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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <!-- BEGIN container -->
    <div class="container">
        <!-- BEGIN canvas -->
        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
        <!-- END canvas -->
    <!-- END container -->
    <!-- BEGIN button-group -->
    <div class="button-group">
        <button type="button" class="btn js-btn" data-morph="square">Square</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn js-btn" data-morph="circle">Circle</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn js-btn" data-morph="triangle">Triangle</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn js-btn-star" data-morph="star">Star</button>
    <!-- END button-group -->


  position: relative
  height: 680px

  position: absolute
  top: 0
  left: 50%
  margin-left: -700px
  width: 1400px
  height: 680px
  position: absolute

  margin: auto
  text-align: center

  width: 150px
  height: 50px
  background: #B4E1DE
  text-align: center
  color: #77787A
  font-size: 14px
  text-transform: uppercase
  margin: 2px 0
  border: none
    background: #4BA5B2
    color: #FFF



                $(function() {
  var morph = new Morph('#canvas');
  var currentState = null;
  var currentIndex = null;
  $('.js-btn').each(function(i, el) {
    var $el = $(el);
    var state = $'morph');
    $el.on('click', function(e) {
      if (state === currentState) return;
      if (currentState === 'star') {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 800);
      } else if ( {
        var direction = (i > currentIndex) ? 'FORWARD' : 'REVERSE';
        morph.changeState(state, direction);
      } else {
      currentState = state;
      currentIndex = i;

  $('.js-btn-star').on('click', function() {
    if (currentState === 'star') return;
    if ( {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 800);
    } else {
    currentState = 'star';

var Morph = function(selector) {

  this.canvas = $(selector);
  this.paper = new paper.PaperScope();
  this.state = {
    visible: false,
    active: false,
    inProgress: false,
    standby: false,
    morph: 'circle', // 'circle', 'square', 'triangle' or 'smTriangle'
    prevMorph: null, // 'circle', 'square', 'triangle' or 'smTriangle'
    rectangle: 'initial', // 'initial', 'big', 'wide' or 'hidden'
    star: 'initial' // 'initial' or 'final'
  this.sizes = {
    circle: 510,
    square: 450,
    triangle: 580,
    smTriangle: 290
  // max of sizes
  this.morphSize = {
    x: 580,
    y: 580
  this.dur = 800; // morph animation duration
  this.fadeDur = 200;
  this.shiftY = 680;
  this.visibleClass = 'is-visible';
  this.activeClass = 'is-active';
  this.standbyScale = 0.55;

  return this;

Morph.prototype._initContent = function() {
  var _ = this,
    state = _.state;
  morphSize = _.morphSize;


  _.backGroup = new _.paper.Group();
  _.frontGroup = new _.paper.Group();
  _.starGroup = new _.paper.Group();

  _.objects = {
    paths: {
      morph: new _.paper.Path.Circle({
        center: [,],
        radius: / 2
      star: new _.paper.Path.Star({
        points: 5,
        radius1: 255,
        radius2: 255,
        fillColor: 'red'
      fill: new _.paper.Path.Rectangle({
        size: [_.paper.view.viewSize.width, _.paper.view.viewSize.height],
        fillColor: {
          gradient: {
            stops: ['#2B92A5', '#CDF0E9']
          origin: [, - / 2],
          destination: [, + / 2]
      fillStar: null // this will be a reference to a clone of _.objects.paths.fill
    raster: {
      circle: {
        pic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
        altPic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
          opacity: 0
        position: {
          x: + 111,
          y: + 92
      square: {
        pic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
        altPic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
          opacity: 0
        position: {
          x: + 29,
          y: + 102
      triangle: {
        pic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
          visible: true,
        altPic: new _.paper.Raster({
          source: '',
          opacity: 0
        position: {
          x: + 45,
          y: + 90
    other: {
      rectangle: new _.paper.Path.Rectangle({
        point: [0, 0],
        size: [513, 47],
        strokeWidth: 3,
        strokeColor: '#333',

  //setup rectange = new _.paper.Point(, _.paper.view.size.height - 64);

  // group objects
    children: [

    children: [
    clipped: true

  _.objects.paths.fillStar = _.objects.paths.fill.clone();
    children: [,
    clipped: true,
    visible: false

  // set positioning of each raster and group them
  $.each(_.objects.raster, function(index, raster) {
    raster.pic.position.x = raster.position.x + morphSize.x;
    raster.pic.position.y = raster.position.y;
    raster.altPic.position.x = raster.position.x + morphSize.x / 2;
    raster.altPic.position.y = raster.position.y;


