collection[prop], prop, collection);
    } else {
      for (var i = 0, len = collection.length; i < len; i++) {
        callback.call(scope, collection[i], i, collection);

   * Merge defaults with user options
   * @private
   * @param {Object} defaults Default settings
   * @param {Object} options User options
   * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options
  var extend = function (defaults, options) {
    var extended = {};
    forEach(defaults, function (value, prop) {
      extended[prop] = defaults[prop];
    forEach(options, function (value, prop) {
      extended[prop] = options[prop];
    return extended;

   * Remove whitespace from a string
   * @private
   * @param {String} string
   * @returns {String}
  var trim = function (string) {
    return string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

   * Convert data-options attribute into an object of key/value pairs
   * @private
   * @param {String} options Link-specific options as a data attribute string
   * @returns {Object}
  var getDataOptions = function (options) {
    var settings = {};
    // Create a key/value pair for each setting
    if (options) {
      options = options.split(";");
      options.forEach(function (option) {
        option = trim(option);
        if (option !== "") {
          option = option.split(":");
          settings[option[0]] = trim(option[1]);
    return settings;

   * Run when window resize is done (after x ms)
  var waitForFinalEvent = (function () {
    var timers = {};
    return function (callback, ms, uniqueId) {
      if (!uniqueId) {
        uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId";
      if (timers[uniqueId]) {
      timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms);

   * Get parents
  function getParents(element, tag, stop) {
    var nodes = [];
    while (element.parentNode && element.parentNode != stop) {
      element = element.parentNode;
      if (element.tagName == tag) {
    return nodes;

   * Get style
  function getStyle(el, styleProp) {
    var x = document.getElementById(el);

    if (window.getComputedStyle) {
      var y = document.defaultView
        .getComputedStyle(x, null)
    } else if (x.currentStyle) {
      var y = x.currentStyle[styleProp];

    return y;

  function returnId(menu, togglebutton, id) {
    if (id === undefined) {
      id = 0;
    if (document.getElementById("vjsrm:" + id) !== null) {
      id = id + 1;
      returnId(menu, togglebutton, id);
    } else {
      menu.id = "vjsrm:" + id;
      togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-controls", "vjsrm:" + id);

  // Responsive menu
  function initialize(settings) {
    menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

    // Add a class when JS is initiated
    apollo.addClass(settings.wrapper, settings.initiated_class);

    // Function to run after init

    // See if menu has children
    var parents = menu.querySelectorAll("li ul");
    if (parents.length) {
      hasChildren = true;
      subtoggles = document.getElementsByClassName(settings.subtoggleclass);

      // Create mobile submenu width indicator
      var mobilesubmenuindicator = document.createElement("div");
      mobilesubmenuindicator.id = settings.mobilesubmenuindicatorid;
      var mobilesubindicatorZindex = 0;

    // Create mobile width indicator
    var mobileindicator = document.createElement("div");
    mobileindicator.id = settings.mobileindicatorid;
    var mobileindicatorZindex = 0;

    // Creating the main toggle button
    var toggle_element = document.createElement(settings.toggletype);
    apollo.addClass(toggle_element, [settings.toggleclass, settings.hideclass]);
    if (settings.before_element == "") {
      settings.before_element = settings.wrapper.firstChild;
    var togglebutton = toggle_element;
    togglebutton.innerHTML = settings.togglecontent;
    togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
    togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");
    togglebutton.setAttribute("type", "button");

    // Add id's for aria
    returnId(menu, togglebutton);

    // Subtoggles and parent classes
    if (hasChildren) {
      for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
        var subtoggle_element = document.createElement(settings.subtoggletype);
        apollo.addClass(subtoggle_element, [
        var parent = parents[i].parentNode;
        parent.insertBefore(subtoggle_element, parent.firstChild);
        subtoggle_element.innerHTML = settings.subtogglecontent;
        subtoggle_element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
        subtoggle_element.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");
        subtoggle_element.setAttribute("type", "button");
        apollo.addClass(parents[i].parentNode, settings.parentclass);

    // Adding classes
    function classes() {
      menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

      mobileindicatorZindex = getStyle(settings.mobileindicatorid, "z-index");

      if (parents.length) {
        mobilesubmenuindicator = getStyle(

      // If wrapper is small and if the menu is not already opened
      if (
        mobileindicatorZindex == 0 &&
        !apollo.hasClass(menu, settings.openclass)
      ) {
        // Show the toggle button(s)
        apollo.removeClass(togglebutton, settings.hideclass);

