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%Capo V fret:%
%Verse 1:%
[AM]You hang your head in m[E]isery
[DM]Your eyes say that you're [AM]no longer free
I know you hide behind those c[E]louds of despair
[DM]I'm just some one who came [AM]to show he cares
[C/G]Come on wake up don't be a[EM]fraid
[DM]We can find what you lost on the [G]way
[C/G]Come on wake up there's no s[EM]hame
[DM]In being to weak [E]to fight the pain
It's a [F]good life even when hope is fo[C/G]rsaken
Even when your heart is br[G]eaking
Never forget it's worth s[AM]aving
Never forget it's a g[F]ood life
Seeing the sun on the [C/G]tree line
Feeling the breeze on a w[E]arm night
Holding the hand of l[F]ove
%Verse 2:%
[AM]Happiness is not m[E]ade of gold
[DM]It's made of memories only [AM]you and I hold
If you can hear me then a[E]nswer the call
[DM]I'll just sit here 'till you're st[AM]rong enough to talk
[C/G]Come on wake up don't be a[EM]fraid
[DM]We can find what you lost on the [G]way
[C/G]Come on wake up don't slip a[EM]way
[DM]You were once the one who h[E]elped me find my way
It's a [F]good life even when hope is fo[C/G]rsaken
Even when your heart is br[G]eaking
Never forget it's worth s[AM]aving
Never forget it's a g[F]ood life
Seeing the sun on the [C/G]tree line
Feeling the breeze on a w[G]arm night
Holding the hand of l[AM]ove
Never forget it's a [F]good life
I know you can turn it a[C/G]round
Just make for the break in the cl[G]ouds
I'll wait for you [AM]there - don't you know
It's a [F]good life even when hope is fo[C/G]rsaken
Even when your heart is br[G]eaking
Never forget it's worth s[AM]aving
Never forget it's a g[F]ood life
Seeing the sun on the [C/G]tree line
Feeling the breeze on a [E]warm night
Holding the hand of l[F]ove
[C/G]Come on wake up don't be af[EM]raid
[DM]We can find what you lost on the [G]way [C/G]
{Am} {E} {Dm} {Am} {Em} [cchord id="c_g"] {G} {F}