Morph.prototype._initEvents = function() {
  var _ = this;

  _.paper.view.onFrame = function(event) {
    // TWEEN.update();

Morph.prototype._render = function() {
  var _ = this;

Morph.prototype._calcPosition = function() {
  var _ = this,
    c =,
    s = _.sizes.square,
    t = _.sizes.triangle,
    smt = _.sizes.smTriangle,

  // coordinates of vertexes for each morph state relative to
  points = {
    circle: [{
        point: 0,
        x: -c / 2,
        y: 0,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 140
      }, {
        point: 1,
        x: 0,
        y: -c / 2,
        handle: {
          x: -140,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 2,
        x: c / 2,
        y: 0,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: -140
      }, {
        point: 3,
        x: 0,
        y: c / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 140,
          y: 0
      // {x: -255, y:    0},
      // {x:    0, y: -255},
      // {x:  255, y:    0},
      // {x:    0, y:  255},
    square: [{
        point: 0,
        x: -s / 2,
        y: -s / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 1,
        x: s / 2,
        y: -s / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 2,
        x: s / 2,
        y: s / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 3,
        x: -s / 2,
        y: s / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      // {x: -225, y: -225},
      // {x:  225, y: -225},
      // {x:  225, y:  225},
      // {x: -225, y:  225},
    triangle: [{
        point: 0,
        x: -0.36207 * t / 2,
        y: 0.58621 * t / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 1,
        x: -t / 2,
        y: 0.39310 * t / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 2,
        x: 0.53448 * t / 2,
        y: -t / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      }, {
        point: 3,
        x: t / 2,
        y: t / 2,
        handle: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0
      // {x: -105, y:  170},
      // {x: -290, y:  114},
      // {x:  155, y: -290},
      // {x:  290, y:  290},
    smTriangle: [{
      point: 0,
      x: -0.36207 * smt / 2,
      y: 0.58621 * smt / 2,
      handle: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    }, {
      point: 1,
      x: -smt / 2,
      y: 0.39310 * smt / 2,
      handle: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    }, {
      point: 2,
      x: 0.53448 * smt / 2,
      y: -smt / 2,
      handle: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    }, {
      point: 3,
      x: smt / 2,
      y: smt / 2,
      handle: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    }, ]

  _.pathPosition = {
    morph: {
      circle: _._translateCoordinates(,
      square: _._translateCoordinates(points.square),
      triangle: _._translateCoordinates(points.triangle),
      smTriangle: _._translateCoordinates(points.smTriangle)
    rectangle: {
      initial: {
        center: new _.paper.Point(, _.paper.view.size.height - 64),
        size: new _.paper.Size(513, 47)
      big: {
        size: new _.paper.Size(791, 261)
      wide: {
        size: new _.paper.Size(1221, 161)
      hidden: {
        center: new _.paper.Point(, _.paper.view.size.height + 100),
        size: new _.paper.Size(513, 47)

Morph.prototype._toggleContentVisibility = function(value, onlyPictures) {
  // show or hide content (pictures and rectangle)
  // value = true/false ==> content visible/invisible
  var _ = this,
    val = typeof value != 'undefined' ? value : !; // true or false

  $.each(_.objects.raster, function(index, item) {
    item.pic.visible = val;
    item.altPic.visible = val;

  if (!onlyPictures) {
    _.objects.other.rectangle.visible = val;

Morph.prototype._changePicture = function(state, direction, duration) {
  var currentState = this._getState('morph');

  if (state == currentState) return;

  var _ = this,
    prevState = _._getState('prevMorph'),
    dur = $.isNumeric(duration) ? duration / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,

  /*### props item
  # inner/outer          - inside/outside morph path;
  # pic                  - paper raster object;
  # initPos              - position of pic before animation, relative to canvas center;
  # pos                  - position of pic/altPic after animation end, relative to canvas center;
  # opacity              - opacity for pic after animation end;
  # delay                - delay before start animation;
  props = {
    // current picture
    current: {
      inner: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[currentState].pic,
        initPos: _.objects.raster[currentState].position,
        pos: {
          x: - _.morphSize.x,
          y: _.objects.raster[currentState].position.y
        duration: dur / 2,
        delay: dur * 0.2, // ~ 150ms
        easing: Power2.easeIn,
      outer: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[currentState].altPic,
        initPos: _.objects.raster[currentState].position,
        pos: {
          x: - _.morphSize.x / 2,
          y: _.objects.raster[currentState].position.y
        duration: dur / 2,
        delay: 0,
        opacity: 0,
        easing: Power1.easeIn
    // next picture
    next: {
      inner: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].pic,
        initPos: {
          x: + _.morphSize.x,
          y: _.objects.raster[state].position.y
        pos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        duration: dur / 2,
        delay: dur / 2,
        easing: Power1.easeOut
      outer: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].altPic,
        initPos: {
          x: + _.morphSize.x / 2,
          y: _.objects.raster[state].position.y
        pos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        duration: dur / 2,
        delay: dur / 2,
        opacity: 1,
        easing: Power1.easeOut

