				.graph-dropdown__label Insights
					.graph-dropdown__options__main Project Profitability
						span Mar
						span.date 2018
						span Apr
						span.date 2018
						span July
						span.date 2018
							strong August 2018
								span.bullet-green ● 
								| Project Income
							.insight-total 11,015 USD
								span.bullet-yellow ● 
								| Team Cost
							.insight-total 6,200 USD
						span Aug
						span.date 2018
						span Sep
						span.date 2018

		.js-replay ► Replay animation
		| A little animation I did for 
		a(href="https://toggl.com/track-client-profitability/?utm_source=codepen" target="_blank") a Toggl landing page
		| .
		| Also part of the 
		a(href="https://codepen.io/collection/XJNKLz/" target="_blank") CSS Animations
		|  collection.
	a(href="https://twitter.com/meowlivia_" target="_blank")
	a(href="https://github.com/oliviale" target="_blank")
	a(href="https://dribbble.com/oliviale" target="_blank")
View Compiled
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View Compiled
$(document).ready(function() {

//replay button, just removing and reattaching the active class 
$('.js-replay').click(function() {
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External CSS

  1. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/simple-line-icons/2.4.1/css/simple-line-icons.min.css

External JavaScript

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