        // Hide the menu
        apollo.removeClass(menu, [settings.openclass, settings.fullmenuclass]);
        apollo.addClass(menu, settings.hideclass);
        apollo.removeClass(document.body, settings.openbodyclass);

        // Make the menu absolute positioned
        if (settings.absolute == 1) {
          apollo.addClass(menu, settings.absolutemenuclass);
      } else if (mobileindicatorZindex == 1) {
        // Hide the toggle button(s)
        apollo.addClass(togglebutton, settings.hideclass);
        apollo.removeClass(togglebutton, settings.toggleclosedclass);
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");

        // Show the menu and remove all classes
        apollo.removeClass(menu, [settings.openclass, settings.hideclass]);
        apollo.addClass(menu, settings.fullmenuclass);
        apollo.removeClass(document.body, settings.openbodyclass);

        // Undo absolute positioning
        if (
          settings.absolute == 1 &&
          apollo.hasClass(menu, settings.absolutemenuclass)
        ) {
          apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.absolutemenuclass);

      if (hasChildren && mobilesubmenuindicator == 0) {
        forEach(subtoggles, function (value, prop) {
          if (!apollo.hasClass(subtoggles[prop], settings.toggleclosedclass)) {
            apollo.removeClass(subtoggles[prop], settings.hideclass);
      } else if (hasChildren && mobilesubmenuindicator == 1) {
        forEach(subtoggles, function (value, prop) {
          apollo.addClass(subtoggles[prop], settings.hideclass);

    // Sticky menu body height
    function stickyMenu() {
      menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

      if (settings.sticky == 1) {
        // The current menu and viewport heights
        var menuheight = settings.wrapper.offsetHeight;
        var viewportheight = Math.max(
          window.innerHeight || 0

        // Add the overflow class but only if there is space
        if (
          viewportheight <= menuheight &&
          !apollo.hasClass(document.body, settings.bodyoverflowhiddenclass)
        ) {
          apollo.addClass(document.body, settings.bodyoverflowhiddenclass);
          apollo.addClass(settings.wrapper, settings.menuoverflowautoclass);
        } else if (viewportheight > menuheight) {
          if (
            apollo.hasClass(document.body, settings.bodyoverflowhiddenclass)
          ) {
            apollo.removeClass(document.body, settings.bodyoverflowhiddenclass);

          // Make sticky
          if (!apollo.hasClass(settings.wrapper, settings.stickyclass)) {
            apollo.addClass(settings.wrapper, settings.stickyclass);

          // Add padding only if menu is closed or when value is stored
          if (
            !apollo.hasClass(menu, settings.openclass) &&
            !apollo.hasClass(document.body, settings.stickyinitiatedclass)
          ) {
            // Calculate the height
            var paddingtop = menuheight.toString() + "px";

            // Set the padding on the body
            document.body.setAttribute("style", "padding-top:" + paddingtop);
            apollo.addClass(document.body, settings.stickyinitiatedclass);

    // Initial load
      function () {

        // Add a class after load
        apollo.addClass(settings.wrapper, settings.loaded_class);

        // Function to run after load

    // On resize
      function () {
        // Run immediately

        // Run again after 200 ms for safari OSX when scrollbars are visible and you're resizing to a smaller window
        waitForFinalEvent(function () {
        }, 200);

    // Accessible focus menu
    var menulinks = menu.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var i = 0; i < menulinks.length; i++) {
      menulinks[i].onblur = function () {
        var focusedItems = document.getElementsByClassName("rm-focused");
        for (var f = 0; f < focusedItems.length; f++) {
          apollo.removeClass(focusedItems[f], settings.focusedclass);
      menulinks[i].onfocus = function () {
        // Remove the class
        var siblings = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll("li");
        if (siblings.length) {
          for (var f = 0; f < siblings.length; f++) {
            apollo.removeClass(siblings[f], settings.focusedclass);
        // Add the class
        var parent = getParents(this, "LI", menu);
        if (parent.length) {
          for (var f = 0; f < parent.length; f++) {
            apollo.addClass(parent[f], settings.focusedclass);

    // Clicking the toggle button
    togglebutton.onclick = function () {
      menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

