<div class="wrapper">

	<h2><strong>All Games<span>( 4 )</span></strong></h2>

	<div class="cards">

		<figure class="card">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/dpDJZ2b/1.jpg" />

			<figcaption>Dota 2</figcaption>


		<figure class="card">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/X7nQxgj/2.jpg" />

			<figcaption>Stick Fight</figcaption>


		<figure class="card">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/FqTvB96/3.jpg" />

			<figcaption>Minion Masters</figcaption>


		<figure class="card">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/4P0CDKX/4.jpg" />




	<h2><strong>What's new?</strong></h2>

	<div class="news">

		<figure class="article">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/PtsYP7s/news1.jpg" />


				<h3>New Item</h3>


					In today’s update, two heads are better than one, and three heads are better than that, as the all-new Flockheart’s Gamble Arcana item for Ogre Magi makes its grand debut.




		<figure class="article">

			<img src="https://i.ibb.co/d42tNBK/news2.png" />




					Just in time for Lunar New Year and the Rat’s time in the cyclical place of honor, the Treasure of Unbound Majesty is now available.





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View Compiled

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