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                <div id="chartdiv"></div>	


                #chartdiv {
	width	: 100%;
	height	: 500px;

.map-marker {
    /* adjusting for the marker dimensions 
    so that it is centered on coordinates */
    margin-left: -8px;
    margin-top: -8px;
} {
    cursor: pointer;
.pulse {
		width: 10px;
		height: 10px;
		border: 5px solid #f7f14c;
		-webkit-border-radius: 30px;
		-moz-border-radius: 30px;
		border-radius: 30px;
		background-color: #716f42;
		z-index: 10;
		position: absolute;
.map-marker .dot {
		border: 10px solid #fff601;
		background: transparent;
		-webkit-border-radius: 60px;
		-moz-border-radius: 60px;
		border-radius: 60px;
		height: 50px;
		width: 50px;
		-webkit-animation: pulse 3s ease-out;
		-moz-animation: pulse 3s ease-out;
		animation: pulse 3s ease-out;
		-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
		-moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
		animation-iteration-count: infinite;
		position: absolute;
		top: -25px;
		left: -25px;
		z-index: 1;
		opacity: 0;
	@-moz-keyframes pulse {
	 0% {
	   	-moz-transform: scale(0);
	   	opacity: 0.0;
	 25% {
	   	-moz-transform: scale(0);
	   	opacity: 0.1;
	 50% {
	   	-moz-transform: scale(0.1);
	   	opacity: 0.3;
	 75% {
	   	-moz-transform: scale(0.5);
	   	opacity: 0.5;
	 100% {
	   	-moz-transform: scale(1);
	   	opacity: 0.0;
	@-webkit-keyframes "pulse" {
	 0% {
	    -webkit-transform: scale(0);
	   	opacity: 0.0;
	 25% {
	    -webkit-transform: scale(0);
	   	opacity: 0.1;
	 50% {
	    -webkit-transform: scale(0.1);
	   	opacity: 0.3;
	 75% {
	    -webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
	   	opacity: 0.5;
	 100% {
	    -webkit-transform: scale(1);
	   	opacity: 0.0;


                var map = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
    type: "map",
    "theme": "light",
    pathToImages: "",

    imagesSettings: {
        rollOverColor: "#089282",
        rollOverScale: 3,
        selectedScale: 3,
        selectedColor: "#089282",
        color: "#08f"//#13564e"

    zoomControl: {
        buttonFillColor: "#15A892"

    areasSettings: {
        unlistedAreasColor: "#15A892"

    dataProvider: {
        map: "worldLow",
        images: [{
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Токмак",
            latitude: 47.12,
            longitude: 35.42
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Бердичев",
            latitude: 49.53,
            longitude: 28.34
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Днепропетровск",
            latitude: 48.27,
            longitude: 35.02
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Киев",
            latitude: 57.27,
            longitude: 30.31
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Комсомольск-на-Амуре",
            latitude: 50.34,
            longitude: 137.00
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Липецк",
            latitude: 52.36,
            longitude: 39.35
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Мариуполь",
            latitude: 47.05,
            longitude: 37.32,
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Минск",
            latitude: 53.54,
            longitude: 27.34
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Москва",
            latitude: 55.45,
            longitude: 37.37
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Набережные Челны",
            latitude: 55.43,
            longitude: 52.22,
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Нижний Новгород",
            latitude: 56.17,
            longitude: 43.56
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 1,
            title: "Новосибирск",
            latitude: 55.00,
            longitude: 82.56
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Одесса",
            latitude: 46.28,
            longitude: 30.43
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Полтава",
            latitude: 49.35,
            longitude: 34.33
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Ростов на Дону",
            latitude: 47.14,
            longitude: 39.42
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Санкт Петербург",
            latitude: 59.56,
            longitude: 30.20
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "ст. Ленинградская",
            latitude: 46.19,
            longitude: 39.23
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Ставрополь",
            latitude: 45.02,
            longitude: 41.59
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Хмельницкий",
            latitude: 49.25,
            longitude: 28.1876
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Электросталь",
            latitude: 55.47,
            longitude: 38.26
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Нижний Тагил",
            latitude: 57.55,
            longitude: 59.58
        }, {
            zoomLevel: 5,
            scale: 0.5,
            title: "Нижний Тагил",
            latitude: 8.39,
            longitude: 115.12

map.addListener("positionChanged", updateCustomMarkers);

function updateCustomMarkers (event) {
    // get map object
    var map = event.chart;
    // go through all of the images
    for( var x in map.dataProvider.images) {
        // get MapImage object
        var image = map.dataProvider.images[x];
        // check if it has corresponding HTML element
        if ('undefined' == typeof image.externalElement)
            image.externalElement = createCustomMarker(image);

        // reposition the element accoridng to coordinates = map.latitudeToY(image.latitude) + 'px'; = map.longitudeToX(image.longitude) + 'px';

function createCustomMarker(image) {
    // create holder
    var holder = document.createElement('div');
    holder.className = 'map-marker';
    holder.title = image.title; = 'absolute';
    // maybe add a link to it?
    if (undefined != image.url) {
        holder.onclick = function() {
            window.location.href = image.url;
        holder.className += ' map-clickable';
    // create dot
    var dot = document.createElement('div');
    dot.className = 'dot';
    // create pulse
    var pulse = document.createElement('div');
    pulse.className = 'pulse';
    // append the marker to the map container
    return holder;
