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var numFrames = 5;
var frameDelay = 0.2;
var frameIndex = 0;
var frames = [];

var rc = rough.canvas(document.getElementById('canvas'));
var generator = rc.generator;

for (var i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {

var timer ={}, frameDelay, {
  repeat: -1,
  onRepeat: draw


function draw() {
  rc.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, rc.canvas.width, rc.canvas.height);
  var shapes = frames[frameIndex++ % numFrames];
  for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {

function createShapes() {
  var path1 = generator.path( 'M216.928 85.287c-12.259 39.103-6.371 36.339-24.726.37-6.764 36.38-7.884 30.685-14.787 3.848-5.133 22.265-3.14 38.074-19.086.824 3.894 34.578 1.44 35.25-16.338 6.73 9.112 23.625 5.827 28.456-11.137 8.97 6.767 16.918 18.927 28.006-5.497 16.844 11.872 10.378 12.382 8.697-8.595 7.363C75.214 82.02 224.058 62.542 216.928 85.287z', { roughness: 1, fill: 'white', fillStyle: 'solid' });
  var path2 = generator.path( 'M14.15 467.764c6.53 0 284.081 2.177 284.081 2.177l-286.258 3.265 281.905-2.177L0 479.736l290.612-8.707', { roughness: 2.6, fill: 'black', strokeWidth: 2 });
  var path3 = generator.path('M223.654 20.018C117.705 8.303 55.071 46.743 59.3 162.603l6.531 162.177H27.736L31 373.76l34.83 3.265 5.442 95.782 55.51-2.177-4.353-94.694 89.251-7.619-7.619-48.98-84.898 4.355v-181.77c-.398-60.674 58.227-51.908 104.49-57.686z', { roughness: 2.6, fill: 'white', fillStyle: 'solid', strokeWidth: 2 });

  var path4 = generator.path( 'M186.656 58.222a29.932 20.952 0 1 1-.002-.059', { roughness: 1, fill: 'white', fillStyle: 'solid' });

  var path5 = generator.path( 'M-94.675 216.842c-3.352-.23-6.793.146-9.623 2.09-3.303 1.42-7.517 1.235-9.844 4.407-1.803 1.917-2.783 3.834-3.424 6.32-1.568 3.71-2.262 7.7-2.176 11.723.054 3.522-.595 7.325 1.497 10.454 1.268 2.833 3.402 5.098 5.755 7.08 2.223 1.753 4.632 3.355 7.168 4.597 3 1.428 5.89 2.628 9.253 2.501 2.809.516 5.625.314 8.423.86 2.66.105 5.435.258 8.012-.448 2.75-1.074 4.796-3.258 6.717-5.386 2.684-2.078 6.042-3.872 7.029-7.386 1.188-2.844 2.528-5.629 3.131-8.685.304-2.908.427-5.976-.355-8.83-1.001-2.658-1.885-5.356-3.203-7.84-1.724-3.129-4.298-5.728-6.836-8.21-2.417-1.914-5.344-3.095-8.142-4.337a31.734 31.734 0 0 0-8.781-.49c-1.669.126-3.047 1.091-4.6 1.58z', {});
  var path6 = generator.path( 'M172.8 67.062a10.765 8.869 72.058 1 1-.01-.029', { fill: 'black', fillStyle: 'solid'});
  var path7 = generator.path( 'M145.96 15.766l34.526 53.419-27.36-48.858 28.011 47.555-25.056-56.633 29.901 55.172-21.81-47.761 18.466 51.293-14.356-58.035');
  return [path1, path2, path3, path4, path5, path6, path7];

