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                -var legend = [{ alpha:"N", food:"Nuts"},{ alpha:"E", food:"Eggs"},{ alpha:"W", food:"Wheat"},{ alpha:"D", food:"Dairy"},{ alpha:"S", food:"Seafood"}]

- var mains = [{ name:"Red and Blue", price:"7", description:"Avocado, hot sauce, blue cheese. Spicy.", image:"toast-1.png", calories:"300", wheat:'true', dairy:'true'}, { name:"Cool, cool, cool", price:"6.5", description:"Avocado, cucumbers, scallions, various spices.", image:"toast-2.png", calories:"220", wheat:'true'}, { name:"Avocotta", price:"7.5", description:"Avocado, ricotta, eggs, lemon zest, olive oil, basil.", image:"toast-3.png", calories:"318", egg:'true', wheat:'true', dairy:'true'}, { name:"The One True Pair", price:"10.5", description:"Avocado, smoked salmon, tomatoes, capers, onions, goat cheese.", image:"toast-4.png", calories:"320", wheat:'true', dairy:'true', sea:'true'}, { name:"Fishing Trip", price:"9", description:"Avocado, anchovies, lemon juice, paprika.", image:"toast-8.png", calories:"296", wheat:'true', dairy:'true', sea:'true'}, { name:"Sweet & Spicy Like Me", price:"7.5", description:"Avocado, mangoes, lemon juice, chili powder, mint.", image:"toast-5.png", calories:"240", wheat:'true'}, { name:"Orange You Glad", price:"7", description:"Avocado, citrus fruit of the week, mint, feta cheese.", image:"toast-6.png", calories:"238", wheat:'true', dairy:'true'}, { name:"White & Green Circles", price:"6.5", description:"Avocado, radishes, baby peas, lemon juice, basil.", image:"toast-7.png", calories:"220",wheat:'true'} ]

- var sides = [{ name:"French Fries", price:"4", description:"With ketchup or mayo", calories:"425", nut:'true', egg:'true', wheat:'true', dairy:'true', sea:'true'},{ name:"Sweet Potato Fries", price:"5.5", description:"With chipotle lime dip", calories:"510", nut:'true', egg:'true', wheat:'true', dairy:'true', sea:'true'},{ name:"Hummus & Tortilla Chips", price:"5.5", calories:"333"}]

- var tarts = [{ name:"Matcha Mint", price:"6.5", description:"Item here item here item here", image:"tart-1.png", calories:"215"},{ name:"Chocoberry", price:"6", description:"Item here item here item here", image:"tart-2.png", calories:"380"},{ name:"Lemon Meringue", price:"6", description:"Item here item here item here", image:"tart-3.png", calories:"299"},{ name:"Plain Cheese Tart", price:"5", description:"Item here item here item here", image:"tart-4.png", calories:"289"},]

- var latte = [{ name:"Chai Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-chai.png", calories:"132", nut:'true'},{ name:"Turmeric Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-turmeric.png", calories:"131", nut:'true'},{ name:"Hojicha Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-hojicha.png", calories:"140", nut:'true'},{ name:"Rose Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-rose.png", calories:"156", nut:'true'},{ name:"Red Velvet Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-redvelvet.png", calories:"450", nut:'true'},{ name:"Matcha Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-matcha.png", calories:"225", nut:'true'},{ name:"Sweet Potato Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-ubi.png", calories:"445", nut:'true'},{ name:"Charcoal Latte", price:"9", image:"cof-charcoal.png", calories:"450", nut:'true'},]

		each val in ['T','O','A','S','T','Y']
			span= val
		| Open Sunday to Friday 10AM - 8PM. Closed on Mondays.
		p 880 Toast Street, Avocado, NY 23511
		p (233) 323 3444
		each val in legend
				i= val.alpha
			h3 Avocado Toasts
			each val in mains
						.item__description= val.description
						.item__price= '$' + val.price
						.item__calories= val.calories
							|  calories
							if val.nut
								span.allergen.nuts N
							if val.egg
								span.allergen.eggs E
							if val.wheat
								span.allergen.wheat W
							if val.dairy
								span.allergen.dairy D
							if val.sea
								span.allergen.sea S

			h3 Sides
			each val in sides
						if val.description
							.item__description= val.description
						.item__price= '$' + val.price
						.item__calories= val.calories
							|  calories

			h3 Tarts
			each val in tarts
						.item__price= '$' + val.price
						.item__calories= val.calories
							|  calories
			h3  Special Lattes
			each val in latte
						.item__price= '$' + val.price
						.item__calories= val.calories
							|  calories Download the menu
	p  Let's get toasty on social media!"" target="_blank")
		i.icon-social-twitter.icons"" target="_blank")
		i.icon-social-github.icons"" target="_blank")



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$orange: #e88c30;
$blue: #4030e8;
$red: #931a47;
$red-2: #ca3101;
$green: #009688;

$main: $yellow;

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		grid-column: 2;
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		font-size: 1.1rem;
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	@media (min-width: 1200px) {
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			grid-row: 1 / 4;
			border-right: 6px solid $black;
		.sides {
			grid-column: 4 / 5;
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			grid-row: 4 / 6;
			border: 6px solid $black;
			border-width: 6px 6px 0 0;
		.tarts {
			grid-column: 4 / 5;
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			align-self: flex-start;
		.menu-download {
			grid-column: 4 / 5;
			grid-row: 5 / 6;

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.sides {
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.tarts {
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                // PSA: this is the basic things your restaurant website needs, not your 100-year history and mission for Year 3000