      // Show the menu
      if (apollo.hasClass(menu, settings.hideclass)) {
        // Function to run before toggling

        // Show the menu
        apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.hideclass);
        apollo.addClass(menu, settings.openclass);

        // Add class to body element you could use for styling
        apollo.addClass(document.body, settings.openbodyclass);

        // Set toggled class to toggle button
        apollo.addClass(togglebutton, settings.toggleclosedclass);
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true");

        // Set and remove animate class after duration
        apollo.addClass(menu, settings.animateopenclass);
        setTimeout(function () {
          // Remove animation class
          apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.animateopenclass);

          // Function to run after toggling
        }, settings.animateduration);

      // Hide the menu
      else if (apollo.hasClass(menu, settings.openclass)) {
        menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

        // Function to run before toggling

        // Properly set animating classes
        apollo.addClass(menu, settings.animatecloseclass);

        // Remove toggled class to toggle button
        apollo.removeClass(togglebutton, settings.toggleclosedclass);
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
        togglebutton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");

        // When animation is done
        setTimeout(function () {
          // Remove animate class
          apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.animatecloseclass);

          // Hide the menu
          apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.openclass);
          apollo.addClass(menu, settings.hideclass);

          // Remove class from body element you could use for styling
          apollo.removeClass(document.body, settings.openbodyclass);

          // Function to run after toggling
        }, settings.animateduration);

      // Check if the menu still fits

      return false;

    // Clicking the sub toggles button
    if (hasChildren) {
      menu = settings.menu || settings.wrapper.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

      forEach(subtoggles, function (value, prop) {
        // Variables
        var subtoggle = subtoggles[prop];
        var submenu = subtoggle.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];

        // Click buttons and show submenu
        subtoggle.onclick = function () {
          // Open
          if (apollo.hasClass(submenu, settings.hideclass)) {
            // Function to run before toggling

            // Properly set animating classes
            apollo.addClass(menu, settings.subanimateopenclass);

            // Add class to subtoggle button
            apollo.addClass(subtoggle, settings.toggleclosedclass);
            subtoggle.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
            subtoggle.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true");

            // Show sub menu
            apollo.removeClass(submenu, settings.hideclass);

            setTimeout(function () {
              // Remove animate class
              apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.subanimateopenclass);

              // Function to run before toggling
            }, settings.subanimateduration);

          // Close
          else if (!apollo.hasClass(submenu, settings.hideclass)) {
            // Function to run before toggling

            // Properly set animating classes
            apollo.addClass(menu, settings.subanimatecloseclass);

            // Remove class from subtoggle button
            apollo.removeClass(subtoggle, settings.toggleclosedclass);
            subtoggle.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
            subtoggle.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false");

            setTimeout(function () {
              // Remove animate class
              apollo.removeClass(menu, settings.subanimatecloseclass);

              // Set classes
              apollo.addClass(submenu, settings.hideclass);

              // Function to run before toggling
            }, settings.subanimateduration);

          // Check if the menu still fits

   * Initialize Plugin
   * @public
   * @param {Object} options User settings
  exports.init = function (options) {
    // feature test
    if (!supports) {
      document.documentElement.className +=
        " " + settings.noresponsivemenuclass;
    settings = extend(defaults, options || {}); // Merge user options with defaults

  // Public APIs
  return exports;

  wrapper: document.querySelector(".navigation_container1"),
  togglecontent: "menu",
  sticky: 0,
  //      animateduration: 1000,
  //      subanimateduration: 1000,
  onAfterInit: function () {
    console.log("after init");
  onAfterLoad: function () {
    console.log("after load");
  onBeforeToggleOpen: function () {
    console.log("before toggle open");
  onAfterToggleOpen: function () {
    console.log("after toggle open");
  onBeforeToggleClose: function () {
    console.log("before toggle close");
  onAfterToggleClose: function () {
    console.log("after toggle close");
  onBeforeSubToggleOpen: function () {
    console.log("before sub toggle open");
  onAfterSubToggleOpen: function () {
    console.log("after sub toggle open");
  onBeforeSubToggleClose: function () {
    console.log("before sub toggle close");
  onAfterSubToggleClose: function () {
    console.log("after sub toggle close");

//    responsivemenu.init({
//        wrapper: document.querySelector('.navigation_container2'),
//        onAfterInit: function() {
//            console.log('after init 2');
//        }
//    });
Run Pen

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This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.