  pics = props;

  if (direction == 'REVERSE') {
    pics.current.inner.pos.x = + _.morphSize.x;
    pics.current.outer.pos.x = + _.morphSize.x / 2; = - _.morphSize.x; = - _.morphSize.x / 2;

  // reset properties after previous transformation in other methods =; =; =; =; = 1; = 1;

  $.each(pics, function(index, item) {, item.inner.duration, {
      x: item.inner.pos.x,
      ease: item.inner.easing,
      delay: item.inner.delay
    });, item.outer.duration, {
      x: item.outer.pos.x,
      ease: item.outer.easing,
      delay: item.outer.delay
    });, item.outer.duration, {
      opacity: item.outer.opacity,
      ease: item.outer.easing,
      delay: item.outer.delay

Morph.prototype._togglePicture = function(state, duration) {
  // if state was not passed, then this method hiddes picture for active morph state,
  // otherwise he show picture for passed state
  var _ = this,
    currentState = _._getState('morph'),
    dur = $.isNumeric(duration) ? duration / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,
    easing = Linear.easeNone,

  if (typeof state == 'undefined' || state === null) {

    state = currentState;
    pics = {
      inner: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].pic,
        pos: {
          x: _.objects.raster[state].position.x,
          y: + _.morphSize.y / 3 * 2,
        initPos: _.objects.raster[state].position
      outer: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].altPic,
        pos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        initPos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        initOpacity: 1,
        initScaling: {
          x: 1,
          y: 1
        opacity: 0,
        scaling: {
          x: 0.2,
          y: 0.2
        // delay: 100,
        delay: 0.1

    // console.log('%c' + 'Hide picture:' + ' => ' + state, 'background:lightblue');

  } else {

    pics = {
      inner: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].pic,
        initPos: {
          x: _.objects.raster[state].position.x,
          y: + _.morphSize.y / 3 * 2,
        pos: _.objects.raster[state].position
      outer: {
        pic: _.objects.raster[state].altPic,
        initPos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        pos: _.objects.raster[state].position,
        initOpacity: 0,
        initScaling: {
          x: 0.2,
          y: 0.2
        opacity: 1,
        scaling: {
          x: 1,
          y: 1
        // delay: 100,
        delay: 0.1

    // console.log('%c' + 'Show picture:' + ' => ' + state, 'background:lightblue');


  // setup pictures initial state
  pics.inner.pic.position.x = pics.inner.initPos.x;
  pics.inner.pic.position.y = pics.inner.initPos.y;
  pics.outer.pic.position.x = pics.outer.initPos.x;
  pics.outer.pic.position.y = pics.outer.initPos.y;
  pics.outer.pic.opacity = pics.outer.initOpacity;
  pics.outer.pic.scale(pics.outer.initScaling.x, _.objects.paths.morph.bounds.topCenter);

  // translate picture inside morph object, dur, {
    x: pics.inner.pos.x,
    y: pics.inner.pos.y,
    ease: easing

  // scale picture outside morph object, dur, {
    x: pics.outer.scaling.x,
    y: pics.outer.scaling.y,
    ease: easing

  // fade in picture outside morph object, dur, {
    opacity: pics.outer.opacity,
    ease: easing,
    delay: pics.outer.delay

  // translate picture outside morph object, dur, {
    x: pics.outer.pos.x,
    y: pics.outer.pos.y,
    ease: easing

Morph.prototype._morph = function(state, dur) {

  var currentState = this._getState('morph');

  if (state == currentState) return;

  var _ = this,
    duration = $.isNumeric(dur) ? dur / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,
    easing = Sine.easeOut,
    morphPath = _.objects.paths.morph,
    segments = morphPath.segments,
    prevPoints = _.pathPosition.morph[currentState],
    points = _.pathPosition.morph[state];

  _._updateState('inProgress', true);

