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%Intro (x2):%
[G] [BM] [C] [D]
%Verse 1:%
[G]Go take this th[BM]e wro[C]ng way[D]
You kne[EM(v2)]w who I wa[D]s every [BM]step th[C]at I ran to you
[G]Only blu[BM]e or b[C]lack days[D]
Electin[EM(v2)]g strange [D]perfections in [BM]any strang[C]er I choose
[!][C7]Would things be [BM7]easier if there was a right wa[EM7]y
[DM7]Honey there is no [C7]right way
%Chorus (x4):%
And so I [G]fall in love just a little [BM]oh a little [C]bit
every day with so[D]meone new
%Verse 2:%
[G]There's an art to [BM]life's d[C]istractions[D]
To some[EM(v2)]how escape the b[D]urning wait the [BM]art of scrap[C]ing through
[G]Some like [BM]to ima[C]gine[D]
The dar[EM(v2)]k caress of someon[D]e else I guess [BM]any thrill w[C]ill do
[!][C7]Would things be [BM7]easier if there was a right wa[EM7]y
[DM7]Honey there is no [C7]right way
%Chorus (x4):%
And so I [G]fall in love just a little [BM]oh a little [C]bit
every day with so[D]meone new
%Bridge 2:%
[AM]I wake at the first cringe of [EM]morning
[!][C7]And [B7]my heart's already [EM]sinned.
[C7]How pure, sweet a l[B7]ove Aretha[EM], that you would pray for him
%Bridge 3 (x2):%
Cos God knows [AM7]I fall in love just a little oh a little bit
[!]every day with someone new
Cos God knows [EM]I fall in love just a little oh a little bit
[!]every day with someone new
%Bridge 4:%
Cos God knows [AM7]I fall in love just a little oh a little bit
[!]every day with someone new
Cos God knows [BM]I fall in love just a little oh a little bit [D]every day
%Bridge 5 (x6):%
[G]Love with every [BM]stranger [C]the stranger the be[D]tter
%Chorus (x3):%
[G]I fall in love just a [BM]little ol' little [C]bit every day with s[D]omeone new
[G]I fall in love just a [BM]little ol' little [C]bit every day with someone new
[cchord id="g_2p"] {Bm} [cchord id="dm7_3p"] {Am} {Am7} [cchord id="c"] [cchord id="d"] [cchord id="em_v2"] [cchord id="c7"] [cchord id="b7"] [cchord id="bm7"] {Em} [cchord id="em7_p4"]




