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%Capo: I fret%
[AM] [C] [F] [E!(x4)]
%Verse 1:%
A [AM]poetic genius is so[C]mething I don't see
[F]Why would a genius be tr[E]ippin’ on me?
And he’s l[AM]ooking at me now but what [C]he can't see
Is that I'm loo[F]king through his eyes
So many l[E]ies behind his eyes
And tell me st[AM]ories from your past
And sing me s[C]ongs you wrote before
I tell you th[F]is my Poison Prince
You'll soon be kn[E]ockin’ on Heaven’s door [E7]
Some kinda Po[AM]ison Prince with your e[C]yes in a daze
Some kinda P[F]oison Prince your li[E]fe is like a maze
And what [AM]we all want and what w[C]e all crave
Is an up[F]beat song so that we can d[E]ance the n[E7]ight away
[AM] [C] [F] [E!(x2)]
%Verse 2:%
[AM]Oh who said life was easy? [C]Who said life was fair?
[F]Who said nobody gives a damn and n[E]obody even cares
The w[AM]ay you're acting now like you [C]left that all behind
You've g[F]iven up, you've given in,
Another [E]sucker of that slime [E7]
Some kinda Po[AM]ison Prince with your e[C]yes in a daze
Some kinda P[F]oison Prince your li[E]fe is like a maze
And what [AM]we all want and what w[C]e all crave
Is an up[F]beat song so that we can d[E]ance the n[E7]ight away
[AM] [C] [F] [E!(x2)]
Some kinda Po[AM]ison Prince with your e[C]yes in a daze
Some kinda P[F]oison Prince your li[E]fe is like a maze
And what [AM]we all want and what w[C]e all crave
Is an up[F]beat song so that we can d[E]ance the n[E7]ight aw[AM]ay
{Am} {C} {F} {E} {E7}




