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%Intro (x2):%
[EM] [BM7]
%Verse 1:%
[EM]Black Pontiac with a pocket of cash
[!]Foot on the gas ready and throwin up
A [BM7]little dust like a pick up does in
[!]The mud but ain't nobody slowin us
D[AM7]own. Right n[C]ow
%Verse 2:%
She said I n[EM]eed a little something
[!]With some get up and go and nobody
Knows how to get me going qui[BM7]te
[!]Like ya do when ya doin the things
[!]That you do let's give this sleepy
Podunk t[AM7]own something to t[C]alk about
We went t[EM]ail lights fadin from some
Blue lights chasin cut a p[G]ath throu
The corn off co[D]unty road 44[EM]
Tore up a fence[C]. Jumpin a ditch[G]
Felt so good I d[D]idn't want it to end
%Verse 3:%
So we went l[EM]ookin for a dive just to
[!]Kill some time let the hear cool off.
We could do us some dancin [BM7]didn't
[!]Take long just a couple a songs
[!]You know it's last call
When the law came walkin [AM7]in
We went t[EM]ail lights fadin from some
Blue lights chasin cut a p[G]ath throu
The corn off co[D]unty road 44[EM]
Tore up a fence[C]. Jumpin a ditch[G]
Felt so good I d[D]idn't want it to end
So we went r[EM]ockin to the radio
[C]Foggin up the windows t[G]aillights off.
In a [D]spot nobody else [EM]kn[C]ow[G]s[D]
We went t[EM]ail lights fadin from some
Blue lights chasin cut a p[G]ath throu
The corn off co[D]unty road 44[EM]
Tore up a fence[C]. Jumpin a ditch[G]
Felt so good I d[D]idn't want it to end
%Verse 4:%
[EM]Black Pontiac with a pocket of cash
[!]Foot on the gas ready and throwin
Up a l[BM7]ittle dust like a pick up does
[!]In the mud but ain't nobody slowin
Us d[AM7]own right n[C]ow
{Em} [cchord id="bm7"] {Am7} {C} {G} {D}