  $.each(segments, function(index, segment) {, duration, {
      x: points[index].x,
      y: points[index].y,
      ease: easing

    if (currentState == 'circle' || state == 'circle') {, duration, {
        x: points[index].handle.x,
        y: points[index].handle.y,
        ease: easing,
      });, duration, {
        x: -points[index].handle.x,
        y: -points[index].handle.y,
        ease: easing,

  _._updateState('prevMorph', currentState);
  _._updateState('morph', state);

  setTimeout(function() {
    _._updateState('inProgress', false);
  }, duration);

  // console.log('%c' + 'State change: ' + currentState + ' => ' + state, 'background:yellow');

Morph.prototype._morphRectangle = function(state, duration, delay) {
  var prevState = this._getState('rectangle');

  if (state == prevState) return;

  var _ = this,
    rect = _.objects.other.rectangle,
    prevPos = _.pathPosition.rectangle[prevState],
    pos = _.pathPosition.rectangle[state],
    easing = Power2.easeOut,
    dur = $.isNumeric(duration) ? duration / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,
    del = $.isNumeric(delay) ? delay / 1000 : 0;

  // change rectange size
  TweenMax.fromTo(rect.bounds.size, dur, {
    width: prevPos.size.width,
    height: prevPos.size.height,
  }, {
    width: pos.size.width,
    height: pos.size.height,
    ease: easing,
    delay: del

  // change rectange position
  TweenMax.fromTo(rect.position, dur, {
  }, {
    ease: easing,
    delay: del

  _._updateState('rectangle', state);

Morph.prototype._updateState = function(name, state) {
  this.state[name] = state;

Morph.prototype._getState = function(name) {
  if (name && this.state.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    return this.state[name];
  } else {
    return this.state;

Morph.prototype._translateCoordinates = function(pointsArray) {
  var _ = this,
    arr = pointsArray;
  $.each(arr, function(index, value) {
    value.x +=;
    value.y +=;
  return arr;

Morph.prototype._fade = function(duration) {
  var _ = this,
    visible = _._getState('visible'),
    tl = new TimelineLite();
  dur = $.isNumeric(duration) ? duration / 1000 : _.fadeDur / 1000;

    .to(_.canvas, dur, {
      autoAlpha: visible ? 0 : 1,
      ease: Linear.easeNone
    .add(function() {
    }, visible ? 'endFade' : 'beginFade')
    .add(function() {
      _._updateState('visible', !visible);

Morph.prototype.init = function() {
  this._toggleContentVisibility(false, false); //make pictures invisible
  return this;

Morph.prototype.changeState = function(state, direction, duration) {
  this._changePicture(state, direction, duration);
  this._morph(state, duration);

Morph.prototype.activate = function(state, delay) {
  var active = this._getState('active');

  if (active) return;

  var _ = this,
    timeout = delay || _.fadeDur; // delay in milliseconds between visible state and activating

  // _._fade();

  setTimeout(function() {
    _._toggleContentVisibility(true, true); // make pictures visible
    _._updateState('active', true);
  }, timeout);

Morph.prototype.deactivate = function() {
  var active = this._getState('active');

  if (!active) return;

  var _ = this;


  setTimeout(function() {
    // _._fade();
    _._toggleContentVisibility(false, true); // make pictures invisible
  }, _.dur);

  _._updateState('active', false);

Morph.prototype.moveDown = function(duration) {
  if (this._getState('active')) return;
  var _ = this,
    tl = new TimelineLite(),
    dur = duration || _.dur; // seconds

    .addLabel('fadeIn', _.fadeDur / 1000)
    .add(function() {
    .add(function() {
      // _._morph('smTriangle', dur);
      _.morphStar('final', dur);
    }, 'fadeIn')
    .to(_.canvas, dur / 1000, {
      y: _.shiftY
    }, 'fadeIn');

Morph.prototype.moveBack = function(duration) {
  if (this._getState('active')) return;
  var _ = this,
    tl = new TimelineLite(),
    dur = duration || _.dur; // seconds

    .add(function() {
      // _._morph('circle', dur);
      _.morphStar('initial', dur);
    .to(_.canvas, dur / 1000, {
      y: 0
    .add(function() {
    .add(function() {
    }, '+=0.2');

Morph.prototype.initStandby = function(state) {
  var _ = this,
    prevObj = _.objects.raster[_.state.morph],
    obj = _.objects.raster[state],
    prevPic = prevObj.pic,
    prevAltPic = prevObj.altPic,
    pic = obj.pic,
    altPic = obj.altPic;

