- var topics = [{ number: "6", title: "Editor's Note", author: "Rachel Andrew"},{ direction:"bottom-left", number: "8", title: "Towards Ethics By Default, One Step At A Time", author: "Vitaly Friedman"},{ number: "17", title: "Designing For Addiction", author: "Trine Falbe"},{ direction:"bottom-left", number: "28", title: "It's Not<br>  About You", author: "Heather Burns and Morten Rand-Hendriksen"},{ number: "35", title: "This One Weird Trick Tells Us Everything About You", author: "Laura Kalbag"},{ direction:"bottom-right", number: "46", title: "Quieting Disquiet", author: "Stuart Langridge"},{ number: "53", title: "Advertising Is Not  The Problem", author: "Cennydd Bowles"}]

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View Compiled

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