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                <div id="app">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>



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                Vue.component('stories', {
	`<div class="stories">
		<div class="story" v-for="story in stories">
			<img class="story-user__image" :src="story.image">
			<p class="story-user__name" v-html=""></p>
	data: function () {
		return {
			stories: [
				{name: "User 1", image:""},
				{name: "User 2", image:""},
				{name: "User 3", image:""},
				{name: "User 4", image:""},
				{name: "User 5", image:""},
				{name: "User 6", image:""},
				{name: "User 7", image:""},

Vue.component('instagram-footer', {
	template: `
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Vue.component('instagram-header', {
	template: `

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		  	<div>Message Count</div>
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	  		<div>Watch All</div>

Vue.component('posts', {
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					<svg class="svg svg--save" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
						<use xlink:href="#download"></use>
				<div class="post__likes">
					<p>{{ post.likes }} likes</p>
				<div class="post__name" v-html=""></div>
				<div class="post__status" v-html="post.status"></div>
				<div class="post__comments">
					<p v-for="comment in post.comments">
						<span class="post-comment__name">{{ }}</span>
						{{ comment.text }}
				<div class="post__time" v-html="post.time"></div>
	data: function () {
		return {
			posts: [
					user: { 
						name: "Name 1",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "2 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""
					user: { 
						name: "Name 2",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "3 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""
					user: { 
						name: "Name 3",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "4 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""
					user: { 
						name: "Name 4",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "4 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""
					user: { 
						name: "Name 5",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "4 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""
					user: { 
						name: "Name 6",
						image: ""
					location: "Middlesbrough, UK",
					status: "Example Status",
					time: "4 Days Ago",
					comments: [
						{name: "Name", text: "Comment"}
					likes: 4300,
					image: ""

