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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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Auto-Updating Preview

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <div class="container gutters-all">
  <div class="col-11 col-push-half">
    <h1 class="text-center">Juiced: Changing the Container Flow</h1>
    <p>By adding the classes listed below to your <samp>.container</samp>, you can easily align, stretch, and position your flex items.</p>
    <small>Note: these are based on a flex direction set to row (the Juiced default setting).  Using another direction will change the flow.</small>
    <h2 class="text-center alert">Item justification classes:</h2>
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.justify-space-around</samp> adds spacing evenly around all Flex items.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-space-around text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="2">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.justify-space-between</samp> adds spacing evenly between all Flex items.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-space-between text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="3">
        <div class="text-left"><samp>.justify-start</samp> puts all the items in the start position.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-start text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="4">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.justify-end</samp> moves the Flex items to sit at the end of the container.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-end text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        push me to the end
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="5">
        <div class="text-left"><samp>.justify-center </samp> moves the items to sit in the center.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <h2 class="margin-top text-center">Vertical alignment classes:</h2>
    <ol start="6">
        <div class="text-left"><samp>.items-center</samp>  will make vertical-centering a breeze!</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-center justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#1aa; height: 50px">
        <div class="container items-center" style="height: 50px;">
          <div class="col-12">items</div>
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#bfa;">
        Easy-peasy vertical centering
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1; height: 100px;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="7">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.items-start</samp> forces the items to sit at the top of the container.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-start justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa; height:50px;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
        I'm so fly at the top of my container!
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
       oh so pretty
    <ol start="8">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.items-end</samp> forces the items to sit at the bottom of the container.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-end justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa; height:50px;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
        I sit on the bottom
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
      And that's okay
    <ol start="9">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.items-stretch</samp> forces all items to stretch to the height of the container.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-stretch justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2; height:50px;">
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#faa;">
        items are spaced
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#b2a;">
        I am stretchy
      <div class="col-auto" style="background:#af1;">
      And that's okay
    <ol start="10">
        <div class="text-left"> <samp>.items-baseline</samp>  causes the items to sit on their baseline.</div>
    <div class="container gutters items-baseline justify-center text-center" style="background:#f2f2f2; height: 100px;">
      <div class="col-sm-4" style="background:#faa; ">
       A margin on one item, will shift the others to match the baseline.
        <div class="sm-display-none color-dark">
          (<small>Not so noticable when on mobile, as the baseline is no longer applicable when columns collapase</small>)
      <div class="col-sm-4" style="background:#b2a;">
        I sit with my friends
      <div class="col-sm-4" style="background:#af1; margin-top: 15px;">
      We sit on the baseline


ol {
  margin-top: 40px;


