<h1>Generate P3 Color Variations from RGB Hex Values</h1>
Parse an existing code block of hex RGB custom properties in JS on Codepen, assuming lines end with `#aabbcc;` notation, to generate <span class="example">P3 variations</span> as <a href="https://dev.to/ingosteinke/generate-p3-color-variations-from-rgb-hex-values-3fgo" target="_blank">explained in Ingo Steinke's blog post</a>:
  <textarea id="colorsInput">
--brand-orange-html: #f26600;
--fresh-blue: #6440fa;
.example {
  color: #012345;
  background-color: #fedcba;
<textarea id="colorsOutput"></textarea>
  <button type="button" onClick="generateP3Approximation()">generate P3 approximations</button></form>
#colorsOutput {
  height: 180px;
  width: 700px;
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 40%;
#colorsInput {
  height: 120px;
.example {
  color: #017d63;
  color: color(display-p3 0.39 0.39 0.39);
const generateP3Approximation = function() {
  let output = '';
  let textareaInput = document.getElementById('colorsInput');
  let textareaOutput = document.getElementById('colorsOutput');
  let colorDefinitionsRGB = textareaInput.value.split(/\r?\n/);
  colorDefinitionsRGB.forEach((colorDefinition) => {
    output += colorDefinition + '\n';
    if (!colorDefinition.includes('#') || !colorDefinition.endsWith(';')) {
    let definitionParts = colorDefinition.split('#');
    let hexColor  = definitionParts.pop();
    let redPart   = parseInt(hexColor.substring(0,2), 16);
    let greenPart = parseInt(hexColor.substring(2,4), 16);
    let bluePart  = parseInt(hexColor.substring(4,6), 16);
    let propertyPart =  (definitionParts[0].split(':'))[0];
    colorDefinition = 'color(display-p3';
    colorDefinition += ' ' + (redPart / 255).toFixed(2);
    colorDefinition += ' ' + (greenPart / 255).toFixed(2);
    colorDefinition += ' ' + (bluePart / 255).toFixed(2);
    colorDefinition += ')';
    output += propertyPart;
    if (propertyPart.startsWith('--')) {
      output += '-neon';
    output += ': ' + colorDefinition + ';\n';
  textareaOutput.value = output;

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