const Home = {

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9.94s.026-15.998.049-22.067c.01-2.289-1.56-3.052-2.034-3.19-2.13-.618-6.33-1.651-8.112-1.651-2.2 0-2.738 1.228-2.738 3.02 0 .235-.347 21.063-.347 35.627 0 .633 0 1.323.003 2.057-1.216 6.694-5.161 15.78-9.451 15.78-4.296 0-6.322-3.798-6.322-21.161 0-10.129.304-14.534.453-21.86.087-4.22.255-7.46.245-8.195-.032-2.255-3.93-3.392-5.745-3.812-1.823-.423-3.407-.588-4.644-.517-1.751.1-2.99 1.247-2.99 2.827 0 .848.01 2.458.01 2.458-2.255-3.544-5.882-6.01-8.295-6.725-6.5-1.93-13.282-.22-18.398 6.939-4.066 5.687-6.517 12.13-7.482 21.385-.705 6.767-.475 13.628.779 19.431-1.515 6.548-4.326 9.23-7.405 9.23-4.47 0-7.71-7.294-7.334-19.912.248-8.299 1.909-14.123 3.724-22.549.774-3.592.145-5.472-1.432-7.274-1.447-1.653-4.53-2.498-8.96-1.46-3.156.741-7.669 1.538-11.798 2.15 0 0 .25-.995.454-2.747 1.074-9.19-8.913-8.445-12.1-5.51-1.901 1.753-3.196 3.82-3.687 7.536-.78 5.898 4.03 8.68 4.03 8.68-1.577 7.224-5.446 16.66-9.44 23.483-2.139 3.655-3.775 6.364-5.888 9.243a1388.103 1388.103 0 0 1 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3.537.092 7.663.442 9.467.348 1.806.913 3.276 1.611 4.15.699.873 1.506 1.54 2.837 1.814 1.239.255 8.023 1.126 8.376-1.466.422-3.108.439-6.468 4.001-19.002C75.89 58.072 83.12 48.552 86.52 45.17c.595-.59 1.273-.626 1.24.341-.144 4.278-.655 14.97-.998 24.05-.921 24.305 3.5 28.81 9.819 28.81 4.834 0 11.648-4.803 18.952-16.961a4280.74 4280.74 0 0 0 12.153-20.36c2.213 2.049 4.698 4.254 7.18 6.61 5.77 5.476 7.664 10.68 6.407 15.616-.96 3.773-4.581 7.662-11.024 3.883-1.878-1.103-2.68-1.956-4.568-3.199-1.014-.667-2.563-.867-3.492-.167-2.412 1.818-3.792 4.132-4.58 6.996-.766 2.787 2.025 4.26 4.919 5.549 2.491 1.109 7.846 2.114 11.26 2.228 13.305.445 23.964-6.424 31.384-24.143 1.328 15.303 6.98 23.962 16.801 23.962 6.566 0 13.149-8.487 16.028-16.836.826 3.403 2.05 6.363 3.63 8.866 7.567 11.99 22.247 9.41 29.621-.772 2.28-3.146 2.627-4.276 2.627-4.276 1.076 9.613 8.818 12.972 13.25 12.972 4.965 0 10.09-2.347 13.683-10.435.421.878.881 1.717 1.383 2.511 7.567 11.99 22.248 9.41 29.622-.772.348-.478.65-.91.913-1.3l.216 6.315-6.789 6.227c-11.38 10.43-20.024 18.34-20.66 27.553-.81 11.747 8.712 16.113 15.926 16.685 7.647.607 14.208-3.621 18.234-9.538 3.544-5.209 5.864-16.419 5.693-27.49-.067-4.434-.18-10.071-.267-16.114 3.995-4.639 8.496-10.503 12.64-17.365 4.516-7.479 9.356-17.523 11.834-25.34 0 0 4.205.037 8.693-.257 1.435-.094 1.848.2 1.582 1.251-.32 1.272-5.67 21.905-.787 35.65 3.341 9.41 10.874 12.436 15.34 12.436 5.229 0 10.23-3.948 12.91-9.81.324.653.661 1.285 1.03 1.87 7.567 11.99 22.196 9.393 29.622-.773 1.676-2.294 2.627-4.276 2.627-4.276 1.593 9.95 9.331 13.023 13.763 13.023 4.616 0 8.998-1.893 12.552-10.304.15 3.704.383 6.732.752 7.686.225.585 1.537 1.317 2.491 1.671 4.224 1.566 8.53.826 10.124.504 1.104-.224 1.965-1.11 2.083-3.396.31-6.005.12-16.094 1.94-23.593 3.055-12.583 5.906-17.464 7.258-19.88.757-1.355 1.61-1.578 1.641-.145.064 2.9.208 11.413 1.392 22.853.87 8.412 2.03 13.385 2.923 14.96 2.548 4.5 5.693 4.713 8.255 4.713 1.63 0 5.038-.45 4.733-3.314-.149-1.396.111-10.024 3.124-22.421 1.967-8.096 5.247-15.41 6.43-18.085.437-.986.64-.209.632-.057-.249 5.575-.808 23.811 1.463 33.785 3.08 13.511 11.986 15.023 15.09 15.023 6.626 0 12.045-5.04 13.87-18.302.44-3.192-.211-5.656-2.162-5.656z"/></g></symbol><symbol id="paper-plane" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M464 4.3L16 262.7C-7 276-4.7 309.9 19.8 320L160 378v102c0 30.2 37.8 43.3 56.7 20.3l60.7-73.8 126.4 52.2c19.1 7.9 40.7-4.2 43.8-24.7l64-417.1C515.7 10.2 487-9 464 4.3zM192 480v-88.8l54.5 22.5L192 480zm224-30.9l-206.2-85.2 199.5-235.8c4.8-5.6-2.9-13.2-8.5-8.4L145.5 337.3 32 290.5 480 32l-64 417.1z"/></symbol><symbol id="play" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M424.4 214.7L72.4 6.6C43.8-10.3 0 6.1 0 47.9V464c0 37.5 40.7 60.1 72.4 41.3l352-208c31.4-18.5 31.5-64.1 0-82.6zm-16.2 55.1l-352 208C45.6 483.9 32 476.6 32 464V47.9c0-16.3 16.4-18.4 24.1-13.8l352 208.1c10.5 6.2 10.5 21.4.1 27.6z"/></symbol><symbol id="plus-square" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M400 64c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 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const routes = [
	{path:'/', component: Home},

const router = new VueRouter({
	routes // short for `routes: routes`

const application = new Vue({
