<div class="demo">
  <div class="demo__blurb">
    <p>Click any step to activate it</p>
    <p>Shrink the viewport for RWD goodness!</p>
  <ol class="progress" data-progress="0">
    <li><i>Lorem ipsum</i></li>
    <li><i>Aliquam tincidunt</i></li>
    <li><i>Vestibulum auctor</i></li>
    <li><i>Sed eos recusandae</i></li>
    <li><i>Eos dolore vero voluptas</i></li>
// Change this as needed
$max-items: 5;

$palette: (
  label-inactive: #999,
  label-active:   #666,
  track-inactive: #ccc,
  track-active:   #f00    

$dimensions: (
  track-wh: 4px,
  point-wh: 14px

$breakpoints: (
  small:  320px,
  med:    640px,
  large:  980px
@mixin mq($break:med) {
  $_d: map-get($breakpoints, $break);
  $_b: if($_d, $_d, $break);

  @media only screen and (min-width: $_b) {

@mixin label(
  $radius:   5px, 
  $arrow-wh: 5px,
  $tint:     #ccc
  ) {  
  padding:                5px 10px;
  border-radius:          $radius;
  border-top-left-radius: 0;
  background:             $tint;
  @include mq {
    border-top-left-radius: $radius;
    text-align:             center;
  &:after {
    transition:  0.5s border-color;
    content:            '';
    display:            block;
    position:           absolute;
    top:                0;
    right:              100%;
    margin-right:       -$arrow-wh;
    border:             $arrow-wh solid transparent;
    border-top-color:   $tint;
    @include mq {
      top:                 auto;
      left:                50%;
      bottom:              100%;
      right:               auto;
      margin-left:         -$arrow-wh;
      margin-right:        0;
      border-color:        transparent;
      border-bottom-color: $tint;

%progress__point {
  $_wh: map-get($dimensions, 'point-wh');
  $_xy: $_wh * -0.5;

  transition: 0.5s color;
  position:   relative;
  cursor:     pointer;
  background: transparent;

  &:after {      
    content:    '';
    display:    block;
    width:      $_wh;
    height:     $_wh;
    text-align: center;

  &:before {
    transition: 0.5s background;

    margin:        $_xy $_xy 0;
    border-radius: $_wh;
    box-shadow:    0 0 0 3px #ccc;
    background:    #fff;

  &:after {
    content:     "\2713";
    position:    absolute;
    left:        0;
    top:         0;
    width:       $_wh;
    height:      $_wh;
    margin:      $_xy $_xy;
    line-height: $_wh;
    color:       #fff;

%progress__point__label {
  $_y: map-get($dimensions, 'point-wh') / 2;
  @include label($arrow-wh: 5px, $tint: #eee);
  transition: 0.5s background;
  position:   absolute;
  width:      100px;
  margin:     -$_y 0 0 20px;
  font-style: normal;
  @include mq {
    margin: 10px 0 0 -50px;
  &:before {
    // Display the counter + non-breaking space
    counter-increment: point;
    content:           counter(point) ".\00A0";

.progress {
  $_wh: map-get($dimensions, 'track-wh');
  counter-reset: point;
  display:         flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  flex-direction:  column;
  flex:            1 0;
  position:   relative;
  margin:     auto;
  padding:    0;
  list-style: none;
  color:      map-get($palette, 'label-inactive');
  @include mq {
    flex-direction:  row;
    width: 80%;

  &:after {    
    content:    '';
    display:    block;
    position:   absolute;
    left:       $_wh * -0.5;
    top:        0;    
    z-index:    -1;
    @include mq {
      left:   0;
      top:    $_wh * -0.5;
      height: $_wh;
  &:before {    
    width:      $_wh;
    height:     100%;
    background: map-get($palette, 'track-inactive');
    @include mq {
      width:  100%;
      height: $_wh;
  &:after {
    transition: 0.5s height;
    width:      $_wh;
    background: map-get($palette, 'track-active');
    @include mq {
      transition-property: width;
  > li {
    @extend %progress__point;
    > i {
      @extend %progress__point__label;

%step-active {
  $_tint-text: map-get($palette, 'label-active');
  color: $_tint-text;

  &:before {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px $_tint-text, 0 0 0 5px #fff;

%step-visited {
  &:before {
    background: map-get($palette, 'label-active');

%step-current {
  $_tint-bg: map-get($palette, 'track-inactive');

  > i {
    background: $_tint-bg;

    &:after {
      border-top-color: $_tint-bg;

      @include mq {
        border-color:        transparent;
        border-bottom-color: $_tint-bg;

// Dynamically create styles
$steps: $max-items - 1;

@for $i from 0 to $max-items {
  $_perc:      $i / $steps * 100;

  .progress[data-progress='#{$i}'] {
    &:after {
      height: #{$_perc + '%'};

      @include mq {
        height: map-get($dimensions, 'track-wh');
        width:  #{$_perc + '%'};

    // List items <= active index 
    // (includes current list item)
    > li:nth-child(-n+#{$i + 1}) {
      @extend %step-active;
    // List items preceding active index 
    // (excludes current list item)
    > li:nth-child(-n+#{$i}) {
      @extend %step-visited;

    // Current list item _only_
    > li:nth-child(#{$i + 1}) {
      @extend %step-current;

* {
  box-sizing: inherit;  

html, body {
  height:     100vh;
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  display: flex;

.demo {
  flex:           1;
  display:        flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  position:  relative;
  height:    75%;
  margin:    auto;
  font-size: 12px;

  @include mq {
    height: auto;

.demo__blurb {
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  position:   absolute;
  left:       50%;
  bottom:     100%;
  padding:    0 0 20px;
  text-align: center;
  @include mq {
    padding:    0 0 30px;
  p {
    margin: 5px;
View Compiled
function onProgClick (event) {
  const $el = $(event.currentTarget)
  $el.parent().attr('data-progress', $el.index())

function initProgress () {
    .attr('data-progress', 2)
    .on('click', 'li', onProgClick)

$(() => setTimeout(initProgress, 1000))
View Compiled

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

  1. //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js