  _._toggleContentVisibility(true, true);
  if (!_.state.visible) _._fade(0);

  prevPic.position.x = prevAltPic.position.x = 3000;

  pic.position.x = altPic.position.x = obj.position.x;
  pic.position.y = altPic.position.y = obj.position.y;

  _._morph(state, 0);
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 0);

Morph.prototype.toStandby = function(animDur, cb) {
  if (this.state.inProgress) return;

  var _ = this,
    morph = _.objects.paths.morph,
    image = _.objects.raster[_.state.morph].altPic,
    frontGroup = _.frontGroup,
    dur = $.isNumeric(animDur) ? animDur / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,
    ease1 = Back.easeOut.config(1),
    ease2 = Power1.easeIn,
    tl = new TimelineLite();

  _._updateState('inProgress', true);

    .add(function() {
      _._morphRectangle('wide', animDur);
    }, '+=0.2')
    .to(morph.scaling, dur, {
      x: _.standbyScale,
      y: _.standbyScale,
      ease: ease1,
      delay: dur / 2
    }, 0)
    .to(image.scaling, dur / 2, {
      x: 0.3,
      y: 0.3,
      ease: ease2
    }, 0)
    .to(image, dur / 2, {
      opacity: 0,
      ease: ease2
    }, 0)
    .to(frontGroup, dur / 2, {
      opacity: 0,
      ease: ease2
    .add(function() {
      _._updateState('standby', false);
      _._updateState('inProgress', false);
      if (typeof cb == 'function') cb();

Morph.prototype.fromStandby = function(animDur, cb) {
  if (this.state.inProgress) return;

  var _ = this,
    morph = _.objects.paths.morph,
    image = _.objects.raster[_.state.morph].altPic,
    frontGroup = _.frontGroup,
    dur = $.isNumeric(animDur) ? animDur / 1000 : _.dur / 1000,
    ease1 = Back.easeIn.config(1.4),
    ease2 = Power1.easeOut,
    tl = new TimelineLite();

  _._updateState('inProgress', true);

    .add(function() {
      _._morphRectangle('big', animDur);
    }, '+=0.2')
    .to(frontGroup, 0, {
      opacity: 1,
      ease: ease2
    }, 0)
    .to(morph.scaling, dur, {
      x: 1,
      y: 1,
      ease: ease1
    }, 0)
    .to(image.scaling, dur / 2, {
      x: 1,
      y: 1,
      ease: ease2,
      delay: dur
    }, 0)
    .to(image, dur / 2, {
      opacity: 1,
      ease: ease2,
      delay: dur
    }, 0)
    .add(function() {
      _._updateState('standby', true);
      _._updateState('inProgress', false);
      if (typeof cb == 'function') cb();

Morph.prototype.fadeFrontGroup = function(opacity, fadeDur) {
  var _ = this,
    dur = $.isNumeric(fadeDur) ? fadeDur / 1000 : _.fadeDur / 1000,
    value = $.isNumeric(opacity) ? opacity : 1;, dur, {
    opacity: value,
    ease: Linear.easeNone

Morph.prototype._initStar = function() {
  var _ = this;
  var initialValues = [];
  var finalValues = [];
  var initStar =;
  var targetStar = new _.paper.Path.Star({
    points: 5,
    radius1: 72,
    radius2: 190,


  function buildArray(starObj, arr) {
    $.each(starObj.segments, function(index, segment) {
        point: index,
        x: segment.point.x,
        y: segment.point.y,
        handleIn: {
          x: segment.handleIn.x,
          y: segment.handleIn.y
        handleOut: {
          x: segment.handleOut.x,
          y: segment.handleOut.y

  buildArray(initStar, initialValues);
  buildArray(targetStar, finalValues); = {
    initial: initialValues,
    final: finalValues


Morph.prototype.morphStar = function(state, dur) {
  var _ = this;
  var currentState = _._getState('star');
  var duration = $.isNumeric(dur) ? dur / 1000 : _.dur / 1000;
  var easing = Sine.easeOut;
  var prevPoints =[currentState];
  var points =[state];

  if (currentState == state) return;

  $.each(, function(index, segment) {, duration, {
      x: points[index].x,
      y: points[index].y,
      ease: easing
    });, duration, {
      x: points[index].handleIn.x,
      y: points[index].handleIn.y,
      ease: easing
    });, duration, {
      x: points[index].handleOut.x,
      y: points[index].handleOut.y,
      ease: easing

  _._updateState('star', state);

Morph.prototype.toggleMorphToStar = function() {
  var _ = this;
  _.frontGroup.visible = !_.frontGroup.visible;
  _.starGroup.visible = !_.starGroup.visible;
