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<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML5 Canvas Pokemon Game</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="canvas.pokemon.js"></script>
    <canvas id="canvas" width="460" height="460"></canvas>




 * Pokemon HTML5 canvas game
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author Panagiotis Vourtsis <>
window.onload = function() {
  'use strict';

  var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  var w = document.getElementById('canvas').offsetWidth;
  var h = document.getElementById('canvas').offsetHeight;
  var terrainImageLoaded = false,
    houseImageLoaded = false,
    pokeballImageLoaded = false,
    playerImageLoaded = false;
  var objectSizes = 20;
  var speed = 100;
  var modifier = 100;
  var score = 0;

  //terrain image
  var terrainImage = new Image();
  terrainImage.onload = function() {
    terrainImageLoaded = true;
  terrainImage.src = '';

  //house image
  var houseImage = new Image();
  houseImage.onload = function() {
    houseImageLoaded = true;
  houseImage.src = '';

  //main sound
  var mainTheme = new Audio('');
  mainTheme.loop = true;
  mainTheme.volume = 0.5;;

  var pokePick = new Audio('');
  pokePick.volume = 0.8;

  //player image
  var playerImage = new Image();
  playerImage.onload = function() {
    pokeballImageLoaded = true;
  playerImage.src = '';

  //pokeball image
  var pokeballImage = new Image();
  pokeballImage.onload = function() {
    playerImageLoaded = true;
  pokeballImage.src = '';

   * It will hold all the pockeball data like x and y axis position
   * sprite position and item distance is for determine which item is selected from the sprite - @todo future use for knowing on score which one player picked
   * Also hold the generate position function that generates random positions if there is no collision.
   * @Object
   * @name pokeball
  var pokeball = {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    spritePosition: 0,
    spriteItemDistance: 33,
  pokeball.generatePosition = function() {
    do {
      pokeball.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
      pokeball.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 4;
    } while (check_collision(pokeball.x, pokeball.y));

    pokeball.spritePosition = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 0; // get position from 0-4

   * Holds all the player's info like x and y axis position, his current direction (facing).
   * I have also incuded an object to hold the sprite position of each movement so i can call them
   * I also included the move function in order to move the player - all the functionality for the movement is in there
   * @Object
   * @name pokeball
  var player = {
    x: Math.round(w / 2 / objectSizes),
    y: Math.round(h / 2 / objectSizes),
    currentDirection: 'stand',
    direction: {
      stand: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
      'down-1': {
        x: 17,
        y: 0,
      'down-2': {
        x: 34,
        y: 0,
      'up-1': {
        x: 125,
        y: 0,
      'up-2': {
        x: 142,
        y: 0,
      'left-1': {
        x: 69,
        y: 0,
      'left-2': {
        x: 87,
        y: 0,
      'right-1': {
        x: 160,
        y: 0,
      'right-2': {
        x: 178,
        y: 0,
  player.move = function(direction) {
     * A temporary object to hold the current x, y so if there is a collision with the new coordinates to fallback here
    var hold_player = {
      x: player.x,
      y: player.y,

     * Decide here the direction of the user and do the neccessary changes on the directions
    switch (direction) {
      case 'left':
        player.x -= speed / modifier;
        if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
          player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'left-1') {
          player.currentDirection = 'left-2';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'left-2') {
          player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
        } else {
          player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
      case 'right':
        player.x += speed / modifier;
        if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
          player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'right-1') {
          player.currentDirection = 'right-2';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'right-2') {
          player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
        } else {
          player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
      case 'up':
        player.y -= speed / modifier;

        if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
          player.currentDirection = 'up-1';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'up-1') {
          player.currentDirection = 'up-2';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'up-2') {
          player.currentDirection = 'up-1';
        } else {
          player.currentDirection = 'up-1';

      case 'down':
        player.y += speed / modifier;

        if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
          player.currentDirection = 'down-1';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'down-1') {
          player.currentDirection = 'down-2';
        } else if (player.currentDirection == 'down-2') {
          player.currentDirection = 'down-1';
        } else {
          player.currentDirection = 'down-1';


     * if there is a collision just fallback to the temp object i build before while not change back the direction so we can have a movement
    if (check_collision(player.x, player.y)) {
      player.x = hold_player.x;
      player.y = hold_player.y;

     * If player finds the coordinates of pokeball the generate new one, play the sound and update the score
    if (player.x == pokeball.x && player.y == pokeball.y) {
      // found a pokeball !! create a new one
      console.log('found a pokeball of ' + pokeball.spritePosition + '! Bravo! ');
      pokePick.currentTime = 0;;
      score += 1;


   * Handle all the updates of the canvas and creates the objects
   * @function
   * @name update
  function update() {
    ctx.drawImage(terrainImage, 0, 0);
    ctx.drawImage(houseImage, 80, 60);


      pokeball.spritePosition * pokeball.spriteItemDistance,
      pokeball.x * objectSizes,
      pokeball.y * objectSizes,

    console.log('y:', (player.y * objectSizes) / objectSizes);
    console.log('x', (player.x * objectSizes) / objectSizes);
      objectSizes - 2,
      player.x * objectSizes,
      player.y * objectSizes,

   * Our function that decides if there is a collision on the objects or not
   * @function
   * @name check_collision
   * @param {Integer} x - The x axis
   * @param {Integer} y - The y axis
  function check_collision(x, y) {
    var foundCollision = false;

    if ((x > 3 && x < 9 && y == 6) || (x > 4 && x < 9 && (y == 5 || y == 4 || y == 3))) {
      //collision on house
      console.log('on house');
      foundCollision = true;

    if (
      x < 1 ||
      x > 20 ||
      y < 2 ||
      y > 20 ||
      (y > 0 && y < 4 && (x == 20 || x == 19)) || //right corner
      (y > 0 && y < 4 && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
      (y > 18 && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
      (x > 17 && (y == 19 || y == 20)) || //left corner
      (x > 19 && (y == 17 || y == 18)) //left corner 2
    ) {
      console.log('lost on the woods');
      foundCollision = true;

    return foundCollision;

   * Here we are creating our board on the bottom right with our score
   * @todo maybe some mute button for the future?
   * @function
   * @name board
  function board() {
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
    ctx.fillRect(w - 100, h - 70, 100, 70);

    ctx.font = '18px Arial';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
    ctx.fillText('You Found', w - 93, h - 45);

    ctx.font = '14px Arial';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
    ctx.fillText(score + ' poketballs', w - 85, h - 25);

   * Decide here if all the assets are ready to start updating
   * @function
   * @name assetsLoaded
  function assetsLoaded() {
    if (
      terrainImageLoaded == true &&
      houseImageLoaded == true &&
      pokeballImageLoaded == true &&
      playerImageLoaded == true
    ) {

   * Assign of the arrow keys to call the player move
  document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    e = e || window.event;

    if (e.keyCode == '37') player.move('left');
    else if (e.keyCode == '38') player.move('up');
    else if (e.keyCode == '39') player.move('right');
    else if (e.keyCode == '40') player.move('down');

