<div class="table-wrap">
  <table class="sideways mobile-optimised">
    Vertical Table Text
        <th colspan="6">Desktop</th>
        <th colspan="7">Mobile</th>
      <tr class="subhead">
        <th><span>Internet Explorer</span></th>
        <th><span>Android Webview</span></th>
        <th><span>Chrome for Android</span></th>
        <th><span>Edge Mobile</span></th>
        <th><span>Firefox for Android</span></th>
        <th><span>Opera for Android</span></th>
        <th><span>Safari on IOS</span></th>
        <th><span>Samsung Internet</span></th>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <th>Great Britain</th>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
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        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
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        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
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        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
        <!-- duplicate headers in data attributes on td elements -->
        <td data-th="Desktop: Chrome">30000000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Edge">100</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Firefox">10</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Internet Explorer">1000</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Opera">7</td>
        <td data-th="Desktop: Safari">10004</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Android Webview">1123</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Chrome for Android">147</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Edge Mobile">2000000</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Firefox for Android">8634</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Opera for Android">65</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Safari on IOS">1</td>
        <td data-th="Mobile: Samsung Internet">100</td>
<p class="other"><a target="_blank" href="https://codepen.io/paulobrien/pen/OrwXOp">See other similar versions</a></p>
<p class="other"><a target="_blank" href="https://codepen.io/paulobrien/pen/bOOVEJ">See other similar versions</a></p>
<p class="other"><a target="_blank" href="https://codepen.io/paulobrien/pen/xmmwOr">See other similar versions</a></p>
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