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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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                <div id="two"></div>


                html, body {
  height: 100%;
  background: #151644;
  overflow: hidden;

canvas {
  position: absolute;
  margin: auto;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  background: #151644;
  transform: rotate(45deg);
  border-radius: 50%;


                // Feel free to change these five variables, everything should still work as long as you don't change them _too_ much!

// integer; size of each cell
var unitsize = 2;
// integer; number of cells per side
var s = 80;
// integer; number of cells to try and find a home for each frame;
var growthRate = 15;
// k1: [1 : 100] initial percentage concentration of cells on the grid
var k1 = 60;
// k2: number of seed cells
var k2 = 100;

// Basic explanation of how this works: each tick, a random cell will be picked. If that cell is of the 'mobile' / k1 type, it will move to a nearby (8-directional) spot. If that new spot is adjacent to a 'fixed' / k2 type cell, the cell that just moved will become fixed + get a color based on the fixed cell it latched onto.

var rs = [];

// max value
var q = 14;

var k1abs = (k1 / 100) * (s * s);

var numCols = s;
var numRows = s;

// Create an instance of Two.js
var elem = document.getElementById('two');
var two = new Two({type: Two.Types.canvas, width: (numCols * unitsize) + unitsize * .5, height: (numRows * unitsize) + unitsize * .5 }).appendTo(elem);

var arrLen = numRows * numCols;
var used = 0;

var radius = s / 2 * unitsize;
var xc = radius;
var yc = radius;

function isOutside(x1, y1) {
  return Math.pow(x1 - xc, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - yc, 2) > Math.pow(radius, 2);

var colors = [

// neighbor-finding functions
function ne(i, top, right) {
  if (top && right) {
    return rs[arrLen - numCols];
  } else if (top) {
    return rs[i + 1 + ((numRows - 1) * numCols)];
  } else if (right) {
    return rs[i - (numCols * 2) + 1];
  } else {
    return rs[i - numCols + 1];

function nw(i, top, left) {
  if (top && left) {
    return rs[arrLen - 1];
  } else if (top) {
    return rs[((numRows - 1) * numCols) + i - 1];
  } else if (left) {
    return rs[i - 1];
  } else {
    return rs[i - numCols - 1];

function se(i, bottom, right) {
  if (bottom && right) {
    return rs[0];
  } else if (bottom) {
    return rs[i - (numCols * (numRows - 1)) + 1];
  } else if (right) {
    return rs[i + 1];
  } else {
    return rs[i + numCols + 1];

function sw(i, bottom, left) {
  if (bottom && left) {
    return rs[numCols -1];
  } else if (bottom) {
    return rs[i - ((numRows - 1) * numCols) - 1];
  } else if (left) {
    return rs[i+ (2 * numCols) - 1];
  } else {
    return rs[i + numCols - 1];

// Constructor for each square in the grid
function Pt(x, y, unitsize, i) {
  // Initial setup for each square
  this.setup = () => {
    this.r = two.makeRectangle(x, y, unitsize, unitsize);
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.isTop = (this.y - (.5 * unitsize)  == 0);
    this.isBot = (this.y == (unitsize * numRows) - (.5 * unitsize));
    this.isLef = (this.x == 0 + (.5 * unitsize));
    this.isRig = (this.x == (unitsize * numCols) - (.5 * unitsize));
    // Random initial state for each square
    this.state = 0;
    this.type = false;
    this.r.fill = "#000";

  // Store the 8 neighbors of each cell
  this.findNeighbors = () => {
    this.n = this.isTop ? rs[i + arrLen - numCols] : rs[i - numCols];
    this.s = this.isBot ? rs[i - arrLen + numCols] : rs[i + numCols];
    this.e = this.isRig ? rs[i - numCols + 1] : rs[i + 1];
    this.w = this.isLef ? rs[i + numCols - 1] : rs[i - 1]; = ne(i, this.isTop, this.isRig);
    this.nw = nw(i, this.isTop, this.isLef); = se(i, this.isBot, this.isRig);
    this.sw = sw(i, this.isBot, this.isLef);
    this.neighbors = [this.n, this.s, this.e, this.w,, this.nw,, this.sw];

  // Find the average state for the neighborhood (this square + the 8 around it)
  this.avg = () => {
    return (this.state + this.n.state + + this.e.state + + this.s.state + this.sw.state + this.w.state + this.nw.state) / 9;

for (var y = 0; y < numCols; y++) {
  for (var x = 0; x < numRows; x++) {
    rs.push(new Pt(unitsize * x + (.5 * unitsize), unitsize * y + (.5 * unitsize), unitsize, rs.length));

for (var i = 0, l = rs.length; i < l; i++) {
  rs[i].r.fill = colors[0];

var kCells = [];

while (kCells.length < k1abs + k2) {
  var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * rs.length);
  if (kCells.indexOf(ind) === -1) {

for (var i = 0; i < k1abs + k2; i++) {
  if (i < k1abs) {
    rs[kCells[i]].type = 'mobile';
    rs[kCells[i]].state = 1;
    rs[kCells[i]].r.fill = colors[0];
  } else { // k2, seed cell/s
    rs[kCells[i]].type = 'fixed';
    rs[kCells[i]].state = q;
    rs[kCells[i]].r.fill = colors[q - 2];

function fixedNeighbors(neighb) {
  return neighb.type === 'fixed';
function emptyNeighbors(neighb) {
  return !(neighb.type);

function reset() {
  for (var i = 0, l = rs.length; i < l; i++) {
    rs[i].state = 0;
    rs[i].type = false;
    rs[i].r.fill = colors[0];
  var kCells = [];

  while (kCells.length < k1abs + k2) {
    var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * rs.length);
    if (kCells.indexOf(ind) === -1) {

  for (var i = 0; i < k1abs + k2; i++) {
    if (i < k1abs) {
      rs[kCells[i]].type = 'mobile';
      rs[kCells[i]].state = 1;
      rs[kCells[i]].r.fill = colors[0];
    } else { // k2, seed cell/s
      rs[kCells[i]].type = 'fixed';
      rs[kCells[i]].state = q;
      rs[kCells[i]].r.fill = colors[q - 2];

  used = 0;

var resetCounter = 0;

// The animation loop
two.bind('update', function(frameCount, timeDelta) {
for (var i = 0; i < growthRate; i++) {
  var loc = rs[Math.floor(Math.random() * arrLen)];
  if (loc.type === 'mobile') {
    let fixedNeighb = loc.neighbors.find(fixedNeighbors);
    if (fixedNeighb) {
      used += 1;
      loc.type = "fixed";
      loc.state = Math.min(fixedNeighb.state - 1);
      if (loc.state < 1) {
        loc.state = 0;
        loc.type = false;
        loc.r.fill = colors[0];
      } else {
        loc.r.fill = colors[loc.state - 1];
    } else {
      let availNeighbs = loc.neighbors.filter(emptyNeighbors);
      if (availNeighbs.length) {
        let target = availNeighbs[Math.floor(Math.random() * availNeighbs.length)];
        //console.log('moving, target is', target);
        if (target) {
          target.state = loc.state;
          target.type = loc.type;
          target.r.fill = loc.r.fill;
        loc.state = 0;
        loc.type = false;
        loc.r.fill = colors[0];
if (used == k1abs) {
  resetCounter = 0;
