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                h1 My Internet Periodic Table
h5 How I waste my time on the Internet
	.empty-spacer-2"I'm only on here to reject invitations πŸ˜‚")
			.title Li
			.description LinkedIn"Only so I don't miss out on my friends' milestones 🀷")
			.title Fb
			.description Facebook
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="Looking at amazing Dribbble πŸ€ shots and internally die from the amount of talent/skill out there")
			.title Db
			.description Dribbble
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Coming up with sassy commit messages πŸ”₯")
			.title Ct
			.description Commits
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Making custom emojis for Slack πŸ’ͺ🏻")
			.title Sl
			.description Slack"'Wikipedia Wormhole' is a thing. And it is dangerous πŸ›")
			.title Wk
			.description Wikipedia"Choosing the right playlist. (If my Spotify is working... it's always not working)")
			.title Sp
			.description Spotify"If you say something witty, it's going on my Twitter 🐦" href="" target="_blank")
			.title Tw
			.description Twitter"Professional Dota 2 Watcher right here ✌️")
			.title Tc
			.description Twitch
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Creating GitHub issues, a.k.a. tossing problems which I can solve to the frontend team")
			.title Gt
			.description GitHub
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Trying to get yarn working after an update. The main reason I toss issues to the frontend team.")
			.title Yn
			.description Yarn
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="A skill I'm trying to learn 🎨... and failing to learn πŸ˜›")
			.title Il
			.description Illustration
	a.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="Resident Designer. Keeping the diminishing flame of web design in me alive πŸ•―οΈ" href="" target="_blank")
			.title Te
			.description TellyStats
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="I just need to stop adding items and actually start doing things. Am I the only one who is still using Wunderlist? πŸ˜‚")
			.title Wu
			.description Wunderlist"I have zero cooking skills, so I watch cooking videos and never try cooking for real 🍳")
			.title Cv
			.description Cooking"Or any animal gifs, basically. πŸˆπŸ•πŸ¦ŠπŸ¦”πŸ¦‰πŸπŸ¬πŸ¦„")
			.title Dg
			.description Dog Gifs"Getting distracted by Toggl comics πŸ™ƒ" href="" target="_blank")
			.title Tg
			.description Toggl Blog
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="I google every damn thing. Including movie spoilers. While watching the movie. Yes.")
			.title Gg
			.description Google
	a.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="I like spreadsheets so I create them for the smallest reasons 🧐" href="" target="_blank")
			.title Ex
			.description Excel
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="I still StackOverflow the simplest shit 'just to be sure'. Where will we be without it ❀️")
			.title So
			.description StackOv.
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="It's very much not my job, but sometimes I stick my hand into the Coding Projects jar πŸͺ anyway")
			.title Cd
			.description Coding
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="I spend so much time on Codepen, I decided to go Pro because I felt bad πŸ’Έ")
			.title Cp
			.description Codepen
	.periodic-element.just-trying(data-description="We all have that one thing that keeps us alive πŸ›«πŸ—ΊοΈ")
			.title Tr
			.description Travel"Fuck this app. It's a terrible love-hate relationship." href="" target="_blank")
			.title In
			.description Instagram"Obsessing over musicals and stalking broadway stars is πŸ‘πŸ» not πŸ‘πŸ» a πŸ‘πŸ» crime!" href="" target="_blank")
			.title Mu
			.description Musicals"I learn memes, I make memes, I breathe memes.")
			.title Me
			.description Memes
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Battling double columns in Notion")
			.title No
			.description Notion"Oh my god. Someone please save me from this Reddit hell hole 😭")
			.title Re
			.description Reddit
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Research & Documentation nobody asks for πŸ€“πŸ“")
			.title Rd
			.description Research
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Stats. Data. Stats. Data. πŸ“Š Just lots of reporting.")
			.title St
			.description Stats
	.periodic-element.intense-work(data-description="Ads. Ads. Ads. If you've seen a Toggl ad, it was me. (Sorry)")
			.title Ad
			.description Ads
		span.legend-table__text Social Media
		span.legend-table__text Serious Work
		span.legend-table__text Personal Development
		span.legend-table__text Fun Stuff
			span &#8594; &ensp; Across the table: Importance
			span &#8595; &ensp; Down the table: Time Spent

		| I try to be productive a lot, and I fail a lot :)
		| Part of the 
		a(href="" target="_blank") CSS Grid collection here
		| .

	a(href="" target="_blank")
	a(href="" target="_blank")
	a(href="" target="_blank")


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a.periodic-element {
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.just-trying {
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                //not responsive because how do you make a responsive periodic table 😳
